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Legenda o rijeci Dravi

  Odnos  rijeke i ljudskih zajednica iz rijeku složen je; blizina rijeke utječe na sve vidove života (poljoprivreda, naselja, trgovina, komunikacije).

Rijeka ima odraz i u narodnim pričama i vjerovanjima. Tako je i uz rijeku Dravu nastala legenda o vodenjaku ili vtopleniku.

  On je sličan čovjeku, samo je mnogo veći. Po licu i tijelu ima duge dlake, a noge su mu kao medvjed. Kad bi u ljetno doba zazvonila popodnevna zvona, svi bi kupači bježali iz vode jer bi kad zvona zazvone, vodenjak ima moć povući nekog na dno rijeke. Često su ga viđali brodari i šibari koji bi čamcem plovili po Dravi ili rezali šibe uz rijeku za svoje košare.  Nekad se znao preobratiti u gusku ili labuda i glasiti se: „ Hajdi Hajt! Hajdi Hajt!“ ili „ U-ta-ta-ta, U ta-ta-ta!“

  Tako je jednog dana Bara, zvonareva žena, išla rezati šibe u dravske plićake s drugim šibarima. Kada su narezali dosta šiblja, pošla je ona u vodu oprati noge. Čim je ušla u vodu, doplivala je do nje guska i motala joj se oko nogu. Kad god bi ju Bara htjela uloviti, guska bi se odmakla. Čim bi joj Bara došla blizu guska bi se opet odmakla  i plivala sve dalje u Dravu, a Bara za njom. I kada ju je Drava već počela vući prema sredini, opazili bi to šibari i poviknuli: „Bježi, Bara, van iz vode. Ostavi tu gusku, to nije guska nego vodenjak!“ Bara svom snagom počela plivati pa trčati prema brijegu, a guska se pretvori u kosmatog vodenjaka i za Barom. Bježala je prema svojoj družini koja je sjedila uz vatru. Kada se sakrila uza svoga muža zvonara, vodenjak je bez straha prišao vatri. Nije se usudio reći ni riječi. Grijao se jedan čas, a zatim otišao u vodu.

Tako su sada svi znali da priče njihovih babica o vodenjaku koji živi u Dravi nisu izmišljene te da on zaista postoji i mami ljude u duboku rijeku.



Legend of the River Drava

The relationship between a river and human society near the river is very complex: there is a strong river influence on every aspect of life (agriculture, settlements, trade, and communication). The river also has its history reflected in folk stories and beliefs. The river Drava has a legend about Aquarius and drowned man.

He is similar to a man, just bigger. His face and body was full of hair, and his legs were comparable to bears. In the summer, the bells would ring at noon and all of the swimmers from the river would run out of the water otherwise Aquarius had the power to pull someone to the bottom of the river.

When a barge would sail down the river, or when men collected willow twigs near the river for the twig baskets, they would often see the creature. Sometimes the creature would change its shape into the duck or swan and then it would make sounds like “ Hajdi Hajt! Hajdi Hajt!“ or  “U-ta-ta-ta, U ta-ta-ta!“

One day, the bell ringer's wife Bara, went to cut willow twigs on the river shore with others. When they cut enough twigs, she went to wash her legs in the river. When she went into the river, a goose came to her and ran around her legs. When Bara tried to catch it, the goose moved away. If Bara came near it, it would move away into the depths of the river so Bara went after it. The river started to pull her in, and when the men on the banks noticed that they started to shout “leave that goose, it’s not a goose it’s Aquarius!” Bara started to swim and run toward the shore, but the goose turned into hairy Aquarius and started running after her. She ran towards her companions, who were trying to keep warm near the fire. She hid behind her husband and Aquarius came to the fire without fear. He didn’t say a word. He kept himself warm for a few minutes and then he went back to the river.

That’s how everybody knew that old stories from their grannies about Aquarius in the river Drava weren’t fictitious and that he really exists and allures men into the depth of the river.

When noon bell rings – don’t go to the Drava!



