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Osnovna škola Prelog

 > Projekti  > ERASMUS+
Broj projekta 2017-1-BG01-KA219-036227_3

Artistic Approach to Business Education, Entrepreneurship and Culture je dvogodišnji projekt u kojem sudjeluju škole iz Poljske, Bugarske, Rumunjske, Portugala i Osnovne škole Prelog. Aktivnosti u projektu osmišljene su na način da učitelji i učenici iz svih partnerskih škola zajednički razvijaju neformalno obrazovanje djece u području ekonomije kroz stvaranje umjetničkih proizvoda, kao i uvođenje u marketing i kreativnu distribuciju. Partner u projektu, konzultacijski i edukacijski centar za OŠ Prelog je Knjižnica i čitaonica Grada Preloga.

Projekt obuhvaća cijeli proces stvaranja umjetničkih proizvoda / scenske igre, stripova, elektronske adaptacije priče / igara kao i pratećih aktivnosti, te će učenike upoznati sa stvaranjem trgovačkih artikala tih umjetničkih proizvoda.





Autor: Nina Lesinger, 20. 5. 2018.

A few days ago, Prelog Primary School has been awarded the diamond status of the international organization Eco Schools. This status was awarded to our school based on 15 years of successful and continuous implementation of the program.

International Ecolabels are a program designed to implement environmental education guidelines at the level of comprehensive educational institutions (primary and secondary schools, kindergartens and dormitories, schools for children with special needs and faculties). The National Coordinator of Eco Schools in the Republic of Croatia is Lijepa Naša Association. The Ecolabel International Program has been developed by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) in response to the UN Conference in 1992. The program officially started in 1994 in Denmark, Germany, Greece and the UK. Today Eco-Schools are being implemented in more than 59 countries around the world linking more than 46,000 schools.

In honor of recieving and hoisting our new Green Eco Flag, our school is going to organize a special event with the A BEE C play and fair as the focal points of the entire event.





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