Projekt „Way to Go-paths of life” mozaik je različitih okruženja za učenje, s fokusom na tri vrlo važna aspekta – na životne staze povijesti, kulture i prirode, dalje analizirane kroz dostignuća u umjetnosti, glazbi, kroz tradiciju, kuhinju, sport, zdravi život… Svi ovi elementi stvaraju Stablo života svake pojedine osobe koje raste iz korijenja čvrsto utemeljenog u povijesnoj pozadini obitelji, rodnog grada i domovine. Jake veze s kulturom i prirodom zavičaja čine stablo još jačim i plodnijim.
Aktivnostima projekta stvorit će se atmosfera poticajna za cjeloživotno učenje i „učenje kako učiti“, čak i nesvjesno, preko izvora s kojima smo čitav život u neprestanom dodiru. U 21. stoljeću definicija pismenosti potpuno se mijenja: nije dovoljno znati čitati, važno je naučiti kako učiti. Učenici će biti uključeni u neformalno učenje kao aktivni sudionici. „Hodat će“ sa svojim vršnjacima, stvarno i metaforički, dijeliti razmišljanja, surađivati u kontekstu socijalne i kulturne raznolikosti.
Kreirat će se projektna web stranica, logo, blog i galerija slika, provesti natjecanje u izradi postera. Pomoću suvremenih računalnih tehnologija učenici – sudionici će:
- označiti stazu od kuće do škole QR-kodovima s više informacija (o povijesnim činjenicama, s fotografijama, videom…)
- proći raznim putevima u prirodi i skupiti fotografije, zvučne i video zapise, uzorke… i načiniti prezentacije
- načiniti razne igre povezane s glazbom, plesom, hranom, prirodnim ljepotama i umjetnošću zemlje
- uključiti se u pripremanje tradicionalnih jela drugih zemalja
- izraditi postere o 10 preporuka za zdrav doručak, kombinirajući tradicije partnerskih zemalja
- načiniti interaktivne karte zemalja s informacijama o umjetnosti, obrtima, glazbi, sportu, hrani… različitih dijelova neke zemlje
- naučiti izrađivati proizvode koje će moći prodati s dobrotvornim ciljem
- proći neke popularne i važne povijesne staze pojedinih zemalja
- načiniti dnevnike putovanja nakon svake mobilnosti
- sudjelovati u završnoj izložbi postignuća projekta
- podijeliti rezultate projekta sa širom zajednicom.
Devet je partnerskih škola: dvije iz Finske a ostale iz Slovačke, Hrvatske, Italije, Španjolske, Turske, Grčke i Islanda. Dvije su strukovne škole, ostale su opće srednje škole. Neke su već ranije uspješno provodile EU projekte, tri škole uključuju se prvi put. Putem multikulturalnog dijaloga sudionici će osvijestiti i učvrstiti pripadnost široj, EU zajednici, njegujući vrijednosti građanskog društva i međukulturalne solidarnosti, boreći se protiv ksenofobije, rasizma i socijalne isključivosti. Upoznat će različite običaje, tradiciju, drukčiji mentalitet i način života. Naučit će cijeniti ne samo svoj kulturni identitet, već i ostale kulture. Bolje razumijevanje različitosti priprema je za suočavanje s izazovima globaliziranog svijeta današnjice.
I učenici i nastavnici će učvrstiti znanje stranog jezika i usavršiti svoje računalne kompetencije. Korištenje računalnih tehnologija nastavnici će integrirati u svakodnevnu nastavu i učiniti je zanimljivom, povisiti motivaciju učenika i izboriti se protiv profesionalne stagnacije.
Finski dnevnik - Viktor Berc
Autor: Krasnodor Mikša, 14. 4. 2016.
Dnevnik Viktora Berca iz Finske u kojoj je boravio u sklopu projekta ''WAY TO GO - paths of life''.
A week in Finland, 7th – 13th February 2016
For me, the week we spent in Finland was a great experience. I had a lot of fun since day one. When we arrived to Helsinki and met up with the other teams, I knew already that this week is going to be awesome. In Helsinki, we first met with the team from Italy and Slovakia. As the time passed by and all the teams arrived, we got on the bus which took us to Pernio. After a one hour drive, we arrived to Salo school in which we had dinner and met up with our hosts. After a short introduction, we went to our host families.
On the second day, Monday, we met in the Salo school again and every team presented their country through a short movie or pictures. Later, we were divided into teams marked with colours. I was in the red team, our animals were birds. One student from Salo school was the main leader through the school. As we explored the Salo school, we could see Finnish ways of studying which are very different than ours. When we were done exploring the school, we returned to the school's gym where we played several games. The point of most games was to meet up with other people and remember their names. Later that day we made badges with our names which helped us communicate with each other. Then we took a walk to visit the gallery of Juha Metso, which was, for me, a very disturbing experience.
On Tuesday, the third day of our visit, we went to Pernio school where every team had their presentations again. When we were finished we had some free time, where my new friend Matus beat a team of Finnish girls in table soccer, well they beat us two times before that final game. After that, we had lunch and took a tour around the Pernio school, as well. For me the Pernio school was more interesting than the school in Salo. Shortly after the tour, we took a walk to the gym where we played some sports like boxing, basketball and land hockey of which, land hockey was the most exhausting one. But also the most fun of all. When we were done with it, Pernio hosts took us to pick out ice skates for the next day.
Wednesday. We traveled to an ice skating arena because the one in Pernio had no more ice. Ice skating was a new experience for me, but thanks to the great instructions from Finnish people, who were very friendly, it was not such a tough challenge to learn it. After we were finished with ice skating, we traveled to a laser tag arena where we played laser tag. My team mates and I won with the biggest score (we played in the 2nd round). We took a trip to Turku where we visited some interesting buildings in the city and then we had some free time which we used to shop around the city. Later we went to see a hockey game between 2 Finnish teams. That was very exciting to watch.
On Thursday we visited Helsinki where we had the most free time, so we explored the city on our own after we had visited some important locations there. It was a great day of hanging out with my new friends and we all had a great time.
On Friday we took part in school lessons along with our hosts and that day was The friendship day in Finland so we were given paper hearts on which we wrote the names of the persons we hugged that day. In the evening hours we went to the school disco where we all had a great time dancing and hanging out.
Viktor Berc, 3. Ga