ERASMUS KA210 - mala partnerstva, mobilnost nastavnika
KA210– „Walking the Paths of Volunteering: we take Action for Solidarity, for Sustainability, for a Society Without Exclusions, for a Fairer World“
(„Hodajući stazama volontiranja: poduzimamo akciju za solidarnost, za održivost, za društvo bez izuzeća, za pravedniji svijet“)
Koordinator projekta je Osnovna škola iz Katerini, Grčka, a partneri su Osnovna škola Nicolae Iorga i Sveučilište Din Pitesti, Rumunjska.
Ovaj projekt vezan je uz teme osnaživanja volontiranja od najranije učeničke dobi, te osnaživanja učenika u znanjima o održivom razvoju.
Projektne teme su:
- Volontiranje i okoliš (aktivnosti vezane uz zaštitu okoliša, zelenog poduzetništva, školske zadruge, radionice). Učenici će izraditi digitalnu knjigu u svezi mogućih aktivnosti na ovu temu.
- Volontiranje i digitalni mediji (aktivnosti vezane uz diseminaciju i pozive na suradnju u volontiranju i humanitarnim akcijama putem društvenih mreža i medija, te suradnja sa Udrugama)
- Inkluzija i volontiranje (promocija knjige Budi mi prijatelj, izrada videa na znakovnom jeziku, izrada taktilne mirisne slikovnice)
- Volontiranje i humanitarne krize (akcije sakupljanja hrane i ostalih potrepština za potrebite uz suradnju sa Udrugom Dobro dobrim (Veleposlanstvo Ukrajine), sakupljanje hrane i sredstava za nezbrinute životinje (suradnja sa Udrugama Dumovec, Noina arka i Sigurna kućica), izrada digitalnog priručnika o postupanju prema životinjama za djecu sa autizmom, poticanje učenika da se aktivno uključe u volonterske akcije pri Udrugama,
suradnja sa lokalnom zajednicom (vrtić i dom umirovljenika Blažena Ozana.)
Učenici će sa svojim Erasmus voditeljima organizirati razne humanitarne akcije (sakupljanje hrane, higijenskih potrepština za potrebite), sudjelovati u volonterskim akcijama očuvanja i zaštite prirode i živih bića.
Rezultati će se diseminirati na stručnim vijećima škole, grada i županije, roditeljima, Web stranici škole, Facebook stranici škole, putem dostupnih medija te e-Twinning portalu.
Nastavnici svoju aktivnost potvrđuju Potvrdama o mobilnosti.
Svoje ćemo radove plasirati na raznim školskim sajmovima te na sajmovima u lokalnoj zajednici.
Koordinator: Maja Vunderl Pasarić
ERASMUS KA210 - small partnerships, teacher mobility
KA210 – "Walking the Paths of Volunteering: we take Action for Solidarity, for Sustainability, for a Society Without Exclusions, for a Fairer World"
("Walking the paths of volunteering: we take action for solidarity, for sustainability, for a society without exceptions, for a fairer world")
The coordinator of the project is the Primary School from Katerini, Greece, and the partners are the Primary School of Nicolae Iorga and the University of Din Pitesti, Romania.
This project is related to the topics of empowering volunteering from the earliest school age, and empowering students with knowledge about sustainable development.
The project topics are:
- Volunteering and the environment (activities related to environmental protection, green entrepreneurship, school cooperatives, workshops). Students will create a digital book about possible activities on this topic.
- Volunteering and digital media (activities related to dissemination and calls for cooperation in volunteering and humanitarian actions via social networks and media, and cooperation with Associations)
- Inclusion and volunteering (promotion of the book Be my friend, making a video in sign language, making a tactile fragrance picture book)
- Volunteering and humanitarian crises (actions to collect food and other necessities for the needy in cooperation with the Good Good Association (Embassy of Ukraine), collecting food and funds for neglected animals (cooperation with the Dumovec, Noah's Ark and Safe House Associations), creating a digital manual on handling towards animals for children with autism, encouraging students to actively get involved in volunteer actions at Associations,
cooperation with the local community (kindergarten and retirement home of Blažen Ozana.)
Together with their Erasmus leaders, the students will organize various humanitarian actions (collection of food, hygiene items for the needy), participate in volunteer actions to preserve and protect nature and living beings.
The results will be disseminated to the expert councils of the school, city and county, parents, the school's website, the school's Facebook page, through available media and the e-Twinning portal.
Teachers confirm their activity with Certificates of Mobility.
We will market our works at various school fairs and at fairs in the local community.
Coordinator: Maja Vunderl Pasarić
„Walking the Path of Giving: taking Αction for Solidarity,
Sustainability, an Inclusive Society and a Fairer World“
Teachers meeting: Volunteering and Environment
Zagreb, Croatia, 13. – 15. 11. 2023.
ACTIVITIES 13. 11. 2023.
- pozdravni govor ravnateljice škole gđe Vlatke Kovač
- upoznavanje djelatnika stručne službe škole
- obilazak redovne nastave: satovi biologije i kemije
- obilazak odjeljenja u kojima se obrazuju učenici s posebnim potrebama po posebnom planu i programu
- E-Twinning
- prezentacije škola partnera - država, gradova, škola, aktivnosti vezanih uz projekt
- projektni sastanak partnera
Teachers meeting: Volunteering and Environment
Zagreb, Croatia, 13. – 15. 11. 2023.
