Virtualni sastanak – Be a buddy not a bully
Mi Erasmusovci smo se početkom prosinca radovali putovanju u Belgiju i susretu sa projektnim partnerima koje smo upoznali u veljači 2020. u Španjolskoj, međutim, kao i mnogima diljem svijeta, i nama je omikron pomrsio račune. U Belgiju nismo otputovali, ali smo zajedno sa talijanskim, belgijskim i španjolskim partnerima organizirali dva Zoom sastanka. (15.12. i 17.12.) Budući da je tema kojom se projekt bavi vršnjačko nasilje, kako ga spriječiti i umanjiti njegove posljedice, raspravljali smo o odgojnim metodama i događajima koji rezultiraju agresijom, fizičkom ili emocionalnom potrebom da povrijedimo drugo ljudsko biće, resursima i osobama uključenim u spomenuti proces.
Zajedno sa partnerskim školama smo pogledali nekoliko kratkih, obrazovnih videa povezanih sa temom, a potom je učenik Srednje škole Bol Jure Eterović ( 3. a razred) na međunarodnoj razini predstavio svoje shvaćanje rada Brene Brown ( američke istraživačice, profesorice i predavačice) i osobnog iskustva Kevina Warda koji je održao TEDx talk o bullyingu u odrasloj dobi. Ono po čemu je Brene Brown najpoznatija i zbog čega je njezin TEDx talk Daring classrooms jedan od najgledanijih ikad je tema ranjivosti. Brene smatra da ako nismo u stanju otvoreno pokazati svoju ranjivost pred drugim ljudima i prihvatiti da svaka osoba koja si dopusti ranjivost će doživjeti neuspjeh ( jer uvijek će postojati ljudi kojima se neće svidjeti ono što radimo), funkcionirati ćemo po principu štitova kojima se branimo od drugih ljudi ( moving away- na kritiku reagiramo tako da želimo nestati, da nas nitko ne primjećuje, moving towards-ulagujemo se ljudima govoreći im ono što mislimo da žele čuti te moving against- na agresiju reagiramo agresijom). Da bismo bili emocionalno stabilni, trebamo se znati oporaviti od neuspjeha, a u tome nam mogu pomoći razmišljanje poput moje ponašanje je glupo ( za razliku od ja sam glup), i drugim se ljudima to dogodilo, ja ne zaslužujem ovo te okretanje prihvaćanju sebe takvima kakvi smo u danom trenutku, suosjećanju i empatiji za sebe i druge te neprešućivanje problema i onoga što nas muči.
Kevin Ward u svom izlaganju govori o tome kako je proživio bullying u osnovnoj školi, kasnije u braku i na poslu i kako je kao dijete poučen da na nasilje ne treba reagirati. Nereagiranje ga je dovelo do brojnih emocionalnih trauma, uključujući onu najtežu da jedan dan ode od kuće i napusti svoje troje djece zbog nezadovoljstva samim sobom i brakom kojeg više nije mogao podnijeti. Iz svog potresnog iskustva je naučio da se na nasilje treba reagirati- edukacijom, bila ta edukacija učenje borilačkih vještina, pohađanje određenih tečajeva o emocionalnoj stabilnosti ili suočavanje sa određenim strahom.
Sljedeća faza sastanka se odnosila na prikupljanje ideja i fotografija koje će poslužiti za kreiranje scenarija za kratke videe u programu Canva. Glasanjem svih učenika uključenih u sastanak su odabrani španjolski, talijanski i belgijski video prijedlozi na kojima ćemo nastaviti surađivati.
Iako naš video nije izabran među tri pobjednička, sjajno smo proveli zajedničko vrijeme, iznimno smo ponosni na našu suradnju i ideje koje su rezultirale obrazovnim materijalima.
The students have decided to create an Instagram account to share positive thoughts in order to fight bullying but also COVID19 morosity:
All the partners will send positive messages to the Belgian team in charge of the Instagram account:
Put your messages here:
Za današnji sastanak naša učenica je pripremila sljedeći video:
Pogledajte ga i uživajte u njemu.
Here is the link..Let's collaborate:

The European Commission'ssupport for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Check out celebrities that have been bullied or cyberbullied.
This task will be collaborative with multinational teams
Click on this first slide and add all the info you find
The European Commission'ssupport for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
One of the activities chosen for the month of October is uploading short videos on bullying here and commenting them in the forum.
