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Osnovna škola "August Harambašić" Donji Miholjac

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"August Harambašić" Elementary School in Donji Miholjac is the only elementary school in our town. Presently, there are 465 pupils and 67 employees at school. Current name of the school originates from 1960s. It is named after August Harambašić, a famous writer from Donji Miholjac.Our main aim is to improve education and teacher training process and to provide our teachers and children with high pedagogic standard they may need as they continue on their learning journey.

  67 pupils attend Music Primary School which is within the central school. The aim of Music Primary school is to provide the children with the skills at playing the piano, the guitar, the accordion and ˝tamburica˝ (tamburitza- Croatian traditional string intrument).

Today the school is equiped nwith the most recent technology. Teaching areas and offices are acclimatized. The school has its own video surveillance and an elevator for pupils with disabilities. New multifunctional outdoor eco-classroom accompanying educational facilities is built recently. There is audio-visual equipment in each classroom, the quality of school canteen is raised up and the school gym is renovated and two new football playgrounds are built.

The School has recently acquired a  permanent gold status of International Eco-School and more than 5 years we are all involved in the project Shool Violence Prevention and protection of school property which has given excellent results.

Indoor Training Facilities

There are two buildings within the central school in Donji Miholjac. There are 20 classrooms in a smaller building where pupils attend Music School. In two 60 m²-sized classrooms pupils attend classes in two shifts. Fourteen 70 m²-sized classrooms are used for subject teaching.

A Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Art, History, Geography, Music, Religion and partly Croatian and English have teaching labs.The 102 m2–sized library and 170 m2-sized canteen completes its purpose and the School current needs.


School Surroundings

There are 20 577 m2   of school surround within the central school. Large part of the surround is green area, large school park, three school playgrounds and a bus station.

In the center of the school yard there is a flower garden which is renewed with flowers. In front of the school we grow ancient flowers of the village gardens: bushes, two-year flowers, one-year flowers which florist section grows on their own. The rose garden is also arranged, and the path that leads from the new to the old school is also surrounded by ancient Slavonian flowers. 

The north side of the school surround is embellished by the tujored and various decorative bush. On the lawn between the old and the new school building there is a rockery with native and endangered species. In this way organized school environment you can find representatives of all biological community of plants.

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Osnovna škola "August Harambašić" Donji Miholjac / Prilaz stadionu 1, HR-31540 Donji Miholjac / /
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