USPJEŠNO PROVEDENA HUMANITARNA AKCIJA „Sve je slađe kad se dijeli, kad se daje!“
Naša škola zajedno s metkovskim osnovnim i srednjim školama organizirala je humanitarnu akciju „Sve je slađe kad se dijeli, kad se daje“! kako bi p. Silvestru Xavijeru, prijatelju, suradniku i svećeniku na čijim je rukama umro naš oca Ante Gabrića pomogli obnoviti osnovnu školu Sacred Heart primary school u mjestu Kulpi, Zapadni Bengal, Indija.
Za opremanje učionica odgovarajućom opremom i osiguravanjem minimalnih uvjeta za rad bilo je potrebno 2 500 eura. Zajedničkom akcijom koju smo proveli tijekom mjeseca veljače uspjeli smo prikupiti 23. 426,50 kuna od toga:
Donacija na račun oca Silvestra Xaviera u iznosu od 3.100 € uplaćena je 12.04.2017. i uspješno preuzeta 24.04.2017.
U realizaciji naših aktivnost osim nastavnika i učenika također je doprinijela i župa Sv. Nikole u kojoj nam je župnik omogućio prodaju dalmatinskog rižota ( nedjelja, 26.2.). Potičući svoje župljane na sudjelovanje ukupno je prikupljeno 6.713,00 kn.
Zahvaljujemo svima koji su doprinijeli da uspješno provedemo akciju i pomognemo onima kojima je tako dugo pomagao naš otac Ante. Neka ponovno oživi njegov duh u nama i neka kap dobrote i dalje teče prema Bengaliji.
„ Prava vrijednost čovjeka nije u onome što čini za sebe, već u onom što čini za druge“.
Violeta Oršulić
Otac P. Sylveter Xavier uputio je i zahvalno pismo svima onima koji su sudjelovali u ovoj akciji.
Pročitajte pismo:
Thanks and praiseworthy of each and every one of you
Dear Friends in the Risen Saviour.
Prayerful greetings and Joy Filled Easter Wishes and Blessings to all of you.
Before the death of the servant of God Rev. Fr. Ante Gabric used to tell me that His country people would help me for the mission. When I was in Metkovic with Fr. Ante Tustonji the present provincial of ZAGREB and our Bishop I recall a lady guide who was very active (name not known) took all of us to Fr. Ante Gabric's house, the parish church where Fr.Ante Gabric's statue is placed and many more places and later to a Restaurant for lunch . The Hotel Manager was curious to see me and wants to know who I am. The lady guide told him that he is Fr. Sylvester xavier who looked after Rev. Ante Gabric in the last part of his life. That's all. He kissed my hands and asked me to bless him and all that happened 29 years ago. What a joyful days I had in Metkovic and entire CROATIA. I was ever grateful to everyone.
Now I am here to thank each and every one of you in front of Jesus.
1.First of all I Thank God for His wonderful deeds done through you all. This shows that The Vision of Fr.Ante Gabric is fully alive and spreading all over.
2. I thank the staff and students of the Gimnazija Metkovic for their tireless efforts to collect money for the Indian Mission. I know it's a great sacrifice on each and every one's part. You can have your own reward by our Master Jesus.
3. I take this opportunity to thank The OS Stjepana Radica Metkovic school Staff and Children wholeheartedly for their great contribution that you have done for our school. It is a great joy for our children to receive from Fr. Ante Gabric's country men. And our children are ever grateful to you and always. You all are in our prayers.
4. It is a great pleasure for me to Thank you from the depth of my heart The OS Don Mihovila Pavlinovica at Metkovic. You all might have worked very hard to collect the high amount of money and contributed for Fr. Ante Gabric's vision to be fulfilled. It is a great jesture with high esteem you have showed for our children. You all have a special blessings from The Almighty and from His Son Jesus.
5. Without The Zupa SV. Nicole parishioners nothing could have realised. I wholeheartedly thank all the priests of the parish and all the people of the parish for planning and executing the whole programme step by step to make the best of the day of Fr. Ante Gabric being accomplished. 6.My love and gratitude goes to all the Priests who all had been praying for the success of Fr. Ante Gabric's birthday beautiful and it will be always beautiful among all the Croatians all over the world.
7. I THANK very specially Mrs.Violeta Orsulic and Srednja skola Metkovic for the major role played from the beginning to the end to make the memory of Fr. Ante Gabric fully Alive.
May God bless each and every one of you for all the sacrifices you all have made for that day.
Once again I thank you wholeheartedly for the great gift of 3100 Euros for our children in INDIA where yours and our joy will unite and meet always. May God bless you all.
Fr. Sylvester Xavier
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