Projekt "Dobre vibracije" - Predivan dan u Udruzi osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama - Beautiful day in Association of persons with intellectual disabilities
Autor: Andrija Kiseljak, 26. 2. 2016.
U srijedu, 24.2.2016. posjetili smo u Đurmancu štićenike Udruge osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama. On Wednesday, February 24th 2016, we visited residents of "Association of persons with intellectual disabilities" in Đurmanec.
U srijedu, 24.2.2016. posjetili smo u Đurmancu štićenike Udruge osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama. Radosni što nas vide, iskreno i toplo odmah su prihvatili i pozvali naše učenice Saru, Mateju i Barbaru u svoju radionicu „ Proljetni leptiri“. Štićenicima smo prezentirali bubnjanje, njihovim roditeljima ciljeve radionice „ Svi različiti, svi jednaki“ , koju provodimo u sklopu našeg projekta „ Dobre vibracije“ te ih sve zajedno pozvali da nam se pridruže u istoj.
Cilj te radionice je da svi sudionici iskuse inkluzivne aktivnosti, da budu potaknuti na volontiranje i pomaganje potrebitima te dodatno osvijeste probleme i izazove s kojima se suočavaju osobe s teškoćama u razvoju. Budući da glazba veseli svakog i grije dušu svima, u tren oka izabrali smo sudionike našeg budućeg zajedničkog druženja. Uz pjesmu, puno smijeha i toplih zagrljaja radosno očekujemo nastavak druženja u našoj školi .
Sve slike našeg posjeta Udruzi pogledajte na:
On Wednesday, February 24th, 2016, we visited residents of’’ Association of people with intellectual disabilities’’ in Đurmanec. They were very happy to see us and they immediately accepted and invited our students Sara, Mateja and Barbara to join them in their „Spring butterfly“workshop. We presented drumming activities to residents and the goals of our workshop „All different, all equal“ to their parents. We conduct this workshop as a part of our „Good vibrations“ project. They were all invited to join us.
The goal of this workshop is that all participants experience inclusive activities, to be encouraged to volunteer, to help the needy, to raise further awareness of the problems and challenges that people with disabilities face every day. Since music makes people happy and touches our souls in a special way, we have very easily chosen participants for our future gatherings . We are looking forward to our next gatheringfulfilled with laughter and warm hugs in our school.
You can see all the pictures from our visit to the Association at our Flicker page:
Projekt "Dobre vibracije" - Predivan dan u Udruzi osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama - Beautiful day in Association of persons with intellectual disabilities
Autor: Andrija Kiseljak, 26. 2. 2016.
U srijedu, 24.2.2016. posjetili smo u Đurmancu štićenike Udruge osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama. On Wednesday, February 24th 2016, we visited residents of "Association of persons with intellectual disabilities" in Đurmanec.
U srijedu, 24.2.2016. posjetili smo u Đurmancu štićenike Udruge osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama. Radosni što nas vide, iskreno i toplo odmah su prihvatili i pozvali naše učenice Saru, Mateju i Barbaru u svoju radionicu „ Proljetni leptiri“. Štićenicima smo prezentirali bubnjanje, njihovim roditeljima ciljeve radionice „ Svi različiti, svi jednaki“ , koju provodimo u sklopu našeg projekta „ Dobre vibracije“ te ih sve zajedno pozvali da nam se pridruže u istoj.
Cilj te radionice je da svi sudionici iskuse inkluzivne aktivnosti, da budu potaknuti na volontiranje i pomaganje potrebitima te dodatno osvijeste probleme i izazove s kojima se suočavaju osobe s teškoćama u razvoju. Budući da glazba veseli svakog i grije dušu svima, u tren oka izabrali smo sudionike našeg budućeg zajedničkog druženja. Uz pjesmu, puno smijeha i toplih zagrljaja radosno očekujemo nastavak druženja u našoj školi .
Sve slike našeg posjeta Udruzi pogledajte na:
On Wednesday, February 24th, 2016, we visited residents of’’ Association of people with intellectual disabilities’’ in Đurmanec. They were very happy to see us and they immediately accepted and invited our students Sara, Mateja and Barbara to join them in their „Spring butterfly“workshop. We presented drumming activities to residents and the goals of our workshop „All different, all equal“ to their parents. We conduct this workshop as a part of our „Good vibrations“ project. They were all invited to join us.
The goal of this workshop is that all participants experience inclusive activities, to be encouraged to volunteer, to help the needy, to raise further awareness of the problems and challenges that people with disabilities face every day. Since music makes people happy and touches our souls in a special way, we have very easily chosen participants for our future gatherings . We are looking forward to our next gatheringfulfilled with laughter and warm hugs in our school.
You can see all the pictures from our visit to the Association at our Flicker page:
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