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Osnovna škola Ivanska

 > Nastava  > eTwinneri  > assessment

Student evaluations on the project "What makes the I in euro-dentity?"

Here are the survey questions and some of the students' comments:


What new knowledge or skills did you learn while working on the project?

Every person has their opinion.

I learned how to communicate better with people.


What would you change about the project?

I would like to organize some traveling to the countries we learn about.

Not every student does their duties on the project


If you can use only one word to describe the project what would it be?








Student evaluations on the projects Hello friends and Be my pen friend.

Hi, I'm Marta and I liked this project because I learned about other people. I even enjoyed making posters about myself which I didn't think I would like. 


Hi everyone, it's Paula. I'm very thankful that I got to be included in this project. I loved meeting everyone here and texting them. Getting to know people with the same interests as me was definetely my favourite thing. I am looking forward to be in a project like this next year. 

Hi everyone, I'm Lorena. I really liked all the projects we did this year. I hope that the project will be repeated next year as well. ♥


I liked this project, and I hope I will go next year. I liked the most when we wrote about ourselves and did little posters.

Hi, I'm Petra. I liked working in this project. It was the best for me when I had to come up with something for a logo or something similar. Mostly I liked everything and it was interesting. 


Hi I'm Nevena I really liked this project because I met great people, and especially one who is close to my heart. I couldn't wait for every Zoom call, but when it came, we would be embarrassed and speechless. I really wish we could have met in person, but who knows, maybe one day we will.❤️

Hi everyone, I'm Katja. I am very happy that we did all these projects. The best time for me was when we got to know each other. it was wonderful and I'm looking forward to that project if there will be one next year as well!♡


Hi, I am Jelena. This project was really fun and interesting. The best thing was when we talked with our partners from Turkey. I hope I will be a member of this project next year as well.


Hi, I'm Paula. It was very interesting on the project this year. I liked it the most when we talked with friends from Turkey. I am looking forward to that project next year as well, if there is one.


Our thoughts on the projects:

Well, this project is very interesting and I like that some of ya'll have similiar games to ones that we also have in Croatia. I actually had the most fun filming our games becouse I already knew how to play it and you know, but I also enjoyed playing some other games too. :)       (Paula Tkalčan)

Well, I think the projects are educational, but there's a lot to do. But if projects are very interesting, nothing is difficult.   (Jelena Kolar)

It was really fun to see other countries games and I loved playing them.I really enjoyed this project and woud do it again, but obiously with other games and countries.    (Marta Novaković)

This project is very interesting, and there are so many ways to entertain and meet the games of other countries. (Nevena Zjačić)



"Najviše mi se svidjelo kada smo pokušavali brzalice. Bilo je jako zabavno i smiješno. Naučila sam slovensku brzalicu iako je bilo jako lako." Adrijana

"Naučio sam raditi Kahoot. Najviše mi se svidjelo opisivanje sebe. Naučio sam nove riječi." Karlo

"I liked when we tried to speak tongue twisters. I learned how to do a Kahoot." Matija

"Najviše mi se u ovom projektu svidjelo to što smo pokušavali izgovoriti brzalice na tom jeziku. Naučila sam svašta o eTwinningu i Edmodu." Matea

"I liked the project because it was fun. I learned a new tongue twister." Nika

"I learned to use Edmodo and on it post the video and pictures. I liked when we tried tongue twisters." Ema

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