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Osnovna škola - Scuola elementare "Dolac" Rijeka



COMENIUS SPRING – Schools PRomoting INtercultural competence through Games



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible forany use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Partners: Germany, Italy, Turkey, Spain, Cyprus, Northern Ireland and Croatia

In the partnership SPRING – “Schools PRomoting INtercultural competence through Games” the following educational aims are to be reached:

  • To use games as a tool to promote intercultural competence
  • To educate pupils in a way, that they respect other cultures
  • To develop a sense of European citizenship within our school communities including pupils and staff
  • To promote cross-cultural and social emotional skills among students with and without disabilities through a common feature and action

To reach this aim, the participating schools have to accomplish some activities in their schools, in which the main focus is based on “strategies to develop intercultural skills through games”

1st phase: collecting games (September to December)

Finding games by pupils assisted by teachers (two games per each European competence dignity, freedom, equality, solidarity,  citizenship, justice).
Result: a pool of different games that will be reported in text, pictures, video and presentations published on the website.

2nd phase: developing calender (January to December)

Practice games during the year, discussing  them and choose out periodically the best two of them (every 2 months testing games for 1 competence)
Result: calender (contains impressive pages of ideas and hints for European competencies through games in fine art coming out of a competition. The calendar is available in a printed version and in a pdf-version to be downloaded from the website.)

3rd phase: producing handbook (January to June)
Write down a game-description in mother language of each participating country and in English
Result: The “Games Handbook” contains activities of games of each participating country.


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