U ponedjeljak 27.2.2023. sveučilišni profesori sa Sveučilišta u Stavangeru, Kraljevna Norveška Inge Crist i Marcus Barkved u sklopu projekta STEM u Osnovnoj školi Vrgorac su održali prvu edukativnu radionicu za učenike na temu: Kako predmeti mogu letjeti.
On Monday, February 27th, 2023 university professors Inge Crist and Marcus Barkved from the University of Stavanger, Royal Norway, held the first educational workshop for students as part of the STEM project at the Vrgorac Elementary School on the topic: How objects can fly.

Tema se odnosila na zakone Fizike, učenike su na zanimljiv i poučan način educirali o Newtonovom 3. zakonu, Bernuolli efektu i Coanda efektu koji su zasluženi zašto avioni mogu letjeti. Nakon prezentacije učenici su izrađivali papirnate rakete koje su kasnije ispred škole ispaljivali u zrak.
The topic was about the laws of Physics, the students were educated in an interesting and instructive way about Newton's 3rd law, the Bernoulli effect and the Coanda effect, which are responsible for why airplanes can fly. After the presentation, the students made paper rockets, which they later fired into the air in front of the school.
Ukupno je sudjelovalo 19 učenika od 5. do 8. razreda. Isti dan u popodnevnim satima su istu radionicu održali i za 14 učitelja Osnovne škole Vrgorac koji su uključeni u projekt STEM u Osnovnoj školi Vrgorac.
A total of 19 students from 5th to 8th grade participated in the workshop. On the same day, in the afternoon, they held the same workshop for 14 teachers of the Vrgorac Elementary School who are involved in the STEM project at the Vrgorac Elementary School.
Učiteljima je to bila druga edukativna radionica koju su odžali partneri iz Karaljevne Norveške.
U utorak 28.2.2023. su isti održali ponovljenu radionicu za drugu grupu učenika, u utorak je sudjelovalo 17 učenika. Radionice su održane na engleskom jeziku, a učenici su pokazali veliki interes i želju za ponovnim sudjelovanjem kada se budu obrađivale druge teme.
For teachers, it was the second educational workshop attended by partners from Royal Norway.
On Tuesday, February 28, 2023 the same teachers held a repeated workshop for another group of students, 17 students participated on Tuesday. The workshops were held in English, and the students showed a great interest and desire to participate again when other topics will be discussed
Projekt STEM u OŠ Vrgorac apliciran je od strane OŠ Vrgorac 2021. godine, odobren je 2022. te je financiran iz Financijskog mehanizma Europskog gospodarskog prostora za razdoblje od 2014. do 2021. godine i Norveškog financijskog mehanizma za razdoblje od 2014. do 2021. godine te sredstvima Ministarstva regionalnog razvoja i fondova Europske unije.
The STEM project at Vrgorac Elementary School was applied for by Vrgorac Elementary School in 2021, approved in 2022, and financed from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area for the period from 2014 to 2021 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period from 2014 to 2021. and with funds from the Ministry of Regional Development and European Union funds.