Web stranicu i društvene mreže su u 2023./24. uređivali: Mario Stančić, Margareta Živković, Nataša Narančić, Monika Injić, Ana Obradović i Ema Štrocinger.
profesorica engleskog jezika i književnosti i hrvatskog jezika i književnosti
Engleski jezik, 2. a, 2. c, 2. d, 7. a, 7. c, 7. d, izborna nastava 4. a i 6. b
Profesorica sam engleskog jezika i književnosti i hrvatskog jezika i književnosti, a u VI. osnovnoj školi zaposlena sam kao učiteljica engleskog jezika. Od kad radim u našoj školi, poučavala sam i engleski jezik i hrvatski jezik, pripremala učenike za natjecanja iz engleskog jezika kroz dodatnu nastavu, vodila izvannastavnu multimedijsku grupu, novinarsku grupu na engleskom jeziku te scensku grupu na engleskom jeziku za učenike od 1. do 4. razreda.
Ove školske godine, 2021./2022., razrednica sam učenicima 7.c razreda, predajem engleski jezik u 2.a, 2.c, 2.d, 7.a, 7.c, 7.d, izbornu nastavu engleskog jezika u 4.a i 6.b, kao i dopunsku nastavu engleskog jezika za učenike 1./2. razreda i 7. razreda.
Svim učenicima želim uspješnu školsku godinu!
On December 8th 2016 our school held an ''Open house day'' where they allowed parents and general public to have a look around and learn about our school and open communication channels between the teachers, students and their parents. Meeting with the families was not only to build relationships but to maintain a strong sense of community at the school.
The main theme at the open house was ''knowledge quest'' through which the school introduced new extra-curricular activities. The parents were able to choose from six different educational branches such as science, technical education, creative, media, sports and EU. According to their choice the parents were given an entry ticket to three different workshops. The workshops ranged from Scientific experiments in Chemistry, Physics, Biology …etc., Information Technologies, Cross country running to something a bit simpler such as bicycle repair and pottery.
The workshops were organized in a way to make sure everyone felt welcome and the mood was kept light by offering fun activities that encouraged participation such as trivia questions, as well as friendly contests and competitions. At some workshops parents (not the students) were even graded for their knowledge of the particular branch they have chosen. It was quite educational and fun.