Web stranicu i društvene mreže su u 2023./24. uređivali: Mario Stančić, Margareta Živković, Nataša Narančić, Monika Injić, Ana Obradović i Ema Štrocinger.
Voditelji međunarodnih projekata na školi su: Tina Ivčić. i Mario Stančić
Više o Međunarodnim projektima i partnerskim školama možete pronaći listajući objedinjene vijesti u nastavku ili pratiti izdvojeno kroz Erasmus+, eTwinning, CAS-HAD, YeC, Partnerske škole.
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Prezentacija škole
Prezentacija Varaždina i Hrvatske
Projects eTwinning TwinSpaces
55. obljetnica
Božićni plesnjak
During the last week of May 2015 teachers from 6th Primary School Varaždin (Mario Stančić, the principle, and teachers Mihaela Grđan-Vrbnjak, Dario Mijač, Margareta Živković, Petra Lončarić Časar, Danijel Lukić, together with coleagues from Ludbreg High School - Vanda Jezernik, a teacher, and Josip Zdelar, the principle) took a friendly and professional visit to the Polish town of Wielun.
This working visit lasted for 5 days (25-30 May 2015), during which our teachers had the opportunity to learn about the advantages of the Polish educational system and exchange experiences and examples of good teaching practice.
With support given by the Department of Social Services of the Town of Varaždin, our educators visited Wielun for the second time, improved previously established connections and expanded cooperation, and we are expecting their return visit to Varaždin.
Our kind hosts made our visit very interesting: we saw some school classes, went on a visit to the Administration of Wielun County, a visit to a candle factory „Korona“, saw a “TNNR“ concert at the Museum of Castle Interiors in Ożarow and looked at the museum exhibits, went on a sightseeing tour of Warsaw with a professional guide and attended a lecture in the „Nikola Kopernik“ Centre. We also visited other high schools, learned about their teaching methods and talked about the joined participation in Erasmus+ Project. The experience and impressions from our visit are invaluable, every one of our teachers expanded their knowledge of teaching, got ideas for reexamining their own teaching methods and improving the quality of teaching at 6th Primary School.
Cooperation and friendship continues – new project have been agreed on, as well as the exchange visits of pupils.