PROJECT „STEM – my education“
PROJECT „STEM – my education“
Knowledge is power, and few can confirm it better than 190 pupils and 25 teachers from three primary schools in the vicinity of Đakovo, a town in eastern Croatian region of Slavonija, part of Osijek-Baranja County. They started their path to knowledge with the aid of Kingdom of Norway, who is the primary donor of funds for project „STEM – my education“, that started on 1st of September 2022, and is scheduled to last until 30th of November 2023.
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Primary school of Josip Kozarac Semeljci, from a municipality of Semeljci is a project promoter of this project, while two more schools from Slavonija are project partners; primary school of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Trnava, and primary school Đakovački Selci in Selci Đakovački, suburb of the town of Đakovo. Special contribution in the project is provided by their Norwegian partner, Åpenhet AS from Oslo.
Opening conference of the project „STEM – my education“ was held on 21st of October 2022 in the school of Josip Kozarac, project promoter, and it was attended by project-team from three Croatian schools, pupils of schools involved in the project, representatives of municipalities of Semeljci, Trnava, town of Đakovo, Osijek-Baranja County, and special adress was prepared by the representative of Norwegian partner via video-adress.
Opening the conference, Ružica Primorac, school principal of project promoter, emphasized the importance of grants, without which the implementation of such project would not be possible. Project „STEM – my education“ is worth little more than 2.067.000 kuna (close to 275.000 euros). It's main goals are improvement of STEM skills of teachers and pupils of schools involved and procurement of necessary equipment for modernization of STEM classrooms. Project „STEM – my education“ is the most complex and financially most valuable of all the projects Primary school Josip Kozarac Semeljci has taken so far. It is financed through Financial mechanism of European Economic Area, via program „Local Development and Poverty Reduction“.
Interest of pupils and teachers was much greater than expected; originally it was intended to include 90 pupils and 20 teachers, but this number rose to 190 pupils and 25 teachers. Special emphasis is placed on pupils with special needs, both talented and those with difficulties.
Project „STEM – my education“ is composed of several activites. Purchase of equipment will enable teachers to provide their pupils with modernized approach. In paralel, both teaches and pupils will attend educations and workshops through which they will enhance their STEM skills. All data collected in project will finally be visualized in a user-friendly way by representatives of Åpenhet AS, Norwegian partner on the project, who will also organize a study-trip to Norway for 20 teachers of three Croatian schools.
Nabava udžbenika i ostalih obrazovnih materijala za školsku godinu 2024./2025.
Udžbenici za obvezne i izborne nastavne predmete nabavljaju se sredstvima Državnoga proračuna. Udžbenici nabavljeni sredstvima Državnog proračuna vlasništvo su Škole.
Učenici svojim potpisom potvrđuju preuzimanje udžbenika i izjave koju nose roditeljima na potpis. Roditelj ili skrbnik učenika potpisuje izjavu da je preuzeo udžbenike te da će ih na kraju nastavne godine, odnosno i prije isteka nastavne godine u slučaju preseljenja učenika u drugu školu, vratiti u uporabnom stanju.
Učenici i roditelji ili skrbnici imaju obvezu i moraju se brinuti o tome da, nakon završetka školske godine, udžbenike namijenjene višegodišnjem korištenju neoštećene vrate školi kako bi ih mogle koristiti sljedeće generacije.
Ostali obrazovni materijali
Ostale obrazovne materijale (likovne mape, radne bilježnice, nastavni listići, zbirke zadataka, radni materijal – tehnička kultura i bilježnice za pisanje), njihovu nabavu za školsku godinu 2024./2025. financiraju Općina Semeljci i Općina Viškovci.
Preuzimanje udžbenika, ostalih dodatnih materijala i bilježnica obavlja se 9. rujna 2024. godine odnosno prvog dana nastave u školskoj 2024./2025. godini.
« Veljača 2025 » | ||||||
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