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Osnovna škola Julija Kempfa Požega

« Siječanj 2025 »
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Prikazani događaji



Dr. Franje Tuđmana 2, 34000 Požega

OIB: 66604281111

Matični broj: 3351092


Telefon: 034 273 799

Fax: 034 312 826


511 – Tajnica

512 – Ravnateljica (272 046)

513 – Zbornica

514 – Pedagog

515 – Računovodstvo

516 – Knjižnica

517 – Kuhinja (272 015)

519 – Domar

520 – Defektolog

521 – Psiholog (312 827)

Kako doći do nas ?

Kada zvoni ?
1.sat: 08:00 - 08:45
2.sat: 08:55 - 09:40
3.sat: 09:50 - 10:35
4. sat: 10:40 - 11:25
5. sat: 11:30 - 12:15
6. sat 12:20 - 13:05

1.sat 13:30 - 14:15
2.sat 14:25 - 15:10
3.sat 15:20 - 16:05
4.sat 16:10 - 16:55
5.sat 17:00 - 17:45
6.sat 17:50 - 18:35

Sigurnost djece na internetu:

- publikacija

- video

Brojač posjeta
Ispis statistike od 14. 1. 2010.

Ukupno: 920453
Ovaj mjesec: 985
Ovaj tjedan: 503
Prespavanac 2024.

Moja škola

RVA - o Erasmusu

Emisija Školsko zvono

Bećarac 1.b

Laganini FM Požega

Dan škole 2020.

Vozila se barka

Circle of life


Film o školi 2018.

Školski zbor 2017.

Bonton - kviz

Erasmus+ 2017.

Taurage, Litva 2017.

Kartepe, Turska 2017.

Smotra zborova 2017.

Maškare 2017.

Prilog o školi s HTV-a


Dan škole 2016

Život škole

Dan grada 2015.

Školski zbor


Math is life (2016. - 2018.)



Suadiye Secondary School (Kartepe, Turkey)

"Saltinis" progymnasium (Taurage, Lithuania)

Primary school Trstice (Galanta, Slovakia)

OŠ Julija Kempfa (Požega, Croatia)


About the project:

The project is complementary as it is being important both for pupils and teachers. Students from all participant countries will regularly work and cooperate on the project tasks.  The students will have the chance to introduce their ideas within the tasks as well as identifying with other students from other participant countries. The participating teachers will experience virtual classroom experience by teaching and sharing their knowledge via the Internet. They will experience different teaching methods, and will be able to share good practice within participant countries, using the Internet and available matching sources (social media). They will create the basis for important lessons with different Maths tasks.
Communication will be carried out by the means of the Internet, via different virtual workshops, webinars and meetings. Each project stage will be assessed by the teachers and students of a different school partner.
This project will be also beneficial for students’ parents. As mentioned before, not only the students are those who will have the opportunity of eliminating and overcoming possible prejudices, but their parents as well. Due to the student exchange, the latter will be involved in the international exchange, which will be beneficial to their attitude towards other cultures and countries.
The project is innovative as other partner schools didn’t approach the subject from this perspective. Variety of pedagogical approaches and methods, as well as, ICT knowledge will be used frequently.
Implementing and broadening the knowledge of certain parts of Maths, which will be used and useful in pupils’ later life.
We will introduce students and prepare them for a car purchase, calculations with different currencies, car leasing, architectural measurements and differences, and different measure systems.
We will enhance and develop pupils’ ability of observation, upon which their conclusion and decisions will be made. On the other hand, we will enhance their skills of observing, logical thinking, creative problem solving, work and cooperation within the group. We will try to overcome students’ reluctance of studying Maths and improving their interest in it, as demonstrating its benefit to us in everyday life. Students will realize the correlation between languages, Maths, ICT, architecture, culture, which will be of a great benefit. Students will gain self-esteem which will be implemented through gaining experience by getting directly involved in the activities, which is related to self-education and improving their lifelong learning.
The project will enhance participants’ knowledge by sharing and exchanging experiences regarding different cultures.
We will create useful cookery book, brochures, regarding Maths, using ICT skills and web tools, which will serve as an educational material and a result of the project itself.
We will develop pupils’ ability of using modern ICT tools for communication, web-searching, presentation, and providing information.
The project will enhance teachers’ skills by providing them a chance to share different methods and approaches on the subject, as well as experiencing exchange and cooperation, which will enhance their social, language, ICT, and professional skills.

The project will be introduced and added to school curriculum.


Typical historical houses of the dfferent ethnographic regions

MATHS in cars.pptx

Maths in the kitchen.pptx

Safranbolu houses.pptx

Project website:

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