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U nastavku možete pročitati intervju koje su učenice 8. b Mia Sajko i Ela Đipalo napravile s Michaelom Soucie, predstavnikom Hrvatsko-američkog društva koji na našoj školi održava radionice "Kako postati uspješan poduzetnik".
Mia and Ela: Can you introduce yourself in a few sentences?
Michael: I'm Michael Soucie. I am working in Croatian- American Society (CAS) in Zagreb. I've been doing that for about 14 years. I go out to schools and give presentations. I've been running the entrepreneurship project in 4 schools in Croatia.
Mia and Ela: So you've been saying you are working in CAS. How did it all start? How did you get a job?
Michael: Well, you know life is funny… When I moved to Zagreb in 2002, I didn't have a job so I went around looking for one and I went to CAS. I had a friend there Tihomir who told me to come back in the fall. So, I came and I got the job.
Mia and Ela: Can you tell me a bit more about your position in CAS?
Michael: I'm the director of English clubs at CAS. I also run summer camps in the USA and workshops we have in schools.
Mia and Ela: Do you like your job and what's your favorite thing about it?
Michael: I do like my job. I think the best part of it is meeting the new students and helping them meet their goals. I also like helping students with preparations for exams in the college. I was able to help 3 students to enroll to college last year which I'm proud of.
Mia and Ela: Where were you born?
Michael: I was born in Maine, USA.
Mia and Ela: Where did you attend schools? Here or in America?
Michael: I attended all education in the USA. I went to the University of Maine Farmington and it was really great educational experience.
Mia and Ela: Can you describe education system in America? What are the main differences?
Michael: Do you have a couple of days?... Just kidding… I think here in Croatia you have too many subjects and students aren't able to focus or synthesize all the information. I think in the USA there are more useful projects and more helpful technology. Each education system has its pros and cons. I just think there are too many subjects here in Croatia.
Mia and Ela: How long have you been living here?
Michael: For about 14 years.
Mia and Ela: How old where you when you moved here?
Michael: I was 27 years old.
Mia and Ela: Do you like living here in Croatia or do you prefer living in America?
Michael: I like living here. I think Zagreb is an awesome city to live in, to raise children.
Mia and Ela: Do you have any hobbies?
Michael: I've been pretty active in sports. I play basketball, tennis, I lift weights. I try to stay active as much as possible.
Mia and Ela: What are the pros and cons of living in America?
Michael: I think the most important thing is finding a good job to earn the living. If you don't have a good job life becomes very difficult. Obviously, because standards of living are a bit different.
Mia and Ela: What do you do in your free time?
Michael: I don't have a lot of free time; I work about 60 hours a week. I do sports when I'm not injured and I see my kids.
Mia and Ela: Do you have a favorite TV show, movie or a book?
Michael: Hmm… I don't watch a lot of TV, but I like to read Dan Brown` s books like Da Vinci Code or Angels and Demons.
Mia and Ela: Can you speak Croatian?
Michael: Ako moram… hahaha
Mia and Ela: What's your favorite place to grab dinner here in Croatia and in America?
Michael: When I go to America I try to eat as much lobsters as possible. Lobster here is very different. In Zagreb it usually depends on my mood.
Mia and Ela: Thanks a lot Michael!
Michael: No problem!