Srednja škola BOL- Croatia
Answer the following questions concerning the video Viral wisdom by Dr Shefali:
- We have all been going through collective grief during this pandemic. What happens when we allow ourselves to open our hearts to grief?
- According to Dr Shefali nobody should be an elected official or a parent until they have gone to work at a hospice for at least a year. Why?
- How have people lived up to now and why is that ˮ wrong ˮ ?
- What is the essential meaning of life?
- Why should people wear masks even if they don't believe they are protected from the virus by them?
- How can a lot of time we were forced to stay at our homes help us understand life?
- How can ego crumbling help us connect with the rest of the world?
- What is the difference between boundaries coming from our ego and those coming from our essence?
- What is this pandemic teaching us?
Explanation of the video for the students from partner schools:
In this video, Dr Shefali who is a psychologist and writer and youtuber, talks about the ways this pandemic with COVID-19 should help us live better lives on a global scale.
During this pandemic, many people in the world have faced sadness, loss, anxiety, fear, panic, worry. Many people have died, many peole have lost their jobs, many people have had to change their lifestyles. What is positive about this situation is that we are all the same when it comes to the pandemic. Nobody is actually safe and that should remind us that we all, being it plants, animals or humans are the same at our core, we are all life and certain type of an organism. People have long been concentrated on the labels they gave to themselves or on those that other people gave to them. That means that people have identified themselves with their gender, skin colour, physical appearance, education, nationality, religion, interests and by doing so they have created divisions among themselves. Thinking that we are the amount of money or lack of money we have, Indians, Americans or Europeans, Catholics or Muslims, highly educated or illiterate, we have created communities in which people are mean to each other because of those artificially constructed differences. We have believed that our value is in all the external things and we are actually our kidness, empathy and humility.
Now when we have to wear masks, be at home, are not allowed to travel, we can experience what it means to feel uncomfortable and how people who are poor, sick, abused, not heard by other people and stuck in their difficult life circumantences feel. We have to stop being greedy because it hurts our planet and other people, we have to stop having fear that there are no enough resources for everybody, we have to stop being afraid by our artificially made differences because every life is fragile and has an end in this physical form.
Croatian text about bullying at workplaces
The article deals with allegations of on-set bullying with three executive producers being accused of bullying and toxic work environment concerning The Ellen Degeneres Show and toxic work environment concerning Brasilian edition of Vogue with former employees talking about being exposed to bullying by their then editor Daniela Falcao. They witness about everyday insults and screaming, spending too much time at work, experiencing a stressful reaction when they would see her name on the screen of their mobile phones, hiding that they had diseases in order to keep their job.
The article also talks about the Z generation- employees who won't take insults by their bosses and who are likely to expose their work ethics on social media and invite their followers to cancel a certain business and people running it.
A poster made by our students:
About the article:
Since the article talks about bullying in the workplace, it is connected to Dr Shefali's video because we can sense that a person who insults her employees isn't her empathy, kindness and soul, she lives in her ego and doesn't have an open heart. That person is focused on perfection, material things, greed, money, hate and competition and thinks she is superior or different from others. Dr Shefali teaches us how to become better versions of ourselves and stop living in our ego.
Here are the two videos chosen by the Belgian partners with a short description of them!
This short video about cyber-bullying shows us that we should not think that because things happen virtually they don’t affect real people. Words hurt as much as fists!
100% of us have already cyberbullied, been cyber-bullied or witnessed cyberbullying which means we all have a part to play in stopping this behavior.
Play your part by using STOP, BLOCK TELL.
STOP: Stop and think before posting something online that might be upsetting to someone. Think about how you would feel if you were in their position.
BLOCK: If you are a victim of cyber-bullying you should block and report the person that has been bullying you.
TELL: If you think you are being cyber bullied, report it to a parent, teacher or guardian. Cyber bullying is not ok, nobody deserves it and we can all help to put a end to it for good!
Enjoy this video and never forget: STOP, BLOCK and TELL!
This short video aims at educating children, teenagers and teachers about what to do when confronted with bullying. If you are being bullied, first, don’t ignore it! It won’t stop if you don’t do anything about it. Then, don’t forget the three verbs: STOP, WALK (or BLOCK if it is online), TELL. Stop taking the abuse, get yourself away from the situation and go tell to an adult you trust: parents, teachers, counsellors and coaches’ first priority is your safety. If you tell an adult, the bully is more likely to stop because the adults around him/her won’t tolerate his/ her behavior. Adults don’t tolerate bullying but teenagers shouldn’t tolerate it either and they should STAND UP FOR EACH OTHER.
