Web stranicu i društvene mreže su u 2023./24. uređivali: Mario Stančić, Margareta Živković, Nataša Narančić, Monika Injić, Ana Obradović i Ema Štrocinger.
profesorica engleskog jezika i književnosti i hrvatskog jezika i književnosti
Engleski jezik, 2. a, 2. c, 2. d, 7. a, 7. c, 7. d, izborna nastava 4. a i 6. b
Profesorica sam engleskog jezika i književnosti i hrvatskog jezika i književnosti, a u VI. osnovnoj školi zaposlena sam kao učiteljica engleskog jezika. Od kad radim u našoj školi, poučavala sam i engleski jezik i hrvatski jezik, pripremala učenike za natjecanja iz engleskog jezika kroz dodatnu nastavu, vodila izvannastavnu multimedijsku grupu, novinarsku grupu na engleskom jeziku te scensku grupu na engleskom jeziku za učenike od 1. do 4. razreda.
Ove školske godine, 2021./2022., razrednica sam učenicima 7.c razreda, predajem engleski jezik u 2.a, 2.c, 2.d, 7.a, 7.c, 7.d, izbornu nastavu engleskog jezika u 4.a i 6.b, kao i dopunsku nastavu engleskog jezika za učenike 1./2. razreda i 7. razreda.
Svim učenicima želim uspješnu školsku godinu!
I am Lucy. Today I will write about my journey to England. Last time I went to England by plane was about 2 years ago.
I was very excited because we were going to London to see our family. When we got to the airport, we needed to go through the security so they could check our luggage. When it finished, we could go on the plane. We got on the plane and found our seats. We were in the plane for two hours. I was sleeping and eating my snack. After two hours the plane got to London and we got off. When we were coming out of the plane, we saw our uncle waiting for us. I was very excited. As we were driving to our grandma's house, we were talking and laughing, we were having fun.We got to grandma's house and nanny was waiting for us. When I saw nanny, I was so happy I cried. We came in, took our shoes off and went to take our luggage in our room. We came down to the living room and we were very hungry, so nanny made us something to eat. We were talking and laughing with nanny, mummy, daddy, Daisy and our uncle. We were having lots of fun. Two or three days later we went to see our friends from our old school. I was very happy to see them, because I didn't see them for two years. We went in school and there we were talking with our friends and having lots of fun. Then we were going home because they had lessons. When we got home, mummy and daddy went shopping. Me, Daisy and nanny didn't go shopping. They came home and we all relaxed because the next day we were going home to Croatia. We got to the airport and had to pass the security again. We got home safe and sound.