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Starosjedioci – najpoznatija prezimena

Starosjedioci – najpoznatija prezimena 

Prezimena su postojani međaši našeg jezičnog i etničkog protega u prošlosti. 

(Petar Šimunović)


Prezimena su svojim postankom duboko ukorijenjena u životnu zbilju. Oni su svojevrsni spomenici društvenih prilika i pouzdani pokazatelji materijalne i duhovne kulture naroda koji ih je stvorio i koji ih prenosi s koljena na koljeno. Prezimena se mogu proučavati s različitih gledišta i prikazati prema različim načelima: prema podrijetlu odnosno autohtonosti, prema učestalosti pojavljivanja, odnosno prema broju nositelja prezimena i prema jezičnim značajkama. Proučavanje podrijetla pretpostavlja temeljita arhivska istraživanja. Proučavanje učestalosti pojedinog prezimena na kojem području temelji se na statističkim podacima. Jezikoslovni pristup proučavanju prezimena utvrđuje tvorbu, motivaciju i značenje prezimena koje je često prikriveno.

Odabir prezimena koja će se ovdje prikazati temelji se na podacima dobivenim iz dvaju župnih ureda koji pokrivaju prostor Gornjeg i Donjeg Bukovca. Podaci o prezimenima dobiveni su iz matičnih knjiga krštenih koje su pohranjene u Župnim uredima Remete i Sv. Jeronim. Iz podužeg popisa prezimena, od kojih su neka u matičnim knjigama zabilježena u razdoblju od 19. stoljeća do danas, izdvojen je niz prezimena za koje se na temelju matica može pretpostaviti da pripadaju sloju starosjedilačkih prezimena. Pretpostavka o starosjedilačkom karakteru toga niza prezimena dodatno je provjerena u djelu "Leksik prezimena". Taj je rječnik sačinjen prema popisu stanovništva iz 1948. godine i obrađen 1976. godine u današnjem Institutu za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje u Zagrebu. To golemo djelo nezaobilazno je u proučavanju prezimena jer jedino daje podatke o obliku prezimena i o broju nositelja na mikrolokalitetima. Za većinu je prikazanih prezimena bilo moguće utvrditi koja su od njih bila registrirana na području Gornjeg i Donjeg Bukovca, u kojem se obliku prezime javlja, broj obitelji i broj nositelja prezimena. U ovome je prikazu odabran samo dio prezimena koja prema raspoloživim pokazateljima spadaju u red starosjedilačkih bukavačkih prezimena: Fagač, Forko, Evačić, Igrec, Kardaš, Kontek, Mihetec, Milčec, Novak, Ormoš, Pernar, Potočić, Zubak, Jupar, Jagunec i Pavlinec.

Što se značenja prezimena tiče, treba imati na umu da je «njihova motiviranost u različitim životnim prilikama često ... teško uhvatljiva» i da svako «ma kako dobro istraženo prezime ... ne kazuje nam uvijek pouzdano od čega je što postalo, već od čega je moglo postati ...»

Helena Šarić, prof.





'Bukovac' elementary school is situated on a hilly Bukovac, a beautiful neighborhood above Maksimir forest, a part of Zagreb that has all the positive urban characteristics and yet keeps idyllic closeness to nature, which gives it a special charm and fills one with peace and stability. It is a blissful oasis on the edge of swarming streets and commotion of the city. A famous writer Zvonimir Milčec described great beauty of his and our Bukovac in his novel 'Zvižduk s Bukovca'. Bukovac is located on the hillsides of Medvednica. In the past people had estates there and that part of old Zagreb was known for its many vineyards.

 In the history of Zagreb Bukovac has often been mentioned in connection to Remete. These two neighborhoods have also been connected by the history of our school. Namely, elementary school was established in 1859 in an ancient, once Paulist and today Carmelite, monastery in Remete. In the same year cardinal Juraj Haulik donated a land for school to be built. Ten years later, in 1869, first school for both neighborhoods was built. So, the education of children living in Bukovac was connected to that school until the Second World War. After the war, these children went to school in Jakić Street until 1958, when the first school in Bukovac was built. It was an assembly building located next to the present school building. In the same year school started for the first four classes. Older pupils continued their education in Jakić Street and other close schools.

Community expanded rapidly and so did the number of pupils. Two classrooms became too small.

In 1960, initiated by Bukovac residents, Maksimir district council began preparations for expansion of school premises. Taking into consideration further expansion of the community, building of the school proceeded in several stages. First stage was completed after seven years. Six new classrooms, along with a management wing were built and school started on 5th September 1967. 563 pupils enrolled. Before that, they went to district school or parent school 'A.G.Matoš'. One part of teaching staff came from 'A.G.Matoš' school.

The number of pupils and classes grew every year and the working conditions became more difficult. In 1977 new specialized classrooms, sports hall, kitchen and dining room were being added on. They were put to use one year later. Their equipment fulfilled modern educational requirements. In 1998 school sports ground was built in the place of first school in Bukovac.

Community continued to expand, along with the number of pupils and need for additional classrooms became evident. City government accepted school’s proposal for adding on additional wing with six more classrooms and other required facilities. A building permit for school reconstruction and annex was issued in July 2007.

There were also some changes in name. In 1973 on a School Day, name ‘Bukovac’ was changed into ‘Viktor Bubanj’, but in 1991 the original name was returned. That year Croatia was at a turning point in history. Raid alerts, anxiety and tragedy caused by the war were reflected in the life of our school. At those moments we tried, each person in his or her own way, to do something for the future of Croatia. Some were on the battlefield and some had other missions. We were brought together by distress. Many exiled pupils came to our school. Here they tried to reconnect broken pieces of their shattered childhood and heal the wounds caused by war horrors. They learned their first letters, experienced their first success, first love and renewed faith in the triumph of the good. We couldn’t always provide for material goods, but we could always give –LOVE.

Beside knowledge, we try to inspire our pupils with love and moral values, so they could be joyful and become self realized individuals. Without it, every progress in knowledge could become bitter, as much for them, as for their community.

Through their and our contribution, we try to make a better world. We are happy when we succeed, and we do, for many generations our pupils have grown up to be well respected lawyers, excellent artists, teachers and respected citizens. We are proud of our former pupil, Monika Leskovar, a world famous artist.

Today our school has 693 pupils. Most of them have extracurricular activities and some show remarkable talent and achieve great results in certain disciplines. There are sports activities, drama group, journalist group and dancing. On our regular Open Door Days we show their achievements.

In the end, I would like to take notice of this year eight-grade pupils. They are finishing their elementary education and one chapter of their lives and leaving for new schools and new settings. The road they are taking is filled with challenges and temptations. I wish them to grow their God-given talents and to fulfill their potentials, and, as our famous poet A.B.Šimić once wrote, to do great things under the stars. I believe that, in our school, they have learned how to give their best and how to become and stay complete and realized individuals.


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