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XVIII. gimnazija Zagreb

 > Naslovnica
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Autor: Vedran Peruničić, 20. 3. 2023.

New year has started just like our new Erasmus+ project. This Tuesday, on the 7th of March, we had our first meeting regarding the project. This meeting’s goal was to learn about the goals we wanted to achieve with our new project and the actual content of it.

Više pročitajte u nastavku / Click for further infornation!

In the beginning we were introduced to PINTEX, an acronym for Project Internalization for Excellence. We learned what the goals of PINTEX are and how we can achieve them. After that our teachers divided us into groups and gave us the task do make a logo for the project. Every group had a different approach, but we all had the same goal – to solve the problem. The key to solve any problem is SWOT analysis. Some of the problems which are related to our school were introduced to us and we had to make up some of our own. The next thing is defining the goals and to focus on the priorities of the Erasmus programme. Every goal should be SMART. With our activity, the goal is more achievable. The key is to divide the tasks and to let everybody be involved in some type of way. Our teachers went on many educations to now be able to present this whole project to us and guide us through the process. The quality standards also play a big role in this because they show how good are our managing skills and how aware are we.

In the end comes dissemination. Dissemination is the key for promoting the project. WE as the participants need to give our project the visibility. WE need to show how our project was useful and helpful in many ways. WE need to share our knowledge. WE need to start new projects. Because, if the last project was good its ending is the new beginning.

Photo: Jelena Glavaš / Erasmus+ workshop

Lucija Kruljac, 4.c






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