« Prosinac 2024 » | ||||||
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Today (March 6th, 2024) the final conference was held at our school, where the results and activities of students and teachers were presented. In addition to our students and teachers, the guests were representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development (senior associates Vladimir Glavač and Jakov Tomljanović), the Split-Dalmatia County (deputy head Igor Stanišić), the City of Vrgorac (head Goran Ćulav) and the director of the Institute for Social Research Boris Jokić.
In addition to the introductory speeches of the headmaster and guests, an overview of the activities in the project was presented by Adriana Turić Erceg and Ivana Vujčić with the headmaster.
U sklopu projekta STEM u OŠ VRGORAC jučer (2.3.2024.) je organizirana je jednodnevna terenska nastava u Smiljan i Plitvička jezera za 42 učenika OŠ Vrgorac. Učenici su sa svojim učiteljima posjetili Memorijalni centar Nikola Tesla u Smiljanu kao i rodnu kuću Nikole Tesle.
As part of the STEM project at Vrgorac Elementary School, a one-day field lesson was organized in Smiljan and Plitvice Lakes for 42 students of Vrgorac Elementary School yesterday (March 2nd, 2024). The students and their teachers visited the Nikola Tesla Memorial Center in Smiljan, as well as Nikola Tesla's birthplace.
Nakon Smiljana krenuli su prema NP Plitvička jezera gdje su nakon ručka uz pratnju stručnog vodiča obišli naš najstariji nacionalni park.
After Smiljan, they headed towards Plitvička jezera National Park, where after lunch they toured our oldest national park accompanied by an expert guide.
On Thursday, February 8th, 2024, university professors from the University of Stavanger, Royal Norway, Frode Skarstein, Tuula Skarstein and Hans Erik Bugge, as part of the STEM project at the Vrgorac Elementary School, held the last educational workshop for the teachers of the Vrgorac Elementary School. Topic of the educational interactive workshop: Making a smart house with microcontrollers.
Od malena djeci treba dopustiti izražavanje kreativnosti samostalnim istraživanjem, proučavanjem i postavljanjem pitanja, a naši učitelji upravo to i potiču kod djece. Tako su u OŠ Vrgorac naši najmlađi STEMOVCI putem prezentacije i predočenih mobila planeta upoznali SUNČEV SUSTAV.
From a young age, children should be allowed to express their creativity through independent research, study and asking questions, and our teachers encourage this in children. Thus, in Vrgorac Elementary School, our youngest students from STEM learned about the SOLAR SYSTEM through a presentation and presented mobile planets.
U sklopu projekta STEM u OŠ VRGORAC organizirana je jednodnevna (10.11.2023.) terenska nastava u Zagreb gdje je 40 učenika OŠ Vrgorac posjetilo Zračnu luku Franjo Tuđman, Tehnički muzej Nikola Tesla, Muzejsko Memorijalni Centar Dražen Petrović, iskusilo vožnju tramvajem, obišlo centar Zagreba i posjetilo Interliber na Zagrebačkom velesajmu.
As part of the STEM project, a one-day (November 10th 2023) field lesson was organized in Zagreb, where 40 students of Vrgorac Elementary School visited the Franjo Tuđman Airport, the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum, the Dražen Petrović Museum Memorial Center, experienced a tram ride, and toured the center of Zagreb. and visited Interliber at the Zagreb Fair.
U četvrtak 26.10.2023. i petak 27.10.2023. sveučilišni profesori sa Sveučilišta u Stavangeru, Kraljevna Norveška Inge Crist i Mari Maeland u sklopu projekta STEM u Osnovnoj školi Vrgorac su održali dvije edukativne radionicu za učenike i učitelje OŠ Vrgorac. Teme edukativnih radionica: Elektromagnetizmi i Zvukovi i kodiranje.
On Thursday, October 26th, 2023 and Friday October 27th 2023 university professors from the University of Stavanger, Royal Norway, Inge Crist and Mari Maeland, as part of the STEM project at the Elementary School Vrgorac, held two educational workshops for the students and teachers of the Vrgorac Elementary School. Topics of educational workshops were : Electromagnetism and Sounds and coding.
U sklopu projekta STEM u OŠ VRGORAC organizirana je dvodnevna (30.9. i 1.10.2023.) terenska nastava u Istru gdje je 40 učenika OŠ Vrgorac posjetilo Zvjezdarnicu u Višnjanu, gradove Pulu i Poreč te NP Brijuni.
As part of the STEM project in Elementary School Vrgorac, a two-day (September 30th and October 1st, 2023) field lesson was organized in Istria, where 40 students from Elementary School Vrgorac visited the Observatory in Višnjan, the cities of Pula and Poreč, and Brijuni National Park.
As part of the STEM project in Vrgorac Primary School, four teachers, project participants, in the period from 15 to 20 On September 2023, visited the Norwegian Museum of Technology and Science, the Maritime Museum and the Fram Museum (Museum of Polar Research) in the city of Oslo.
As guests of partners from the University of Stavanger, they visited the local school Smiodden Skole, where they got to know the educational system of Norway and work in Norwegian schools.
U sklopu provedbe projekta STEM u OŠVrgorac, 5. lipnja 2023. godine održale su se zabavne STEM radionice u prostorijama Osnovne škole Vrgorac.
As part of the implementation of the STEM project in Vrgorac Elementary School, on June 5, 2023, fun STEM workshops were held in the Vrgorac Elementary School.
U sklopu projketa STEM u OŠ Vrgorac 22. svibnja 2023. održane su radionice unutar akrivnosti STEM istraživači 1 za 20 učenika trećih razreda.
On May 2, 2023, workshops were held within the STEM researchers 1 activity for 20 third-grade students as part of the STEM project in Vrgorac Elementary School,
U ponedjeljak 15.5.2023. sveučilišni profesori sa Sveučilišta u Stavangeru, Kraljevna Norveška Inge Crist, Frode Skarstein i Marcus Barkved u sklopu projekta STEM u Osnovnoj školi Vrgorac su održali drugu edukativnu radionicu za učenike iz području kemije.
On Monday, May 15, 2023. university professors from the University of Stavanger, from Kingdomm of Norway Inge Crist, Frode Skarstein and Marcus Barkved held a second educational workshop for students in the field of chemistry as part of the STEM project at the Vrgorac Elementary School.
U sklopu projekta STEM u OŠ Vrgorac 15. svibnja 2023. održane su radionice unutar akrivnosti STEM istraživači 1 za 20 učenika drugih razreda i 5 učenika PŠ Umčani.
On May 15, 2023, workshops were held within the STEM researchers 1 activity for 20 second-grade students and 5 students from PŠ Umčani as part of the STEM project at Vrgorac Elementary School.
U sklopu projekta STEM u OŠ Vrgorac 8. svibnja 2023. održane su radionice unutar akrivnosti STEM istraživači 1 za 20 učenika prvih razreda.
On May 8, 2023, workshops were held within the STEM researchers 1 activity for 20 first-grade students as part of the STEM project at Vrgorac Elementary School.