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Prikazani događaji

Brojač posjeta
Ispis statistike od 19. 10. 2018.

Ukupno: 119009
Ovaj mjesec: 249
Ovaj tjedan: 60
Danas: 60

1. mobilnost

Naši kolege Tamara Kovčalija i Ivan Horvat na 1. mobilnosti u Barceloni - razgledavanje kulturnih znamenitosti grada.

Our colleagues Tamara Kovčalija and Ivan Horvat at 1st mobility in Barcelona - sightseeing of the city's cultural sights.


Iskustva iz Barcelone, 1. dan:
upoznavanje sa sadržajem seminara "Creative thinking" i ostalim sudionicima tečaja. Kolege su vrijedno predstavile sebe, našu školu, kao i naš projekt.

Experience from Barcelona, 1st day:
introduction to the contents of the Creative Thinking programme and other participants in the course. Colleagues have been diligent in presenting themselves, our school, and our project.






Iskustva iz Barcelone, 2. dan:
kolege su sudjelovali u radionici "Izgubljeno-nađeno" tijekom koje su tragom Gaudijevih arhitektonskih remek-djela otkrivali kulturnu žilu kucavicu grada te popratili događanja blagdana Gospe od Milosti te posljednji dan četverodnevnog festivala La Merce.
Barcelona experience, 2nd day:
colleagues participated in the Lost and Found workshop, during which they discovered Gaudi's architectural masterpieces by tracing the cultural vein of the town and accompanying the events of the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy and the last day of the four-day La Merce Festival.




Iskustva iz Barcelone, 3. dan:
naši kolege posjetili su privatnu školu Princess Margaret School koja radi po programu IB (Internacional Bachillerato). Program u državnim i privatnim školama je isti, samo su pristup i način stjecanja znanja drugačiji. Kolege su nazočili nastavi i upoznali njihov način rada.

Barcelona Experience, 3rd day:
our colleagues visited the private Princess MArgaret School, which operates under the IB (Internacional Bachillerato) program. The program in public and private schools is the same, only the approach and the way to acquire knowledge are different. Colleagues attended the classes and got to know their way of working.





Iskustva iz Barcelone, 4. dan:
naši kolege nazočili su predavanju i sudjelovali u radionicama tijekom kojih su rješavali probleme na kreativan način.

Barcelona Experience, 4th day:
our colleagues attended the lecture and participated in workshops during which they solved problems in a creative way.





Iskustva iz Barcelone, 5. dan:
naši kolege primili su certifikate za završen tečaj "Creative thinking".

Barcelona Experience, 5th day:
our colleagues have received certificates for the Creative Thinking course.





2. mobilnost

Naše kolegice Ljubica Glušac-Lukić i Izabela Mlinarević na 2. mobilnosti u Ateni - razgledavanje kulturnih znamenitosti grada.
Our colleagues Ljubica Glusac- Lukić and Izabela Mlinarević at 2st mobility in Athens - sightseeing of the city's cultural sights.


Iskustva iz Atene, 1. dan:

upoznavanje sa sadržajem seminara "The world, our classroom: museums and cultural landscapes" i ostalim sudionicima tečaja. Kolegice su predstavile sebe, našu školu, kao i naš projekt.
Voditelj tečaja, Nikos Voyiatzis, uveo nas je u temu muzeja i korištenja istih u procesu poučavanja.

Experiences from Athens, 1. day:
introduction to the content of the seminar "The world, our classroom: museums and cultural landscapes" and other participants of the course. Colleagues introduced themselves, our school and our project.
The course manager, Nikos Voyiatzis, introduced us to the topic of museums and the use of them in the teaching process.




Iskustva iz Atene, 2. dan:

kolegice su sudjelovale u radionici u kojoj su doznale kako osmisliti programe poučavanja koji vode iz učionice u muzej i natrag. Aktivnosti su se nastavile posjetom Technopolisa (Muzeja plina), Kerameikos i Nacionalnog arheološkog muzeja u Ateni.
Athens experience, 2nd day:
colleagues participated in a workshop in which they learned how to design teaching programs that lead from the classroom to the museum and back. Activities continued with a visit to Technopolis (Gas Museum), Kerameikos and the National Archaeological Museum in Athens.



Iskustva iz Atene, 3. dan:

naše kolegice sudjelovale su u radionici u kojoj su i dalje istraživale kako osmišljavati obrazovne programe koji vode iz učionice u muzej i natrag. Uz to su naučile kako učiti od predmeta (izložaka) te kako misliti i nagađati o predmetima.
Aktivnosti su se nastavile izletom na Akropolu, Muzej Akropole i Rt Sounion gdje su uživale u pogledu na spektakularan zalazak sunca i Posejdonov hram.

Experiences from Athens, 3rd day:
our colleagues participated in a workshop where they continued to explore how to design educational programs that lead from the classroom to the museum and back. In addition, they learned how to learn from objects (exhibits) and how to think and guess about objects.
Activities continued with an excursion to the Acropolis, the Acropolis Museum and Cape Sounion where they enjoyed views of the spectacular sunset and Poseidon Temple.




Iskustva iz Atene, 4. dan:

čitav dan prošao je u aktivnom obilasku mjesta kulturnih događanja: Kulturnog centra fondacije Savros Niarchos koji objedinjuje Nacionalnu knjižnicu i Nacionalnu operu Grčke. Nakon ovog iznimnog doživljaja obilazak se nastavio posjetom plaže Glyfada na kojoj je smješten Archelon, udruga za zaštitu morskih kornjača. Dan je završio u zabavnom tonu jer su kolegice iz prve ruke mogle naučiti kako plesati sirtaki, popularni grčki ples.
Experiences from Athens, 4th day:
colleagues spent all day touring the venue for cultural events: the Savros Niarchos Foundation's Cultural Center, which brings together the National Library and the National Opera of Greece. After this extraordinary experience, the tour continued with a visit to Glyfada Beach, home to Archelon, the Marine Turtle Protection Association. The day ended in a fun tone as first-hand classmates could learn how to dance sirtaki, a popular Greek dance.
Iskustva iz Atene, 5. dan:

naše kolegice primile su certifikate za završen tečaj "The world, our classroom: Museum and cultural landscapes". Oduševljene organizacijom tečaja, agencijom IDEC, sadržajem tečaja kao i popratnim aktivnostima s daljnjim entuzijazmom nastavile su istraživati grad i njegove zanimljivosti.
Experiences from Athens, 5th day:
our colleagues received certificates for the course "The world, our classroom: Museum and cultural landscapes". Enthusiastic about the organization of the course, IDEC as agency, course content and related activities, they continued to explore the city and its sights with enthusiasm.
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