Erasmus+ projekt
Autor: Anita Džaja, 24. 5. 2018.
U razdoblju od 6.5.2018. do 12.5.2018., 19 učenika sedmih i osmih razreda naše škole otputovali su u Španjolsku povodom Erasmus+ projekta. Tema projekta bila je: Mare Nostrum - more koje nas spaja. Više o putovanju pogledajte klikom na opširnije!
Učenici su 6.5. u 4:30 autobusom krenuli iz Krapine te se vozili do aerodroma u Bergamu (Italija). Avionom su letjeli iz Bergama u Alicante (Španjolska) te iz Alicantea u njihovo konačno odredište Las Torres de Cotillas.
Dane su proveli u španjolskoj školi gdje su se održavale radionice, Mindfullness, zumba, sviranja afrričkih instrumenata te predstavljanje zemlje, grada i škole. Učenike su posjetili i članovi Kazališta improvizacije te ih naučili nekim osnovama improvizacije.
Hrvatski učenici smješteni su kod svojih španjolskih domaćina.
U srijedu (9.5.) posjetili su Caravacu, a u četvrtak (10.5.) Cartagenu.
Učenici su se međusobno jako povezali i nisu htjeli otići kući sad kad imaju tako dobre novostečene prijatelje.
Dana 12.5. hrvatski su se sudionici oprostili sa španjolskim domaćinima te ponovo krenuli za Alicante, avionom do Bergama i autobusa do Krapine. Kući su stigli negdje oko ponoći. Žarko se žele ponovo sastati sa svojim španjolskim prijateljima te mole za nastavak ovog programa.
Pripremila: učenica Ena Miljan
Finally, something on what we have been working for a long period of time has progressed and results of our hard work will be visible. Project Erasmus is happening at last.
In February 2015 primary school „Ljudevit Gaj“, Krapina made a decision to participate in a Youth Exchange Program Erasmus+. The following steps for us to make were project design, writting of project documentation, searching for partners and project application. The project proposal was sent towards the end of 2015 after what the school signs the agreement with the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes.
The school obtained the financial support for the „Good Vibrations“ Project amounth of 16,680 Euros.
The Project is a Youth Exchange Programme for spanish and croatian students ages between 13 and 15 which focus is developing of skills, competitons through music (drumming) and increase in awareness of healthy habits of our students.
Achieving the pre-set targets our workshops will enable students to improve their music skills, learn the advantages of the team work, learn how to be open-minded, how to respect others opinions, attitudes and ideas and how to express themself in different ways. They will also improve their skills in spreading ecological conscious, inclusion and entrepreneurial strategies, they will learn about different cultures and how to respect them, learn to use different foreign languages, in fact they will improve their selfawarness.
Partner school is the IES La Florida school from Las Torres de Cotillas from Spain. Their representatives will come on the preliminary meeting on the 12th of February in order to make sure that the project is sucessfull. Workshops will run from 11th till 18th of March 2016 in Krapina. In the period of seven days the participants will go through many activities which can be divided in several groups: physical training, music, active involvement in our society and sensibilisation, daily evaluation, evening acitivities and excursion (the Krapina Neanderthal Museum, the Ethno-village Kumrovec and family Mutić from Zagorska Sela).
For information about project preparation and developments follow us on our web pages, Facebook, daily newspapers or local radio stations.
You can find more informations on:
Primary school „Ljudevit Gaj“ Krapina:
IES La Florida:
Translated by Mrs. Branka Leljak.
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Naša baština - Osnovna škola Ljudevit Gaj Krapina
Tragom Ljudevita Gaja, velikana zagorskog kraja
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