The European Commission'ssupport for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
U ovim danima kada nam svima život izgleda drugačije, naši ERASMUS+ partneri iz Španjolske razveselili su nas videom potpore kojeg možete pogledati na sljedećem linku: https://www.facebook.

Erasmus+ projekt ˮ Be a buddy not a bully ˮ omogućio je Erasmus+ ekipi Srednje škole Bol u sastavu: Lucija Ivičić, Antea Jerčić, Marija Karninčić, Mia Pivčić, Karla Rakela i Iris Stančić pod vodstvom njihovih mentorica, profesorica Petre Kokeze i Rovene Trivanović iskustvo Španjolske i njezinoga identiteta kroz mješavinu umjetnosti, kultura, religija, utjecaja i onoga najvažnijega sklada svega navedenoga.
Putovanje smo započele u petak 7.2.2020. ranim jutarnjem letom iz zračne luke Resnik prema Munchenu odakle smo nakon nekoliko sati imale let za Barcelonu. Nakon što smo uz blagu paniku došle do mjesta gdje nas je čekala prtljaga, uputile smo se prema centru grada i smjestile u apartman nekoliko minuta udaljen od jedne od najpoznatijih šetnica na svijetu- Ramble. Osvježene, krenule smo se prošetati i iznenadile se nedostatkom gužve i tipičnih uličnih umjetnika. Odlučile smo se najprije slikati sa slavnim Kolumbom, na putu do njega susrele nepomičnu umjetnicu odjevenu u zlatno ruho i zadivljene njezinim strpljenjem i vještinom prošetale lukom. Naša lagana šetnja je naprasno prekinuta i pretvorila se u trčanje kada se oglasio znak za razdvajanje mosta kako bi mogla proći jedrilica. Ostatak večeri je prošao ugodno uz laganu večeru na Rambli.
Subotu smo posvetile razgledavanju najznačajnijih znamenitosti u Barceloni. Prva na redu je bila La Boqueria, slavna tržnica gdje smo ostale zatečene bojama, veličinom, okusima i mirisima svega što se prodavalo toga jutra. Pomalo pod dojmom medijskih napisa o corona virusu, kupile smo nekoliko sokova i odlučile potražiti mjesto za doručak. Sljedeća postaja su nam bile Gaudijeve La Pedrera i Casa Batlló te najimpresivnije od njegovih djela Sagrada Familia. Oduševljene njegovim genijalnim umom i visinama u koje se vinuo ljudski duh dobile smo snagu kako bi se popele na Židovsko brdo i bacile pogled na nepreglednu Barcelonu. Jedino nam je žao što nismo uspjele popiti kavu na tom prekrasnom mjestu ( nije je bilo u ponudi). Spustile smo se do luke, ručale u restoranu u blizini Morskog akvarija kojeg smo kasnije i posjetile. Ostatak popodneva smo uživale promatrajući neke životinjske vrste koje smo dotad vidjele samo na televiziji.
Rano nedjeljno jutro je započelo pozdravom sa Barcelonom i odlaskom do podzemne željeznice koja nas je odvela do željezničke postaje odakle smo nakon sigurnosnih provjera krenule do Córdobe. Putovanje je trajalo 4.5 sata, ali nam nije teško palo uz sunce koje je nesmiljeno grijalo i našega ljubaznoga domaćina Rafu koji nas je čekao na ulazu u željezničku zgradu. Do krajnjega odredišta- Montora nam je trebalo još nekih 40ak minuta. Montoro nam je bio dom sljedećih 5 dana, po samom dolasku smo se rastale sa našim učenicama koje su smještene u obitelji, a mi smo se smjestile u hotel i upoznale sa belgijskim i talijanskim partnerima.
