Obilježavanje vladanja britanske kraljice Elizabete II
Autor: Administrator , 16. 9. 2022.
U našoj osnovnoj školi odlučili smo organizirati obilježavanje vladavine nedavno preminule britanske kraljice Elizabete II koja je bila na čelu monarhije posljednjih 70 godina. Uz vodstvo nastavnica: Katarine Androlić (engleski jezik), Božice Rebić (likovna kultura), Ljiljane Lozančić (tehnička kultura) i Štefice Lovreković Cvitić (povijest) učenici su istraživali život kraljice i razdoblje njezinog vladanja te kroz međupredmetnu suradnju izrazili svoje spoznaje na različite načine od pisanja tekstova na temu preko oblikovanja postera do crtanja i izrade modela simbola monarhije. Učenici su pokazali veliki interes za trenutna događanja u svijetu, spremno su surađivali u svim zadacima i samostalno radili na kreativnom izražavanju. U nastavku pogledajte izložene radove naših učenika.
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Školska godina 2014./2015.
My Family
Pisanje može biti zabavno! Writing can be fun!
Dear teacher. Pls let me excuse my absence on 31 Oct 2014 cuz I didn't feel well. I went 2 a dr in Zagreb. I stayed overnight in dept 4 1 night. I'll come 2 school asap. Thx & cu
Nika Janković 7.b
Dear teacher. I wasn't @ school yesterday bc I was sick. I had stomachache. 2day I'm better. I hope 2 come 2 chool 2morro. B4n cu 2morro. Thx 4 understanding
Marta Vrbos 7. b
Abt 1 & 2 nov, Y I didn't come 2 school. I was ill. I had flu & it was nbd. But atm I'm worst. It got 2 a bd, bta I was feeling gr8, fyi. I dk, nalopkt I mean, abt what happened. Aight, I feel good and happy now bc it all passed and btw atys is OK.
Mia Španiček, 7. a
Good day teacher. On 15 jan I wasn't @ school bc I wuz in England w/ my M and D. We went there bc we went 2 visit my aunt. 2morro I'll go back 2 school. So could u pls give me an excuse 4 that day. Tyvm
Željka Valec 7. a
Ims bcs I won't b @ school 2day. Ik I'll skip lessons. L8r I'll go 2 doctor's. Myb I won't go to school 2 morro. I hope 2 come back asap. Hand
Matea Martić 7. a
Dear teachet, I couldn't come 2 school bc my head really hurt. Asad I'll b in school. I'm really not good 2day. Thx 4 understanding.
Ana Delić 7.a
I was absent on 30 Oct 2014. Bc of imo a fever. I went 2 a dr. he said I had 2 drink a lot of tea & stay in bed. My mother cared 4 me 24/7 and 2day I'm OK.
Igor Vrban 7. a
Školska godina 2013./2014.
Everybody is happy All around the world people prepare for Easter. Sunday is close Tick-tack time is passing by. Easter is coming. Rabbits jump around.
Baskets are full. Usually we eat cookies. Neighbourhood is colourful. Notice the birds singing. You should eat chocolate. Maria Azinović & Matea Dončić 8.b |
Everyone can celebrate Easter. Anyone can eat chocolate bunny. Such a good chocolate bunny. Tomorrow people will look for eggs in garden. Everyone can look for eggs in the garden. Repeat this, happy Easter.
Bunny will bring you eggs. At home people eat eggs and onion. Someone will bring the ham. Keep the kids in the house when hiding eggs. Easter will finish too fast. Tomorrow is a new day. Božidar Martinović & Filip Čunčić 8.c |
Easter, we love it all And eggs we eat them all. Super is the Easter time The Lord rises at Easter. Everyone is happy. Remember, chocolate eggs are very yummy.
Bunny hides the eggs, Under the trees and in the grass. Nobody can see them, Nobody can find them. You just get a present and have fun; it’s Easter time.
Antonia Čunčić & Anđelina Zetić 8.b |
Everybody loves Easter. At Easter you eat chocolate eggs. So many people celebrate Easter. Too bad for you if you’re ill. Eggs are good for breakfast. Read a book to learn about Easter.
Easter is the biggest holiday in the world. Good fun is part of Easter. God is in you when you’re in church. Sickness is the worst thing that can happen. Matija Čaić & Ivan Zagorac 6.b |
Easter is nice important event. At Easter everyone is happy. Someone who is sad needs to be happy. There are eggs and ham to eat. Everybody eat cakes. Rabbit hides eggs.
But, children are curious Under bushes are eggs. Now children are so happy. Never give up, You must be persistent. Martina Šušak & Franciska Petričević 8. C |
Every year is Easter. At Easter you eat ham and eggs. Save some eggs for colouring. To school is just a week, so be quick. Eggs are for the fight, so be the best. Remember, after Easter is school again. Nikola Međeral & Mateo Jurišić 6.c |
Easter’s funny, there are a lot of bunnies. At Easter you eat eggs, ham and onion. Some eggs. Together we go to church with a basket. Easter’s funny, there are a lot of bunnies. Rabbit’s bringing chocolate bunnies.
Easter, Easter, everyone likes Easter. Going to paint eggs, going to paint eggs. Going to a shop to buy some eggs. Some eggs. Renato Kaurić & Nikola Slivak 6.a |
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