Web stranicu i društvene mreže su u 2023./24. uređivali: Mario Stančić, Margareta Živković, Nataša Narančić, Monika Injić, Ana Obradović i Ema Štrocinger.
Voditelji međunarodnih projekata na školi su: Tina Ivčić. i Mario Stančić
Više o Međunarodnim projektima i partnerskim školama možete pronaći listajući objedinjene vijesti u nastavku ili pratiti izdvojeno kroz Erasmus+, eTwinning, CAS-HAD, YeC, Partnerske škole.
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Prezentacija škole
Prezentacija Varaždina i Hrvatske
Projects eTwinning TwinSpaces
55. obljetnica
Božićni plesnjak
As a part of the project called „Pula - Sailing through Time“, 14 teachers from Primary School Vidikovac Pula visited 6th Primary School Varaždin.
They visited some classes, heard about the European projects in which teachers of our school participated before, and saw the most important sights of the town of Varaždin.
In that way guests from Pula found out about the way of teaching in 6th Primary School Varaždin.
Our guests visited some classes first, and then our projects were presented to them. After lunch our principle Mario Stančić and teachers Zdenka Šopar and Mihaela Vrbnjak Grđan took the guests sightseeing in the centre of Varaždin, where they visited museums and galleries. Full of positive impressions, late in the afternoon they left our sunny Varaždin and travelled back to Istria.
Project „Pula – Sailing through Time“ emphasizes the importance of learning by discovering and exploring in different school subjects in grades from 1 to 8.
Primary School Vidikovac focuses on activities that have something to do with sea (way of transport, tourism, building ships), while teachers and pupils from 6th Primary School Varaždin focus on different projects in advanced and extracurricular activities. For example, members of the Ceramics Section of our school školske zadruge make 'Špancirers', members of Art Group paint carriages and bicycles, members of History Group explore all ways of transport and means of transportation used in our part of Croatia throughout history, etc. It is really important that this project makes connections and builds cooperation with teachers and pupils from Primary School Vidikovac.