Ponedjeljak nam je bio jako aktivan. Službeni dio radnog tjedna je započeo uvodnim pozdravima našega Rafe i jedne njegove učenice, našega ravnatelja Alfonsa, gradonačelnice Montora i pročelnice za obrazovanje. Ono što su svi navedeni u svojim govorima istaknuli se odnosi na jedinstveno iskustvo rada u internacionalnim timovima, stvaranje cjeloživotnih prijateljstava, upoznavanje sebe u nekoj drugačijoj kulturi i hrabrost da se prepusti takvom pothvatu. Slijedila je kratka pauza, pa predstavljanje videa i prezentacija koje su partneri pripremili prije samoga susreta. Naša ekipa je snimila video koji dočarava jedan od najuspješnijih načina za rješavanje vršnjačkog nasilja, a odnosi se na pristup koji se zove support group approach ( support-podrška). Naši španjolski partneri u školi imaju razvijen sličan sustav koji se temelji na treniranim posrednicima-učenicima koji rješavaju slučajeve vršnjačkoga nasilja. Učenici su dobili brojeve od 1 do 31, zadatak im je bio nositi broj ispred čela ( nisu znali i mogli vidjeti svoj broj), kretati se u krugu, izbjegavati osobe s malim brojevima, a težiti razgovarati sa onima velikih brojeva. Nakon kratke vježbe je uslijedio razgovor o osjećajima koje su proživljavali tijekom iste. Popodne je bilo namijenjeno kreativnom radu. Naime, prije našeg dolaska su naši partneri razbili popriličan broj pločica kako bi učenici mogli sastaviti mozaik na jednom od zidova u školskom dvorištu. Učenici su dobili naslov No bullying i uputu da tu temu izraze slagajući krhotine kako žele.
U utorak smo svi zajedno posjetili Córdobu koja nas je oduševila Rimskim mostom, Ulicom cvijeća ( njihova dvorišta sa raznobojnim teglicama za cvijeće i obiljem cvijeća su zaštićeno nematerijalno kulturno dobro), Mezquitom ( bivšom džamijom koja je danas katedrala), ostatkom sinagoge i Alcázarom ( bivšom tvrđavom i središtem vlasti). Upravo smo u Córdobi iskusile ljepotu umjetnosti i života koji su rezultat isprepletenih kultura ( u ovom slučaju muslimanske i kršćanske).
Srijedu smo proveli u školi na radionicama o bullying-u, cyber bullying-u, igranju Kahoot kvizova na tu temu i situaciji sa vršnjačkim nasiljem u našim školama. Pogledali smo nekoliko zanimljivih videa koji su nam zorno pokazali da djeca i tinejdžeri ne shvaćaju Internet i društvene mreže kao opipljivu realnost i analizirali rezultate ankete o vršnjačkom nasilju u našim školama koju smo proveli prije mobilnosti. Saznali smo da najveće poteškoće po tom pitanju imaju belgijski učenici od kojih mnogi misle kako se taj problem ne može riješiti. Ostatak radnoga dana su učenici u internacionalnim timovima smišljali tekstove za našu rap himnu.
Četvrtak je dan kojeg ćemo pamtiti kao najljepši dio putovanja jer nam je otkrio čari neopisivo lijepe Seville. Može se pohvaliti prekrasnim Alcázarom čiji prvi kat nije moguće posjetiti jer je rezidencija španjolske kraljevske obitelji, trećom najvećom katedralom u svijetu ( koja je nekad bila džamija), Zlatnim tornjem i Španjolskim trgom koji oduzima dah, ali opet nas se najviše dojmila mješavina kršćanske i islamske umjetnosti i ljepota proizašla iz tog spoja. Na jednom semaforu je pao i jedan interni dogovor čijem se ostvarenju silno veselimo.
Jutarnji dio petka smo proveli igrajući Escape room na temu opakoga virusa (spasila se ekipa profesorice Kokeze) , izrađujući plakate na temu vršnjačkoga nasilja i njegovih posljedica te snimanju pobjedničke rap himne. Mi profesorice smo doživjele prekrasno iznenađenje od vodstva škole u obliku karanfila i srebrnih ogrlica tradicionalne izrade, a nakon kratke pauze smo imali sat vremena za oslikavanje platnenih vreća sa motivom dvorišta iz Córdobe. Prepustili smo se umjetničkom dijelu sebe, ali u 2.15 je naša ekipa nakon pozdrava sa ostalim ekipama i prekrasnim domaćinima morala krenuti na 5 sati dug put do Barcelone. Petak smo provele na aerodromu u Barceloni prisjećajući se najljepših dijelova putovanja i iščekujući rani jutarnji let za Frankfurt.
U sunčani Split smo stigle u subotu oko 2 popodne, sretne što smo punim plućima proživjele još jedno obrazovno putovanje i zahvalne što smo na njemu bile podržane sunčanim vremenom i prekrasnim, ljubaznim ljudima.

