Autor: Anita Džaja, 25. 3. 2016.
Uskrs je jedan od najljepših blagdana, a osim tradicionalnih priprema, mi smo ga učiniti još veselijim i proslavili ga uživajući u proljeću i uskrsnim igrama. Igrali smo neke tradicionalne igre zemalja engleskog govornog područja kao što su Easter Egg Hunt i Easter Egg Cracking.
Easter Egg Hunt-Children believe that the Easter Bunny hides decorated eggs all over the house or in garden while they are asleep. On Easter morning they take Easter baskets and look for hidden eggs. When they find them,they put them in the basket. The one who finds the most eggs is the winner and often gets a sweet as a prize.
Easter Egg Cracking-Children choose one egg, usually the one they believe will be the strongest. Then, in pairs, they tap their partner’s egg. The one whose egg cracks is out. The winner challenges another winner. The game goes on until there is only one egg left.
Koliko smo uživali vidi se iz fotografija, koje možete pogledati u foto galeriji.
Happy Easter!!
Autor: Anita Džaja, 25. 3. 2016.
Uskrs je jedan od najljepših blagdana, a osim tradicionalnih priprema, mi smo ga učiniti još veselijim i proslavili ga uživajući u proljeću i uskrsnim igrama. Igrali smo neke tradicionalne igre zemalja engleskog govornog područja kao što su Easter Egg Hunt i Easter Egg Cracking.
Easter Egg Hunt-Children believe that the Easter Bunny hides decorated eggs all over the house or in garden while they are asleep. On Easter morning they take Easter baskets and look for hidden eggs. When they find them,they put them in the basket. The one who finds the most eggs is the winner and often gets a sweet as a prize.
Easter Egg Cracking-Children choose one egg, usually the one they believe will be the strongest. Then, in pairs, they tap their partner’s egg. The one whose egg cracks is out. The winner challenges another winner. The game goes on until there is only one egg left.
Koliko smo uživali vidi se iz fotografija, koje možete pogledati u foto galeriji.
Happy Easter!!
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