The European training event “Creativity in teaching and training for a better classroom behavior & how to use music, art, ICT and outdoor activities in education”, organized by Quarter Mediation in Assen, the Netherlands, from 22nd to 28th of January 2017, was focused on interdisciplinary and interactive methods teachers and trainers can use to adapt the teaching and learning process to the individual needs of the students and to their multiple intelligences, for better school results and behavior.
The course “Creativity and innovation in teaching and training & How to use music, art, ICT and sport in education” is aimed to share good practice examples on how to use music, art (fine arts and performing arts), ICT and sport in the teaching and learning process, by combining these methods with the traditional (sometimes conservative) methods of teaching. The course is appropriate for teachers at any level, of any subject, head teachers, school inspectors, school counsellors, decision makers in the field of education, trainers.
Europski trening "Kreativnost u poučavanju i osposobljavanju za bolje poučavanje u razredima i kako koristiti glazbu, umjetnost, ICT i aktivnosti na otvorenom u obrazovanju", u organizaciji Quarter Mediationa u Assenu, Nizozemska, od 22. do 28. siječnja 2017. bio je usredotočen na interdisciplinarne i interaktivne metode koje nastavnici i treneri mogu koristiti za prilagodbu procesa poučavanja i učenja individualnim potrebama učenika i njihovim višestrukim inteligencijama, radi boljih školskih rezultata i poboljšanja ponašanja.
Tečaj "Kreativnost i inovativnost u podučavanju i osposobljavanju, te uporaba glazbe, umjetnosti, ICT-a i sporta u obrazovanju" usmjeren je na razmjenu primjera dobre prakse o korištenju glazbe, umjetnosti (likovne umjetnosti i izvedbenih umjetnosti), ICT-a i sporta u procesu poučavanja i učenja kombinirajući ove metode s tradicionalnim (ponekad konzervativnim) metodama nastave. Tečaj je prikladan za učitelje na bilo kojoj razini, bilo kojeg predmeta, nastavnike, školske inspektore, školske savjetnike i donositelja odluka na području obrazovanja, trenera.
Neki od osvrta polaznika tečaja:
“I have had a great learning experience in the course. I will bring to my school a bag full of fresh, creative and funny activities that I will share with my mates and will use with my students.” (Isabel Arencibia Custers, Canary Islands, Spain)
“In this course I learned that we can make the lessons more entertaining and we can take advantage of environmental facilities at a high level. I learned to appreciate the importance of cultural values, to use all the disciplines in the classes and to make lessons more fun. I also learned the importance of knowing foreign languages.” (Fatih Coban, Turkey)
“Workshops and socializing in Assen were a new and wonderful experience. Excursions were wonderful, especially the windmill, where coldness did not prevent us from enjoying. Our trainers, Cristina and Tim, were very helpful and the workshops are very useful and applicable in teaching. I have improved and developed many new skills and I am able now to make education more interesting, to adapt teaching to each student according to his ability, to use the English language without fear, to use art and imagination as a way towards the realization of the happy person.” (Dubravka Kosier Čakarun, Croatia)
Po povratku, većinu aktivnosti provela sam u razrednom odjelu 1. a razreda
1. Zajedničko slikanje - djeca stoje uokolo platna s odabranom temperom u boji. Na zvuk glazbe kreću sa slikanjem, a kad glazba stane, pomaknu se jedan korak ulijevo. Postupak se ponavlja do završetka slike.
2. Škola u Hrvatskom školskom muzeju; uključivanje kulturnih ustanova u nastavni rad i prilagodba sadržaja planu i programu rada, na zanimljiviji način.
3. Škola u prostorima Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu
4. Prezentacija u Movie makeru za Učiteljsko vijeće.
5. Škola u Gradskim vrtovima.
6. Praktična nastava - mijesimo medenjake u razrednom odjelu.
7. Škola u banci - učenje o novcu.
Dubravka Kosier Čakarun
početak - završetak
7.10 - 7.55
8.00 - 8.45
8.55 - 9.40
9.50 - 10.35
10.40 - 11.25
11.30 - 12.15
12.30 - 13.15
13.20 - 14.05
14.10 - 14.55
15.00 - 15.45
15.50 - 16.35
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