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Dragi osmaši,
novo gradivo za ovaj tjedan 27.-30.4.2020. pogledajte pod "opširnije"
Tjedan 27.-30.2020.
Unit 5, Lesson 3 20th Century Heroes
*Udžbenik, str. 88-90
Task A – In your opinion, which of the following definitions best describe a hero?
Task B – Have you ever heard of …. Match the following sentences.
Task C – Reading – read the texts and check your answers in task B
Task D – Answer the following questions in your notebook.
Task E – Choose one of the biographies and talk about that person. (Sami sebi
Prepričajte jedan tekst naglas.)
Task F – Wordspot - fill in the sentences.
-Prepisati u bilježnicu a) , b) i c) (pogledaj niže); dobro proučiti te zapamtiti:
c) We use relative clauses to make it clear exactly who, or what, you are talking about.
A relative clause gives information about a person, a thing or a place introduced in the main clause.
We use WHO or THAT for people, WHICH or THAT for things (and animals), WHERE for places.
You use a noun group containing WHOSE at the beginning of a relative clause to show who or what something belongs to or is connected with.
(sentence – cijela rečenica; main clause and relative clause – dijelovi složene rečenice (surečenice) – glavna i odnosna)
Task G – Complete the sentences with … (riješiti u udžbeniku)
*Radna bilježnica, str. 84-85
(rješenja će biti snimljena u videu)
Rješenja prethodnih zadataka iz udžbenika:
B) 6,1,3,4,5,2
F) a cane, Mute, disability, bizzare, an obstacle, A spokesperson
G) who, which,who, which, whose, where
Riješite zadatak za vježbu u bilježnicu:
Remember box – WORD ORDER (Udžbenik, str. 91)