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8th grade - final exam

Under opširnije there is a sample exam for you to practice your grammar on. The link below leads you to a page with Passive exercises. Don't forget the post from 14th May!

I hope you will make good use of it. 


1.Complete the sentences with the appropriate Adverb or Adjective.

a.       He is a _______ dancer, but he sings _______________. (bad, beautiful)

b.      He is rarely at home, he works ___________. (hard)

c.       Drew had a _____________ smile on her face when she _________ ran out of the building. (happy, quick)

d.      This was a very _____________ day. We played extremely ________. (successful, good)

e.      She speaks Croatian __________ .(fluent)

2.Complete the sentences with question tags.

a.       You've behaved well, ______________?

b.      You can swim faster than your brother, ________________?

c.       They weren't at home, ________________?

d.      You know my neighbour, _____________?

e.      We met last year, _______________?

3.Form sentences in Present Perfect and add an appropriate Adverb of time.

I/know Luke _____I have known Luke for 7 years____

a.       You/do your homework ? _________________________________________

b.      I/ never eat such a dish before _____________________________________

c.       Susan/give up smoking _____________________________________________

d.      Our relatives/not open a restaurant __________________________________

4.Complete the sentence using Past Simple or Present Perfect.

Since computers were first introduced to the public in the early 1980's, technology (change)  a great deal. The first computers (be)  simple machines designed for basic tasks. They (have, not)  much memory and they (be, not)  very powerful. Early computers were often quite expensive and customers often (pay)  thousands of dollars for machines which actually (do)  very little. Most computers (be)  separate, individual machines used mostly as expensive typewriters or for playing games. 


5.Complete the texts with given verbs to express future.

Susan: We (go)  camping this weekend. Would you like to come along? 
Sam: That sounds great, but I don't have a sleeping bag. 
Susan: No problem. I (lend)  you one. My family has tons of camping gear. 

Barbara: I (buy)  a new car this weekend, but I'm a little worried because I don't really know much about cars. I'm afraid the salesman (try)  to take advantage of me when he sees how little I know. 
Dave: I used to work for a mechanic in high school and I know a lot about cars. I (go)  with you to make sure you are not cheated. 

Pam: Can you see my future in the crystal ball? What (happen)  next year? 
Fortune Teller: You (meet)  a man from the East Coast, perhaps New York or maybe Boston. You (marry)  that mystery man. 
Pam: Forget the man! I want to know if I (get)  a new job.

6.Make reported speech.

Helen: I want to tell you something about my holiday in London.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that 

Helen: I went to London in July.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that 

Helen: My parents went with me.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that 

Helen: We spent three days in London.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that 

Helen: London is a multicultural place.

Gareth: What does she say?


When will you come back?’ She asks me when  .

2 ‘Are you a student?’ He asks me if  .

3 ‘Do you play football?’ She asks me if  .

4 ‘How many cakes did you eat?’ He asks me how many  .

5 ‘Do you speak Latvian?’ They asks me whether  .

6 ‘Were you at the party?’ He asks me if  .

7 ‘Have you had lunch yet?’ She asks me if  .

8 ‘Have you been to the cinema this week?’ He asks me whether  .


For Passive use this page:


Final exam in English, 7th grade



1.     Which tense?

a.     I work at school. _____________________________________

b.     She played football. ___________________________________

c.      Mary is singing. ______________________________________

d.     Jack will be here tomorrow. ____________________________

e.      Somebody has opened the door. _________________________

f.       We were listening to music. ____________________________


2.     Make sentences interrogative and negative.

a.     Luke goes to school.

? __________________________________________________

X _________________________________________________

b.     Mary closed the book.

? __________________________________________________

X _________________________________________________

c.      They will come soon.



d.     I have visited France.




3.     Which tense is used to express future? Circle!

a.     Past Simple

b.     Present Perfect

c.      Present Continuous


4.     Which tense is used to express an action happening right now? Circle!

a.     Present Simple

b.     Present Continuous

c.      Present Perfect


5.     Complete the sentences with question tags. (You are here, aren't you?)

a.     She doesn't live in Osijek, _________________?

b.     You are my friend, ______________________?

c.      We know the answer, ____________________?

d.     They tidied up their room, _________________?


6.     Underline the right word.

a.     She sings beautiful/beautifully.

b.     We like large/largly rooms.

c.      He drives very slow/slowly.

d.     He is a slow/slowly driver.


7.     What is correct? Underline!

a.     My mom makes great cakes.

Great cakes were/are/have been made.

b.     Linda broke our plate.

         Our plate is/was/were broken.

c.      Dad washed the car.

         The car is/was/has been washed.

8.     Answer the questions.

What is the capital of Canada? ______________________

Is Canada a big or a small country? __________________

What are official languages in Canada? ­­____________ and __________

Which sport is popular in Canada? __________________


Pošalji prijatelju Pošalji prijatelju
objavio: Lidija Šaravanja   datum: 21. 5. 2012.


Eko škola

Školski koordinator/ica:

Monika Pavić,

Maja Jurić-Babaja,

Renata Viviora-Rous

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