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Help the Earth

Sixth grade students got a homework assignment to write a creative poem, do a comic strip, make a poster or similar and the topic was Help the Earth. This is a poem Lorena Šestanj, a student from 6A class wrote:



If you wanna help the Earth

then you can save the bird.

If you wanna help the Earth

then you can clean the dirt.

Be aware of pollution

and find another solution.

Save the water

and hang ot with your daughter.

Turn off the electricity

and go out in the city.

The Earth is ours to enjoy

and for every girl and boy!


Lorena Šestanj, 6A


Well done, Lorena! :)

Pošalji prijatelju Pošalji prijatelju
objavio: Suzana Mesić   datum: 26. 2. 2014.

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