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Ravnatelj OŠ Vrgorac, Krešimir Kuran potpisao je i nazočio svečanom uručenju ugovora o dodjeli bespovratnih sredstava u okviru programa ‘Lokalni razvoj i smanjenje siromaštva’ u organizaciji Ministarstva regionalnoga razvoja i fondova Europske unije. Na svečanom uručivanju ugovora, održanom u Hotelu International u Zagrebu uz ministricu Tramišak prisutne su pozdravili i izvanredni i opunomoćeni veleposlanik Kraljevine Norveške u Republici Hrvatskoj Nj.E. Haakon Blankenborg te državni tajnik Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja Tomislav Paljak.
The headmaster of Vrgorac Primary School, Krešimir Kuran, signed and attended the ceremony of handing over the contract on allocation of free funds for the program 'Local Development and Poverty Reduction' organized by the Ministry of Regional Development and European Union Funds. At the ceremonial awarding of the contract, held at the Hotel International in Zagreb, together with Minister Tramišak, the present were greeted by the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Norway in the Republic of Croatia, H.E. Haakon Blankenborg and State Secretary of the Ministry of Science and Education Tomislav Paljak.
The project will start on September 12 and will last for 18 months, and project activities will include:
• modernization and equipping of schools,
• professional training of teachers
• educational programs in entrepreneurship, STEM, ICT and active citizenship for students
The value of the project is 4,002,116.36 Croatian kuna, and about 3 million Croatian kuna is intended for Vrgorac Primary School.
It is worth noting that Vrgorac Elementary School's application achieved a score of 6 out of 116 applications and is one of the two schools that independently received grants.
The project will be financed from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area for the period from 2014 to 2021 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period from 2014 to 2021, as well as funds from the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds.
You can find out more about the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and Norwegian grants at: