Web stranicu i društvene mreže su u 2023./24. uređivali: Mario Stančić, Margareta Živković, Nataša Narančić, Monika Injić, Ana Obradović i Ema Štrocinger.
Voditelji međunarodnih projekata na školi su: Tina Ivčić. i Mario Stančić
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Prezentacija škole
Prezentacija Varaždina i Hrvatske
Projects eTwinning TwinSpaces
55. obljetnica
Božićni plesnjak
From 29 August to 3 September 2014, eight teachers from 6th Primary School Varaždin (Mario Stančić – the principle, Ksenija Dretar – the pedagogue, and 6 teachers: Marija Koren, Terezija Labaš, Petra Kanešić, Alenka Bađun, Tomica Kanoti and Vanda Jezernik), together with Danijela Vusić, the Head of the Department of Social Services of the town of Varaždin went on a working visit to Poland.
We were situated in Wielun and attended events associated with the beginning of the school year. The aim of the visit was to learn about the school system in Poland, exchange experiences about teaching and to establish cooperation between our school and their schools on several levels: sports, culture, projects. To achieve that, we visited several schools (primary and secondary) in which we exchanged experiences about teaching, learned about the organization of school life and teaching conditions, as well as about the education of teachers in Poland. We presented our school to them and invited them to cooperation or joined participation in projects and events related to sports, culture and similar.
On Monday, 1 September 2014 at 4,20 a.m. we had the priviledge to attend the memorial celebration of the anniversary of the beginning of the World War II and the invasion of Wielun (Wielun was the first city that was bombed in Poland in the beginning of World War II).
On the same day we also attended the inauguration of the beginning of school year 2014/15. In the gym of the Wielun High School a celebration was held that was attended byrepresentatives of 33 primary and secondary schools of the Wielun County. It is interesting that, together with welcoming new pupils who started the first grade at the age of six for the first time in the school year 2014/15, the also honoured and gave awards to the teachers who graduated or passed the state exam, and the best pupils and students got awards and scholarships.
Our hosts organized a trip to Warsaw for us with a professional tour guide during which we visited the Parliament building and learned about its work and system. A trip to the Chestohova shrine was also organized for us, we spent our free afternoon visiting Auschwitz, and on our way back home we visited Krakow.
During the short time we spent in Poland, thanks to kindness and hospitability of our hosts, we attended a lot of different events, and took a lot of lovely memories back home to Varaždin.