Erasmus + Partnerships for Creativity partner call
Autor: Administrator , 15. 10. 2020.
Elementary school Montovjerna is seeking partners in response to the Erasmus+ call for Partnerships for Creativity in the field of school education. We are looking for partners elementary schools from Europe. The total budget for the 24 month project is up to €300,000. This will be divided between all partners (to a maximum of 10). Each project must involve partners from 3 different programme countries. The funding can be used to cover travel (staff and students), staff time to manage and deliver the project and the cost of producing the project outputs. The deadline for applications is 12am (Brussels, Belgium time) on 29 October. Elementary school Montovjerna is seeking partners in response to the Erasmus+ call for Partnerships for Creativity in the field of school education.
Project Proposal
Covid-19 is having a disproportionate impact on our students.Those who are currently in education have lost learning time, faced uncertainty over everyday school and completing their both school works and home works.We particularly had in mind to educate our students in this challenging times about the most important days in the year such as Earth day (April 22nd), World Water Day (March 22nd), World Ocean Day (June 8th), Europe Day (May 5th). Regarding this topic we also wanted to educate our students about the problem with the waste, especially sea waste. We believe that with this project we will make our students aware and open minded. Also with this project we encourage students creativity, improve and modernize learning methods,
strengthen the European dimension of the school, adopt digital skills,
encourage friendship, tolerance and cooperation through teamwork and collaborative learning etc. These projects strengthen cross-sectoral cooperation with an emphasis on creativity.
At the same time there has been a move to online and virtual platforms and individuals and organisations of all sizes have been innovative in using digital technology to reach large audiences. Having all this in mind we are planning to educate our students though blogs, making our e-book, video materials etc.
Elementary school Montovjerna is keen to apply to Erasmus+ for funding to lead a transnational project that would bring together young people.These groups would work together to co-develop new and innovative ways in which the creative arts and digital technology can be used in formal and non-formal education.
The programme would take the students through a creative process which could include:
- online creative collaboration with other groups of students (could be located anywhere)
- adopt digital/tech organisations to trial a variety of digital tools
- exchanging experience with the partners
- Identifying soft skills being developed such as creativity, team working, decision making etc.
- supporting the participants to create our own blog
- designing creative ways to engage with audiences at home and elsewhere
If you would be interesting in talking us about being a partner in this project please get in touch quickly.
The deadline for applications is 29 October.By this date we would need to:
- Confirm all project partners (only those identified in the original application can claim any costs.)
- Ensure that all partners are registered and legal and financial identification documents are uploaded to the organisation registration system.
- Agree a detailed project plan including what each partner will deliver, what activities we will run, what trips we will need, what events we will hold, what outputs we will deliver, what the impact of our project will be and how we will share this locally, nationally and internationally.
There is a 30 minute webinar available to watch here: