Virtualne učionice
1. a razred - učiteljica Inga Plaščak
1. b razred - učiteljica Ivana Nićin
ROZA za žene
Zagovaranje za ženska prava
O jednakosti, rodnoj ravnopravnosti i prevenciji nasilja učimo od malih nogu. Projekt ROZA za žene – Ravnopravnost, osvještavanje i zagovaranje za ženska prava i aktivizam potaknut će aktivnosti i u našoj osnovnoj školi usmjerene na promicanje ženskih prava i rodne ravnopravnosti te osvještavanje i ne pristajanje na rodno uvjetovano nasilje.
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Poštovani i poštovane,
čast nam je i zadovoljstvo pozvati Vas na međunarodnu radionicu o višejezičnosti u privatnoj sferi u urbanim zajednicama.
Ova se radionica održava u sklopu programa za cjeloživotno učenje Europske komisije - LUCIDE - Languages in Urban Communities - Diversity and Integration for Europe / Jezici u urbanim zajednicama - raznolikost i jedinstvo za Europu.
Cilj je radionice osvijestiti primjere dobre višejezične prakse u raznim europskim gradoviman te, kroz zajednički rad, dati preporuke za njezino poboljšanje.
U sklopu radionice bit će predstavljeni primjeri dobre prakse iz pet europskih gradova (London, Osijek, Hamburg, Nikozija i Atena), te ćemo imati prilike čuti glasove ljudi koji svojim ustrajnim radom i entuzijazmom promiču njegovanje višejezičnosti u lokalnom kontekstu.
Nadamo se da ćete Vi kao osoba koja ima mogućnost djelovanja na javne politike prepoznati važnost ovog pitanja u današnjem društvu te svojim znanjima i ekspertizmom, kroz diskusije u sklopu radionice, biti voljni sudjelovati i pridonijeti razvijanju preporuka za razvoj i poboljšanje jezičnih politika vezanih uz privatnu sferu, kako u Osijeku, tako i u širem europskom prostoru.
Naši gosti, partneri s projekta, uvaženi su stručnjaci iz Engleske, Njemačke, Bugarske, Grčke i Cipra, stoga je ova radionica i prilika za razmjenu iskustava i znanja na međunarodnoj razini. Ujedno, ona otvara prostor za daljnju suradnju u akademskom i administrativnom smislu između zemalja partnera na projektu i sudionika radionice. Više o projektu i partnerima s projekta možete saznati na sljedećim stranicama:
Veselimo se vašem dolasku! Ljiljana Kolenić,
Voditeljica projekta LUCIDE grupe u Osijeku Anđelka Peko,
Dekanica Učiteljskog fakulteta u Osijeku
Draga gospođo Eftimov,
Dr Dina Mehmedbegovic
London Centre for Leadership in Learning
Institute of Education
University of London
20 Bedford Way
Subject: Re: Osijekt Workshop: little overview and suggestions
Dear LUCIDE network,
returning to the office after a fruitful and inspiring workshop in Osijek (once again thanks KLARA AND THE OSIJEK TEAM) for making it such a good experience – we would like to share some “rather technical” points with you which we learned from the Osijek workshop and which help to improve the remaining three workshops but also other LUCIDE conferences.
To start with a little impression of the agenda
Dina Mehmedbegović (Institute of Education, London and a former student of Osijek university!) shared her research results of her study on Parenthood in bilingual/multilingual contexts in England and Wales. Marijana Kresić (Head of department of linguistic of the University of Zadar and raised in a Croatian family in Germany) gave an overview of the possibilities of bilingual education in Germany and Croatia (“learning Croatian in Germany and German in Croatia”) and of the impact of multilingualism on identity construction. Furthermore, Sarah McMonagle presented the case of Language in a Divided Society from the perspective of Northern Ireland – here similarities can be derived for Croatia, especially for the Osijek region.
We continued with a presentation on the the Roma Bayashi – Language and Culture, given by Duško Kostić who is the founder and president of the "Association of Roma Friendship", Luna and who received the Student Peace Prize for 2011 for his efforts to improve the situation of the Roma. Afterwards we learned about the various measures of Osijek’s library to encourage foreign language learning.
In the afternoon the cities present (Athens, Limassol, London, Osijek and Hamburg) reported about their issues and challenges and good practice examples of multilingualism in the private sphere and finally we had in interactive discussion forum with the workshop participants (university students, researchers, professors, teachers, library employees) on what concrete measures can be done to improve multilingualism in the various spheres.
In the evening we had an on-site-visit to a school in the region which received us very well and showed us how the C-Model works in practice.
Please find the agenda attached. The workshop presentations will be sent to you by Klara later on.
Please find now the suggestions for the remaining workshops
- Integrate more opportunities for discussion with the participants into the program. For example, as done in Osijek and received very well, an extra session where small groups of around 4-6 participants each meet at a table, chaired by a moderator and discuss an aspect of the workshop’s topic for 5 Minutes, a moderator then claps his/her hands and the groups rotate tables until each group has been at each table. In the end each moderator presents the results to the plenum
- Try to invite and involve stakeholders from the local municipality and discuss with them why certain language policies are not possible/ what needs to be done
- Concerning the city’s presentations:
There might be a maximum of 5 slides per city. Cities should limit their presentation to the topic of the workshop (E.g. Private. Otherwise we’ll hear things over and over again). Examples of challenges and best practices must concern language (and not just migrants/cultural groups). Keep referring to the relevant city - the uniqueness of this project is that it focusses on the urban level
Cities should send their presentation BEFOREHAND to the chair of this session in order to review for relevance of slides
With multilingual regards
******** Antje Hansen
Forschungsreferentin der Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft, Psychologie und Bewegungswissenschaft
Universität Hamburg
Von-Melle-Park 8
D-20146 Hamburg
Tel.:+49 40 42838 9184