The European Commission'ssupport for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Na Pirinejskom poluotoku smjestila se jedna od nama najzanimljivijih i najljepših zemalja, Španjolska, idealna za početak našeg novog projekta "Be a buddy not a bully".

Dragi učneici tu možete pogledati tablicu bodova, za odlazak u Belgiju.
Zahvaljujemo svim učenicima koji su se prijavili za sudjelovanje na aktivnosti učenja, podučavanja i osposobljavanja u Belgiji. Bodovan je vaš dosadašnji doprinos, vaš uspijeh u školi, te vaša motivacijska pisma.
I.S | R.K (m) | K.R (ž) | I.J (m) | J. I (ž) | F.T | L. I | N. S | |
Dosadašnji rad | 19 | 12 | 10 | 17 | 10 | 9 | 5 | 1 |
Škola | 28 | 28 | 26 | 22 | 26 | 16 | 28 | 21 |
Motivacijsko pismo | 23 | 12 | 15 | 10 | 13 | 20 | 11 | 4 |
UKUPNO | 70 | 52 | 51 | 49 | 49 | 45 | 44 | 26 |
Putuju | DA | DA | DA | DA | DA | DA | DA | NE |
Pozivaju se zainteresirani učenici da se prijave za aktivnost učenja, podučavanja i osposobljavanja koja će se održati u Belgiji u sklopu projeka Be a Buddy, not a Bully.
Mobilnost će se održati od 17/18. -28./29. ožujka 2020.
Na mobilnost može putovati 7 učenika, čiji će put biti plaćen iz projekta. Također zainteresirani učenici trebaju popuniti prilog 1, koji mogu pronaći na stranici projekta.
Putuje se u gradić Seraing, u blizini Liege-a, a učenici će biti smješteni u obiteljima.
Motivacijsko pismo treba predati najdalje do 10.prosinca 2019, dok će izbor onih koji putuju biti do zimskih praznika. Učenici koji će putovati na mobilnost imaju obavezu i zaduženja prije i nakon povratka s mobilnosti.
Pismo treba poslati na mail: ili ga predati profesorici Kokeza ili Trivanović u školi.
Radujemo se vašim pismima!!!
To sum things up, the activities will be:
-presentation of the country's educational system and the school's organisation;
-encounter with the members of the anti-bullying cell;
-encounter with a psychologist or other expert of the subject;
-watching examples of anti-bullying videos;
-brainstorming on our videos;
-writing of the storyboard of the videos;
-audiovisual training;
-edition of the videos;
-visiting the town, places of interest, learning about the culture of the hosting country.
Ovog puta imali smo rekordan broj prijavljenih kandidata za odlazak na mobilnost učenja, podučavanja i osposobljavanja, čak njih jedanaestoro.
Zahvaljujemo svim kandidatima koji su se potrudili i sudjelovali u aktivnostima, koje su im omogućile ovoliki broj bodova.
Svima onima koji nisu imali sreće ovaj puta, nemojte odustajati, jer biti će još mnogo putovanja, samo ustrajte u radu i budite uporni. Rad se na kraju uvijek isplati.
Tablica poretka je sljedeća:
Ime i prezime | Razred | Dosadašnje p | Uspjeh | Izostanci | Vladanje | Engleski | Motivacijska pisma (3 prof.) | Dosadašnji r | Ukupno | |||
1. | I.S | 2.a | Da | 10 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 30 | 10 | 68 | ||
2. | L.I | 1.a | Ne | 10 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 21 | 6 | 55 | ||
3. | M.K | 3.a | Da | 8 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 27 | 7 | 54 | ||
4. | A. J | 4.a | Da | 10 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 17 | 10 | 53 | ||
5. | K. R | 2.a | Da | 10 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 22 | 5 | 53 | ||
6. | M. P | 3.a | Da | 8 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 18 | 9 | 51 | ||
7. | V. B | 2.a | Ne | 10 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 17 | 5 | 50 | ||
8. | J. I | 1.a | Ne | 10 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 12 | 4 | 42 | ||
9. | F. T | 2.c | Ne | 2 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 20 | 1 | 37 | ||
10. | I. J | 1.b | Ne | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 4 | 31 | ||
11 | D. I | 4.b | Ne | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 2 | 27 |
Pozivaju se zainteresirani učenici da se prijave za aktivnost učenja, podučavanja i osposobljavanja koja će se održati u Španjolskoj u sklopu projeka Be a Buddy, not a Bully.
Mobilnost će se održati od 7. -15. veljače 2020.
