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Osnovna škola Julija Kempfa Požega

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Prikazani događaji



Dr. Franje Tuđmana 2, 34000 Požega

OIB: 66604281111

Matični broj: 3351092


Telefon: 034 273 799

Fax: 034 312 826


511 – Tajnica

512 – Ravnateljica (272 046)

513 – Zbornica

514 – Pedagog

515 – Računovodstvo

516 – Knjižnica

517 – Kuhinja (272 015)

519 – Domar

520 – Defektolog

521 – Psiholog (312 827)

Kako doći do nas ?

Kada zvoni ?
1.sat: 08:00 - 08:45
2.sat: 08:55 - 09:40
3.sat: 09:50 - 10:35
4. sat: 10:40 - 11:25
5. sat: 11:30 - 12:15
6. sat 12:20 - 13:05

1.sat 13:30 - 14:15
2.sat 14:25 - 15:10
3.sat 15:20 - 16:05
4.sat 16:10 - 16:55
5.sat 17:00 - 17:45
6.sat 17:50 - 18:35

Sigurnost djece na internetu:

- publikacija

- video

Brojač posjeta
Ispis statistike od 14. 1. 2010.

Ukupno: 920453
Ovaj mjesec: 985
Ovaj tjedan: 503
Prespavanac 2024.

Moja škola

RVA - o Erasmusu

Emisija Školsko zvono

Bećarac 1.b

Laganini FM Požega

Dan škole 2020.

Vozila se barka

Circle of life


Film o školi 2018.

Školski zbor 2017.

Bonton - kviz

Erasmus+ 2017.

Taurage, Litva 2017.

Kartepe, Turska 2017.

Smotra zborova 2017.

Maškare 2017.

Prilog o školi s HTV-a


Dan škole 2016

Život škole

Dan grada 2015.

Školski zbor


Differences bring us together (2013. - 2015.)



Uşak Banaz Cumhuriyet İlköğretim Okulu (Uşak Banaz, Turkey)

Szkola Podstwowa nr 10 (Rzeszow, Poland)
C.E.I.P FRANCISCO GINER DE LOS RIOS(Mairena del Aljarafe, Spain)

Idiotiko Dimotiko Sxoleio tou Ellinogermanikou

Ekpaideutikou Sillogou (Vrilissia-Athens, Greece)

Osnovna škola Julija Kempfa (Požega, Croatia)


''Differences bring us together'' is international Comenius project. Partners in the project are school from different countries: Turkey, Poland, Spain, Greece and Croatia. 

We believe that taking part in a join project would significantly increase the attractiveness of educational process, it will have good influence on our students and will encourage them to learn more effectively. This may also improve the general image of our school in the district. Thanks to this project pupils will develop understanding of how the culture has changed and is changing. By exploring their own local culture, the children will identify the issues concerning their local culture and community.

The national values of each people can be accepted and respected and between the children will be able to establish relationships based on tolerance. The activities consist of presentations of some important sights with a deep historical and traditional value from all partners’ countries. Students and teacher will take part in revealing some of the traditions cultures. This project will give us an opportunity to learn more about the cultural differences between the people involved in the project. It helps our children to develop different skills for communication, connecting their knowledge of their own culture with other ways of life. Being involved in the project will definitely have a positive impact on our students’ language abilities and will help to enhance their IT skills. 

We are also sure that our pupils can work together to such a project and later, they will be able to use these acquired experiences in their daily life. We want children to think beyond the walls of their particular school and not only consider their own role in a given local community but to consider themselves in terms of European citizenship. Actions taken can help to balance educational differences and will certainly motivate students to further and more effective work. 

By involving the wider community, the expressed desire of the partnership is to have a partnership that moves beyond the of education institutions and incorporates those with a shared interest in the projects we are proposing. This project encourages the staff to involve our pupils on other projects aimed to know more realities beyond theirs. Knowing the cultural heritages belonging to each people during the common activities, the pupils and teacher will recognize the national value of our partners and all partners will learn to accept each other as work partners and friends. Thus, a link between generations, but most of all between different people could be achieved.



Religious holidays

Project book of legends

Wedding traditions 

Web page:

stranica projekta



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