Web stranicu i društvene mreže su u 2023./24. uređivali: Mario Stančić, Margareta Živković, Nataša Narančić, Monika Injić, Ana Obradović i Ema Štrocinger.
Voditelji međunarodnih projekata na školi su: Tina Ivčić. i Mario Stančić
Više o Međunarodnim projektima i partnerskim školama možete pronaći listajući objedinjene vijesti u nastavku ili pratiti izdvojeno kroz Erasmus+, eTwinning, CAS-HAD, YeC, Partnerske škole.
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Prezentacija škole
Prezentacija Varaždina i Hrvatske
Projects eTwinning TwinSpaces
55. obljetnica
Božićni plesnjak
As a part of Intergration of speecial needs children and improvement of ICT technologies usage in 6th Primary School project, financed by the European Union as a part of Erasmus + programme for area of general education and teaching (Activity KA1 – mobility with the purpose of learning for an individual), our speech therapist Sandra Šenkiš and class teacher Petra Lončarić-Časar spent three weeks in Slovenia.
This form of professional development, done by observing the work of the colleagues in a foreign institution, took place in Primary School Savsko naselje in Ljubljana. They researched the Slovenian school system, planning of lessons, studied the teaching methods, aims and goals, ways of evaluating and grading and took part in the teaching process. They particularly focused on the work done with children with special needs and usage of information and communication technology in the classroom.
The teachers were welcomed by the principle Verica Šenica Pavletić and the vice principle Tjaša Pirc Pezdirc who introduced them with the Slovenian school system, their school, the curriculum and their projects. Primary School Savsko naselje is attended by 280 pupils in 15 class departments. 30 teachers and 3 professional assistents work in the school. The school has many projects during a year. The school has its own swimming pool used by their pupils and pupils from other primary schools in Ljubljana.
During their stay in Ljubljana the two teachers saw classes and learned how teachers teach in Slovenija and how children with special needs are integrated in class. They stayed there for three weeks or 21 days, attending classes every day.
One of the aims of this project is further cooperation with Primary School Savsko naselje to be realized through several projects during the year. Teachers from Primary School Savsko naselje visited Zagreb in December joined by our two teachers.
After returning from Slovenia, they informed the colleagues in Croatia about educational system in Slovenia. The Slovenian Day was also held in our school during which children learned about Slovenian culture, customs and geography in different ways. Pupils made Slovenian flags and used them for decorating the halls of 6th Primary School Varaždin.
This project was a beautiful experience for our teachers, and they would definitely like to repeat it.