Legenda o čudotvornom kipu Majke Božje Molvarske

        U sedamnaestom stoljeću Turci su napadali Podravinu. Molvarci su imali kip Majke Božje koji su štovali, a dobili su ga iz Prekodravlja. Bojali su se za njega te su ga zakopali. Nažalost, dugo se nisu vraćali iz progonstva i tako je kip ostao zaboravljen.

        Mnogo godina poslije, seljak je bio na paši s volovima koji su svaki dan na istom mjestu kopali rogovima. Jednog dana, volovi su iskopali kip. Nije bio oštećen, a dugo je bio pod zemljom. Kip je izrađen od lipova drveta, a nije propao i to je bilo pravo čudo. Zato kip zovemo čudotvornim.

       Kasnije su se događala i druga čuda, kao što su ozdravljenje i oslobođenje iz ropstva.

       Na mjestu gdje je kip pronađen, sagrađena je kapelica u kojoj se kip i danas čuva. Po tome je i ulica dobila ime; Marijanska, a ja u njoj živim i to mi je drago.

      Mnogo ljudi na blagdan Velike Gospe se dolazi moliti, zahvaljivati i zavjetovati Gospi.

      Kroz godinu dolazi i mnogo hodočasnika. Radi čudotvornog kipa Molve su postale Marijansko svetište, a molvarska crkva je često puna ljudi.

      I o crkvi postoji legenda koja kaže da je molvarska crkva trebala biti sagrađena u Bjelovaru i postati bjelovarskom katedralom. Ona je veoma velika za malo mjesto kao što su Molve.

      Legenda kaže da se arhitekt koji je gradio crkve u Molvama i Bjelovaru, zaljubio u Molvarku i zamijenio nacrte. Dakle, na neki način, Molve zbog ljubavi imaju ,,bjelovarsku katedralu''. Crkva je velika i lijepa, a zovu je podravska katedrala. U njoj od Velike do Male Gospe boravi čudotvorni kip Majke Božje Molvarske. U procesiji se donosi i odnosi.

Za vrijeme župnika Blaža Tomašića, kip je bio u crkvi, a kapelica srušena. Župnik je oslijepio i zavjetovao se Mariji da će je vratiti na njezino mjesto. Zato je počeo  graditi kapelicu u kojoj se danas kip čuva.

       Kad je vratio kip, progledao je, ozdravio. To je još jedan dokaz da je kip čudotvoran.


The Legend of the Miraculous Statue of Mary, Mother of God

In the 17th century, the Turks attacked the Drava Valley. Molve had a statue of Lady Mary that was worshipped. People were afraid of the Turks and buried the statue and went into exile. Unfortunately they did not return and so the statue remained forgotten.

Many years later, a farmer was feeding oxen on a meadow and everyday the oxen would dig the land with their horns in the same place. One day the oxen found a statue.

The statue was not damaged, although it had been underground a very long time. The statue is made of linden wood, and it wasn’t damaged, which was a miracle. Because of that, the statue was called miraculous. Later, other miracles appeared such as healing powers and liberation of slavery. At the place where the statue was found, people built the chapel and the statue is still kept there. The street was named Marian Street, and I am glad about that.

There is a legend about the church in Molve, which says that the church was supposed to be built in Bjelovar and should be Bjelovar Cathedral. The church is very big for a small place like Molve. Legend says that the architect who built the church in Bjelovar and Molve fell in love with a girl from Molve and replaced the drafts. Because they fell in love, our village Molve has "Bjelovar's Cathedral.” The church is large and beautiful, and it is considered to be Cathedral of Podravina. The statue is kept in the church from the Assumption to the Nativity of Mary. The procession is made to the church, and refers to the chapel.

A long before the time of Pastor Blaž Tomašić statue was in the church, the chapel was demolished. The pastor became blind and vowed to Mary that she would return to her place and he began to build a chapel where today the statue is kept. When he returned the statue he was healed and his vision returned, which is proof of miraculous statue. In Molve, there is a shrine to honor Mary and all of her miracles. People love visiting, especially for the holidays.

Many people on the Feast of the Assumption come to pray give thanks and vow to Our Lady.

There are also many pilgrims that visit throughout the year.



