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Exam, March

Dragi petaši,

marljivo se pripremite za ispit, evo vam i male pomoći pod opširnije:




1.     Complete the sentences using „there is“ or „there are“.

a.      .............................. a bunk bed in my room.

b.     ..............................a theme park in my country. (not)

c.      How many planets ...................................... in the Solar system?

d.     ................................... pirets on the ship!

e.      ................................... a TV in the kitchen?


2.     Answer using short answers.

a.      Is this your ticket? Yes, ........................................

b.     Are there any carrots in the fridge? No, ...................................

c.      Can you open the bottle? No, .......................................

d.     Can birds fly? Yes, ...........................................

e.      Have they got a test today? Yes,............................................


3.     Complete the text.

Far away .............. is an emperor who loves beautiful new clothes. He ....................... a different suit for every hour of the day. One day two swindlers .................. to the emperor's city. They say that they are tailors and that they can .................. the most beautiful cloth imaginable. This ........................... is invisible to anyone who is incompetent or stupid.


4.     Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

a.      Ice-cream is .................................... (tasty) than carrot.

b.     Cheetah is ........................................... (fast) land animal.

c.      Butterfly is ................................................ (beautiful) insect.

d.     A pig is .............................................. (intelligent) than a hamster.

e.      You are .......................................... (clever) person I know.

f.       This paper is even .......................... (bad) than the last one.


5.     Write down the dates.

a.      15/12/1763..................................................................................................

b.     1/2/1988 .......................................................................................................

c.      14/3/2013.................................................................................................

6.     Translate the sentences.

a.      Dva su miša u rupi.......................................................................................

b.     Portugalski je jako lijep jezik.......................................................................

c.      U Francuskoj ima lijepih kuća....................................................................

d.     U Grčkoj ima puno ovaca.......................................................................

e.      Japanski je najteži jezik na svijetu..............................................................

f.       Koji je planet treći od Sunca? .....................................................................

7.     Answer the questions.

a.      Is Australia a country or a continent?


b.     What is the currency in the USA?


c.      How many countries are there in the USA?


d.     What is the main language used on the Internet?


e.      What is the Union Jack?


Pošalji prijatelju Pošalji prijatelju
objavio: Lidija Šaravanja   datum: 13. 3. 2013.


Eko škola

Školski koordinator/ica:

Monika Pavić,

Maja Jurić-Babaja,

Renata Viviora-Rous

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