Engleski jezik...
U posljednje vrijeme često se govori o dobrim i lošim stranama nadzornih kamera u javnim ustanovama, pa tako i u školama. Evo što o tome kaže jedna učenica naše škole u raspravljačkom eseju na engleskom jeziku.
Surveillance cameras in schools
As we are living in a high-technology culture, it has infiltrated into almost every aspect of our lives. From various devices in our homes to security cameras in public places. It can be quite useful, but sometimes it invades people's privacy. In this essay I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of surveillance cameras in schools.
Firstly, if someone vandalized school property, it would be much easier to find out who did it, since every corner would be under surveillance. Another positive aspect is the decrease in cheating during exams. It would be impossible to cheat without being caught on tape. Furthermore, students would automatically behave better as they would know they are being watched.
On the other hand, stress and anxiety levels could increase because of the awareness of being constantly watched, which could lead to bad test results. Furthermore, there would be a lack of privacy while talking to one another. It would not be easy to have private conversations while in school. The last negative aspect is the price of the cameras and the cost of keeping them functional. A better and wiser option would be to invest in new desks and chairs or perhaps renovating the gym.
In conclusion, surveillance cameras can be helpful if something bad happens or to stop students from cheating. However, the biggest problem is the lack of privacy, which is very important to teenagers. In my opinion, cameras should only be placed in front of valuable school property.
Lorena Žinić, 4.A
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