Legenda o Picokima

    Legenda je nastala tijekom napada Ulama-bega na Đurđevac 1552. godine. Kada su Turci uzalud opsjedali grad, htjeli su branitelje iscrpiti glađu i prisiliti ih na predaju. Branitelji su se junački borili, ali su ostajali bez hrane, pa im je u jednome trenutku ostao samo picok - pijetao. Branitelji su poslušali savjet jedne starice: uhvatili pijetla, stavili u top i ispalili prema Turcima, jer su htjeli ostaviti dojam da imaju još mnogo hrane. Kada su ispalili pijetla iz topa, Turci su povjerovali da u gradu ima još  mnogo hrane kad se tako razbacuju pijetlima. Pokupili su vojsku i krenuli natrag u Požegu. Od tada stanovnicima Đurđevca je ostao nadimak ,,Picoki'', po picoku koji ih je spasio.


Legend of Picoki

The legend developed during the attack of Ulama-Beg in a town called Đurđevac in 1552. The Ottomans were trying to conquer the town and wanted to defeat their defenders with hunger to make them surrender. Defenders were fighting heroically, but they were left without food, except for a rooster. A wise old lady gave them advice to take a rooster, to put it in cannon and to fire it to Ottomans in order to make them think that there was plenty of food in town. When they fired the rooster from the cannon, the Ottomans believed that there was plenty of food because they were throwing the rooster away. They took their army and left back to Požega. From that day on, people from the town of Đurđevac got a nickname “Picoki” (rooster=picok), in honor of the rooster that saved them.



Žena riba

U Podravini se priča o ženi ribi koja živi u Dravi. Do pojasa je lijepa djevojka, od pojasa riba, onaj tko se bude utapao u Dravi spasit će ga ona jedino ako je bio dobar čovjek. I kad ga spasi, sklopi ugovor s njime i taj ju mora oženiti, ali u točno vrijeme kad se utapao. A kad se ožene žena riba mora se odmarati i sjediti dok čovjek radi sve poslove i tako se vraća dug za dugom. A žena riba djece ne može imati.

Woman Fish

In the Podravina region there is a story of a woman fish that lives in the river Drava. From the waist up she is a pretty woman, but from the waist down, she is a fish. If someone is drowning in the river Drava, he will be saved only if he is a good man. When she saves him, she agrees to marry him, but at the exact time while drowning. When they get married, woman fish must rest and sit while a man does all the work and return the debt for a long period of time. Women fish cannot have children.         



Legenda o Šumski dekli

Tu negdje kod nas i tamo na Bilogori imao je čovjek svinjskoga koca. Ogradio ga je s visokim koljem, da mu svinje ne ukradu. U kocu je imao pčelinjaka sa pčelama, odkud je pobirao meda. Jedanput je vidio nekakvog traga, nema štete, svinje na broju, pčelinjak nedirnut i pogna on svoje svinje na pašu,  a kad se vrati sa paše ugleda on nekakvog stvora pod pčelinjakom nije čovjek nije medvjed. Udario ga čovjek sa koljem a stvor zakrči i čovjek vikne: "Bože, šumska dekla"! I pobjegla šumska dekla u šumu i tamo se sakrila u drvo hrasta i ostala, a to drvo bude živo tisuću godina jer  šumska dekla je božji i sveti stvor, a kvara ne radi, a čovjek ima kvara pun kufer za sto godina.


Legend of the Forest Maiden

Somewhere in the village of Bilogora hills, a man had a pig hut. They were kept inside a high fence made of willow branches so that no one could steal them. He also had bee hives with bees to take honey from. One day he saw some sort of tracks like someone had been in the pig hut and bee hives, but there was no damage and the pigs were all there and the honey was intact and he went with his pigs to the pasture. When he returned from the pasture, he saw some kind of creature under the apiary, but it was neither a man nor bear. The man hit the creature with a staff and the creature screamed and the man yelled, "God, forest maid!” Forest maid escaped into the forest and hid in an oak tree and she stayed there. That tree will be alive for thousands of years, as forest maid is a godly and holy thing and is not doing anything wrong. The man will now have bad luck for one hundred years.

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