ACTIVITIES 13. 11. 2023.
- welcome speech by the school principal Mrs. Vlatka Kovač
- getting to know the staff of the school's professional service
- tour of regular classes (attending classes)
- tour of classes where students with special needs are educated according to a special curriculum (attending classes in order to become better acquainted with the ways of adapting the teaching content implemented in our school)
- partners schools presentations - countries, cities, schools, activities regarding the project
- partners project meeting
Project number: 2023‐1‐EL01‐KA210‐SCH‐000152161
„Walking the Path of Giving: taking Αction for Solidarity,
Sustainability, an Inclusive Society and a Fairer World“
Teachers meeting: Volunteering and Environment
Zagreb, Croatia, 13. – 15. 11. 2023.
ACTIVITIES 14. 11. 2023.
- Upoznavanje s radom školske zadruge (integracija učenika s posebnim potrebama kroz rad u školskoj zadruzi)
- uzgoj aromatičnog bilja
- izrada čajeva od biljaka iz školskog vrta,
- izrada sapuna
- izrada mirisnih vrećica lavande
- izrada visokih gredica za biljke
- posadili smo dvije trešnje u školskom vrtu u znak našeg prijateljstva i suradnje
- Radionica: Muzika biljaka, Udruga Damanhur na kojoj su učenici mogli vidjeti kako biljke proizvode zvukove
- Radionica: izrada digitalne knjige o biljkama iz školskog vrta u Zagrebu, Hrvatska (digitalni herbarij)
- Obilazak školske izložbe učeničkih radova na temu: Posadi drvo, ne budi panj
Teachers meeting: Volunteering and Environment
Zagreb, Croatia, 13. – 15. 11. 2023.
ACTIVITIES 14. 11. 2023.
- Familiarity with the work of the school cooperative (inclusion of students with special needs through work in the school cooperative)
- ECO Workshop: growing aromatic herbs, drying herbs, making teas, soaps and scented lavender bags for humanitarian aid with regular and students with special needs
- Workshop: making high beds for plants to facilitate the work of students with special
needs in the school garden
- Workshop: creation of a digital book about plants from the school garden in Zagreb, Croatia
- Workshop: Music of plants, NGO Damanhur
- Tour of the school exhibition of student works on the topic: Plant a tree, don't be a stump
Project number: 2023‐1‐EL01‐KA210‐SCH‐000152161
„Walking the Path of Giving: taking Αction for Solidarity,
Sustainability, an Inclusive Society and a Fairer World“
Teachers meeting: Volunteering and Environment
Zagreb, Croatia, 13. – 15. 11. 2023.
ACTIVITIES 15. 11. 2023.
- Promocija volontiranja od najranijih dana: odlazak u vrtić Blažene Ozane i podjela djeci radova nastalih na EKO radionici.
- Promocija volontiranja od najranijih dana: U našoj školi proveli smo akciju prikupljanja dekica, hrane i igračaka za pse u skloništu za nezbrinute životinje Noina Arka. Posjeta Noinoj Arci u Dumovcu.
- Humanitarna akcija: u suradnji s Udrugom „Dobro Dobrim“ koju podržava Veleposlanstvo Ukraine, naši učenici i djelatnici škole prikupili su potrebnu humanitarnu pomoć za Ukrajinu
- Razgovor s volonterom Udruge „Dobro Dobrim“, Josipom Hrgovićem koji nam je opisao put kojim humanitarna pomoć stiže u Ukrajinu, te o načinima sudjelovanja u daljnjim humanitarnim akcijama i mogućnostima volontiranja
- E-Twinning
- Upoznavanje s projektom "Budi mi prijatelj", autorice Jasmine Kos - taktilna slikovnica, audio priča, 3D slikovnica na brajici, priča na znakovnom jeziku
- završni sastanak partnera i planiranje daljnje suradnje na projektu
Teachers meeting: Volunteering and Environment
Zagreb, Croatia, 13. – 15. 11. 2023.
ACTIVITIES 15. 11. 2023.
- Promotion of volunteering from the earliest days: going to the kindergarten of BlaZen Ozana and distributing the works created in the ECO workshop to children.
- Promotion of volunteering from the earliest days: ln our school, we carried out an action to collect blankets, food and toys for dogs in the shelter for neglected animals Noina Arka. Getting to know the work of the Association and handing over donations
- Humanitarian action: in cooperation with the NGO Dobro Dobrim, our students collected the necessary humanitarian aid for Ukrain, delivery of donations
- Conversation with volunteers of the NGO Dobro Dobrim about the possibilities of further humanitarian and volunteer actions
- Arranging a high bed for plants, planting plants. Planting a cherry tree as a sign of our partnership
- E-Twinning
- Getting to know the project "Be my friend" - tactile picture book, audio story, 3D picture book in braille, story in sign language
- final meeting of partners and planning of further cooperation regarding the project
početak - završetak
7.10 - 7.55
8.00 - 8.45
8.55 - 9.40
9.50 - 10.35
10.40 - 11.25
11.30 - 12.15
12.30 - 13.15
13.20 - 14.05
14.10 - 14.55
15.00 - 15.45
15.50 - 16.35
« Svibanj 2024 » | ||||||
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