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"Mozak nije posuda koju treba napuniti,

već vatra koju treba zapaliti" 


- prethodni citati -

Brojač posjeta
Ispis statistike od 7. 3. 2011.

Ukupno: 719418
Ovaj mjesec: 8111
Ovaj tjedan: 714
Danas: 50






Podno Slavče, kraj potoka,
djetinjstvo se moje smije.
Prva ljubav tu se krije,
naše igre, maštarije.

Tu se uči, tu se radi,
slažu dvojke i petice.
Novi život tu se gradi
u  školi kraj Šumetlice.
Našu školu mnogi znaju
po slavnome Ljudevitu Gaju.
Daleko se čuje ime
eko-škola Slavonije.



Hoće li sunce zauvijek sjati?
Zlatne haljine na nebu tkati?
Hoće li trava zelena biti?
Svi zdravu vodu želimo piti.
S.O.S. otvorite oči.
S.O.S. zemlja vas moli.
S.O.S. ljubavi treba.
Ona nas hrani i vodi do neba.
Hoće li vjetar donositi kišu?
Il΄ nam se tužni dani pišu?
Hoće li ljubav jača biti
da prirodu zdravu štiti?
S.O.S. otvorite oči…





Hrvatski preporoditelj, književnik, političar, zastupnik u Hrvatskom Saboru te tvorac ilirizma i vođa hrvatskog narodnog preporoda. Ljudevit Gaj rođen je 8. srpnja 1809. u Krapini. Njegova pjesma Još Hrvatska ni propala postala je hrvatska narodna preporodna budnica. Umro je  20. travnja 1872. u Zagrebu.

Povratak na prethodnu stranicu Ispiši članak Pošalji prijatelju
Koronavirus u 8.razredu
Autor: Dinko Šimić, KRISTINA STRINAVIĆ, 22. 3. 2020.

Ne, nije nitko zaraženi, nego su učenici 8.a i 8.b razreda dobili zadatak u svojoj virtualnoj učionici engleskoga jezika napisati vijest o koronavirusu koristeći pasiv koji su nedavno učili. Evo što su napisali o virusu u svijetu, Hrvatskoj, ali i svome životu.

Coronavirus was first discovered in China in a town named Wuhan. Then it spread around the world. The Coronavirus isn't taken seriously by some people, while others are overreacting. The shops are emptied; people were buying supplies, food and medicine. People are in panic because they fear for their lives and the lives of their loved ones.


A few weeks ago, the Corona virus appeared in Croatia, but our country’s authorities were prepared really well. The brave doctors are doing everything they can to help the patients.


All trips are postponed and public gatherings are strictly forbidden. Also, all football leagues are cancelled in Croatia as well as the training sessions, but I train at home and sometimes in my backyard. Schools are closed for safety reasons. Teaching is held in virtual classroom. We had to do install Office 365-teams so we could talk with teachers about our classes. Still we had to wake up early in the morning and we had to pretend it is a normal day in school, but we are in our houses. Most of us miss school because it could get boring quickly...


Here is what some of the students say about their life in this new situation:


“ It is very boring to be at home all day and not to hang out with friends.” (P.K.)


“As we spend time in self-isolation, we can devote ourselves to our hobbies. I feel a little sad because I can't spend time with my friends. I hope all this will pass quickly so that we can return to a normal lifestyle.” (P.T.)


“Me and my family live like we did before the corona virus, but we pay more attention to hygiene.” (U.A.)


“Personally, I do not like it. Teachers gave us a lot of work. On the bright side, it is good because we cannot be infected by the coronavirus. We spend more time with family, which is good. Coronavirus scares me, but I know that everything will be fine.” (B.P.)


“My dad had a flu for few days, I thought it was a Corona virus, but it was just a regular flu. I'm healthy and resting.” (M.K.)


“My life has changed. In the morning, I get assignments from my teachers at Teams. It is strange to communicate like that. I spend a lot of time solving tasks. Sometimes it takes me more than 6 hours. I'm very tired of that, but good thing is that time goes by and I don't get to think about the disease that is going on. It makes me happy because I am with my family every day and that we spend a lot of time together.” (B.K.)


„We are told to wash our hands thoroughly. Sometimes we are looked at weirdly when we sneeze or cough.“ (V.I.)


Now and always - it is important that we take care of our hygiene. Here are some tips on how to prevent from being infected:

  1. Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly.
  2. Stay 2 feet apart from others.
  3. Don't go to massive events.


Članak bih završila pozitivnom mišlju učenice s kojom se slažem: “It's kinda scary, but we will get through this.” Nekako je strašna situacija; ozbiljna, ali mi ćemo to prebroditi.


Učiteljica Kristina Strinavić

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