Priča na engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku
Autor: Tajana Bundara, 12. 6. 2019.
Mareta Basta, 3.c 'The Magic World' su potpuno samostalno osmislile i napisale Ena Jug Dujaković i Mareta Basta, 3.c Impresivni spoj znanja stranog jezika i kreativnosti! 'Putovanje kroz vrijeme' je djelo maštovotih trećašica Manuele Buljan, Ane Jakovine, Sare Pervan, Sare Mozare, Ene Jug Dujaković i Gabrijele Sopte. Obje priče su kreirane pomoću karata iz kolekcije Pričosvijet. Zavirite u našu knjižnicu, zanimljivih priča i pričoslika tamo ima!
Once upon a time there was a princess stuck inside the Magic World. She had a dog that wasn't in the Magic World. Her sweetheart, the prince, couldn't also get into the Magic World. He was stuck somewhere in between.
The dog tried to find a key to open the Magic World, but he couldn't find it. The dog saw a witch on the Moon. So he started running to catch the witch, because she was watching over the princess and and the prince. The witch wanted the Magic Mirror that could only be found by a couple truly in love. The couple saw the witch and started running back to the castle, because the Magic Mirror was there. They needed the Magic Mirror to help them be together.
However, the dog found the key in one of the holes. It unlocked the Magic World and the princess and the prince ran back to the castle in the Real World. The witch was stuck in the Magic World and the couple lived together forever.
Ena Jug Dujaković & Mareta Basta , 3.c
Karte: Čarobni dvorac, Car, Carica
Bili jednom car i carica koji su živjeli u čarobnom dvorcu.
Karte: Vremeplov, Čarolija
U svom dvorcu imali su vremeplov. Odlučili su otputovati u prošlost.
Iako je vremeplov bio star, htjeli su ga isprobati. I tako su stigli do spilje u kojoj je živio jedan trol.
Karte: Trol, Čizme od 7 milja
Trol im nije htio posuditi svoje čizmice, pa su se posvađali. No nakon nekog vremena su se pomirili. Čizmice su bile zabavne, jer se s njima moglo visoko skakati. Nakon nekog vremena ponovo su ušli u vremeplov i vratili se u sadašnjost.
Car i carica su živjeli sretno do kraja života.
Pouka: Kod kuće je najbolje!
Priču osmislile:
Manuela Buljan, Ana Jakovina, Sara Pervan, Sara Mozara, Ena Jug Dujaković, Gabrijela Sopta iz 3.c