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Final exam, 7th grade


There is sample exam under opširnije for you.

You can go through the exercises to see where you are standing... 

Thank you for helping me create the questions! wink




Final exam in English,7th grade

1.     Add –ing and –s to the following verbs:

a.     Sleep            ______________                        ________________

b.     Run                ______________                        ________________

c.      Fly                  ______________                        ________________

d.     Play               ______________                        ________________

e.     Make            ______________                        ________________

2.     Complete the sentences using Present Simple or Present Continuous

a.     We ____________ milik every morning, but today we _______________ tea. (drink, drink)

b.     Listen! Somebody ______________ (laugh).

c.      My older sister ________ a student. She ________________ with us. (be, not live)

d.     ______ you ________ English well? (speak)

e.     Turn the music down, I _________________ (study)

f.       Mum ___________________ my name, I must go now. (call)

3.     Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Past Continuous

a.     I ________________ History for three hours yesterday. (study)

b.     I ________________ new tennis shoes last year. (buy)

c.      While she ________________ flowers, she ____________ a big bad wolf. (pick, meet)

d.     The prince ___________ a horse when he ________ a beautiful girl in a glass coffin. (ride, see)

e.     She ____________ two sups while she __________________ the dishes. (drop, do)

f.       Annie ______________ her leg when she ____________________. (break, ski)

4.     Make correct sentences:

a.     When/born/he/was? _________________________________________

b.     drink/so/Don't /juice/fast! _____________________________________

c.      violently/he/Why/does/behave? ________________________________

d.     you /ever/made/Have/pancakes? _______________________________


5.     Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect Tense and the appropriate Adverb of time

a.     She/not open/her birthday present


b.     I/have lunch


c.      You/be in Hungary?


d.     I/not see/my grandparents


e.     I/speak to my best friend


6.     Complete te sentences using Gerund or Infinitive.

a.     Peter was very thirsty so he stopped ________________. (drink)

b.     Mark liked _____________ to the kindergarden. (go)

c.      She started ______________ when she was two years old. (talk)

d.     It has stopped ______________. (rain)

e.     Don't forget _____________ your camera! (take)

7.     Explain the meaning of the words:

a.     Look after someone ____________________________________

b.     Treasure _____________________________________________

c.      A patient _____________________________________________

d.     Charge _______________________________________________

8.     Complete:

a.     When somebody is sick you give them _________ to get better.

b.     When you tell somone what they should do, you ________ them.

c.      When you ____________ doing something, you stpo doing it.

d.     A _________ is a grave.

e.     A __________ is a date by which you have to do something.

9.     Answer the questions:

a.     How many boroughs are there in New York? ________________

b.     There is a part in NY called Little ___________.

c.      Which part of NY is famous for its very expensive shops? _________________

d.     What is the biggest museum in NY? ____________________

e.     Where is NY Aquarium? ______________________________


Priloženi dokumenti:
final_exam_7th_grade.docx (16.38 KB)

Pošalji prijatelju Pošalji prijatelju
objavio: Lidija Šaravanja   datum: 18. 5. 2012.


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Školski koordinator/ica:

Monika Pavić,

Maja Jurić-Babaja,

Renata Viviora-Rous

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