Na mobilnost može putovati 6 učenika, čiji će put biti plaćen iz projekta. Također zainteresirani učenici trebaju popuniti prilog 1, koji mogu pronaći na stranici projekta.
Putuje se u gradić Montoro, u blizini Cordobe., a učenici će biti smješteni u obiteljima.
Motivacijsko pismo treba predati do krajaa 10. mjeseca, dok će izbor onih koji putuju biti prvi tjedan u 11. mjesecu. Učenici koji će putovati na mobilnost imaju obavezu i zaduženja prije i nakon povratka s mobilnosti.
Pismo treba poslati na mail: ili ga predati profesorici Kokeza ili Trivanović u školi.
Radujemo se vašim pismima!!!
To sum things up, the activities will be:
-presentation of the country's educational system and the school's organisation;
-encounter with the members of the anti-bullying cell;
-encounter with a psychologist or other expert of the subject;
-watching examples of anti-bullying videos;
-brainstorming on our videos;
-writing of the storyboard of the videos;
-audiovisual training;
-edition of the videos;
-visiting the town, places of interest, learning about the culture of the hosting country.
We know that approximately 40% of European teenagers and children have already faced a situation of bullying at school. In Belgium, one person out of two has already witnessed a situation of bullying. When we consider the serious impact of school bullying on mental health, physical health and school leaving, we understand the urgency of targeting this problem. Indeed, school bullying can lead to anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, absenteeism, disengagement, early school-leaving as well as low concentration and social difficulties. We are, as teaching institutions, responsible for these problems as they are due to our inability to create a safe learning environment for our students. Of course, we know that this issue has been tackled by many international organisations. That is what we would like our approach to be a bit different. Indeed, the objective of the project would be to use our students’ ways of communication in order to address the victims, the bullying perpetrators and the witnesses directly. In fact, the lack of communication is an issue these days (in spite of all the modern means of communication available), especially when it comes to teenagers. Bullying isn’t talked about enough, parents, teachers and students don’t know about its causes and effects and emotional health isn’t a topic that is talked about on a regular basis. We would like to work on communication and use modern means of communication in order to create an anti-bullying campaign and to turn all the project participants into anti-bullying ambassadors. The participants will be selected among the four European partners that were chosen because of the numerous actions they have already implemented against bullying. Belgium has created an anti-bullying cell and is also the coordinator of the project. Italy has taken part in staff training sessions against cyber-bullying on eTwinning and has met the local police on the subject. They are also planning to create a specialised figure in the school to support teachers and students facing this kind of situation. Spain has already created this figure: student have been trained to become "mediators". They have also attended talks about bullying and cyber-bullying that the local police officers gave in their school. Finally, they have created an anonymous email address for anyone who has something to report about bullying. Croatia has already participated in a similar project on cyber-bullying. Within the framework of this project, they wrote and performed a play on bullying. We think that we can say that all the participating partners have been highly concerned by the issue of bullying for a long time. Each partner will create a Project Team of 20 students and approximately 6 adults chosen on the basis of their eagerness to become anti-bullying ambassadors in their school. In order to do that, the project will be divided into four mobility activities. Before each activity, the Project Team will meet to prepare the activity (accommodation, transport, flight, programme, ...). Between 6 and 7 students and 2 adults will travel.
The first mobility activity will aim at getting to know each other, sharing truthful experiences, gathering information and assess the various situational contexts in which bullying can occur and how each is best addressed. At the end of this activity, boards and leaflets (translated into each partner's mother tongue) will be created and broadcast in each school.
The second mobility activity will be aimed at writing, filming and broadcasting three videos on bullying made with the help of a trainer.
The third activity's objective will be to train the participants to become anti-bullying ambassadors by deciding how they will present the material created so far to their peers.
The fourth activity will aim to assess the ambassadors' presentations in each country and improve it for the future generations.
During each activity the welcoming country will present its educational system and school organisation. The welcoming school will also show the participants what has been implemented against bullying. The results of the project will be the boards, the leaflets, the videos and the presentation of our ambassadors (all the participants). These presentations should be attended by all the students of each participating school but also by students from other schools. Indeed, the ambassadors will also give a talk in other schools in an attempt to make more and more students, teachers and parents (thanks to the leaflets) aware of the problem of bullying and its solutions. On top of that, our ambassadors' presentation should be reused at the beginning of every school year in order to make new students aware of this problem and its solutions.
« Veljača 2025 » | ||||||
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