I'm a high school student too - Let's meet-European Commission-VET story
Autor: Nada Ratković, 15. 6. 2020.
U sklopu projekta I ja sam srednjoškolac- Upoznajmo se, učenik 1. g razreda, Nediljko Tadić koji se obrazuje za zanimanje prodavač podijelio je svoju priču o učenicima Srednje strukovne škole bana Josipa Jelačića Sinj s učenicima iz cijele Europe kako bi nadahnula i podigla svijest o mogućnostima koje pružaju naša strukovna škola i strukovna zanimanja.
Strukovno obrazovanje i usavršavanje može imati različite oblike i smjerove, ali isto tako može pokriti širok raspon vještina „od izrade slastica do razvoja aplikacija“. Ono nudi šansu za novi početak i prilike za pretvaranje kreativnih vještina ili hobija u uspješan posao.
Priču pod nazivom "I'm a high school student too - Let's meet" Europska komisija je prepoznala kao odličan primjer „dobre prakse“ strukovnog obrazovanja i osposobljavanja i dana 15. lipnja objavila na svojoj službenoj stranici i postala javna u sklopu projekta „Share Your Story“.
Pročitajte i ostale odabrane priče o vještim učenicima strukovnog zanimanja iz cijele Europe „klikom na priče“.
Pročitajmo Nediljkovu priču:
I'm a high school student too - Let's meet
My name is Nediljko Tadić and I am first grade student of the High Vocational school of ban Josip Jelačić in Sinj (Croatia).
During the European Vocational Skills Week 2019 my school organized an Open Doors event titled „Vocational Schools - Let's meet!’’. One of the activities included a visit from students of the Commercial and Trade School in Split.
I had organised the visit together with my teacher Ms. Nada Ratković. I was very excited to meet new friends from Split. Besides visiting our school we invited them for a city tour to present the sights and customs of Sinj.
Organising this visit was a big challenge but also an important lesson and fantastic experience for me. I planned the visit, participated in the discussion with other students, delivered a presentation, took photos and prepared a report for the school newspaper and a video for the school website.
The main conclusion from the visit was that although we are all different, our skills, also or foremost vocational skills, are our future. We should do our best to further develop them and discover new opportunities.
Although I am only in the first grade, I can say with full confidence that vocational education is the best choice and I will find good job on the labour market.
I know that this event is just the beginning of future activities like Erasmus+ projects.
For more information, visit the school’s website:
Nediljko Tadić (student) and Nada Ratković (teacher) at High Vocational School ban Josip Jelačić Sinj, Croatia
Jasenka Rašetina, teacher at Commercial and Trade School Split, Croatia
I'm a high school student too - Let's meet-European Commission-VET story
Autor: Nada Ratković, 15. 6. 2020.
U sklopu projekta I ja sam srednjoškolac- Upoznajmo se, učenik 1. g razreda, Nediljko Tadić koji se obrazuje za zanimanje prodavač podijelio je svoju priču o učenicima Srednje strukovne škole bana Josipa Jelačića Sinj s učenicima iz cijele Europe kako bi nadahnula i podigla svijest o mogućnostima koje pružaju naša strukovna škola i strukovna zanimanja.
Strukovno obrazovanje i usavršavanje može imati različite oblike i smjerove, ali isto tako može pokriti širok raspon vještina „od izrade slastica do razvoja aplikacija“. Ono nudi šansu za novi početak i prilike za pretvaranje kreativnih vještina ili hobija u uspješan posao.
Priču pod nazivom "I'm a high school student too - Let's meet" Europska komisija je prepoznala kao odličan primjer „dobre prakse“ strukovnog obrazovanja i osposobljavanja i dana 15. lipnja objavila na svojoj službenoj stranici i postala javna u sklopu projekta „Share Your Story“.
Pročitajte i ostale odabrane priče o vještim učenicima strukovnog zanimanja iz cijele Europe „klikom na priče“.
Pročitajmo Nediljkovu priču:
I'm a high school student too - Let's meet
My name is Nediljko Tadić and I am first grade student of the High Vocational school of ban Josip Jelačić in Sinj (Croatia).
During the European Vocational Skills Week 2019 my school organized an Open Doors event titled „Vocational Schools - Let's meet!’’. One of the activities included a visit from students of the Commercial and Trade School in Split.
I had organised the visit together with my teacher Ms. Nada Ratković. I was very excited to meet new friends from Split. Besides visiting our school we invited them for a city tour to present the sights and customs of Sinj.
Organising this visit was a big challenge but also an important lesson and fantastic experience for me. I planned the visit, participated in the discussion with other students, delivered a presentation, took photos and prepared a report for the school newspaper and a video for the school website.
The main conclusion from the visit was that although we are all different, our skills, also or foremost vocational skills, are our future. We should do our best to further develop them and discover new opportunities.
Although I am only in the first grade, I can say with full confidence that vocational education is the best choice and I will find good job on the labour market.
I know that this event is just the beginning of future activities like Erasmus+ projects.
For more information, visit the school’s website:
Nediljko Tadić (student) and Nada Ratković (teacher) at High Vocational School ban Josip Jelačić Sinj, Croatia
Jasenka Rašetina, teacher at Commercial and Trade School Split, Croatia
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