U sklopu projekta Erasmus+KA2 Learn&Play With ICT koji se provodi u našoj školi učenici su sa svojim prijateljima iz Irske posjetili spilju Veternicu u Parku prirode Medvednica.

Primary school Grigor Vitez from Zagreb is the only school in the Republic of Croatia, which is a regular school with regular students, and beside them, 130 students with special needs. Some of them are integrated in regular classes, but most of them are in special classes. Our school educates students who are members of ethnic minorities. In recent years we have noticed a greater dispersal of students in the course of primary and secondary schooling, and it was noted that some students acquire basic knowledge of lower level than expected. (Compulsory primary education in Croatia lasts 8 years, for children aged 7-15.)
Although our teachers have been improving regularly and individually, they did not have the opportunity to attend lectures and courses, or share experiences with other professionals on this issue. So, through agencies, we are involved in the mobility project Erasmus + KA 1, that allows us to, via individual mobility in the EU countries, acquire new knowledge, skills and experiences that will be applied in working with our students in the classroom. In order to modernize and improve the quality of the educational process we have to change the system, method, and access to our students and in the present time adapt it to the needs of the students, teaching them contents presented in a more interesting way. The possibilities of using e-textbooks in the classes open an entire new level of teaching with the help of information and communication technologies. The introduction of the Internet in classrooms and the use of computers, tablets, and other information technology require new knowledge and strengthened competences of teachers in that field in order to transfer their knowledge of different subjects to their students.
Our teachers are active members of the e-Twinning portal. By this portal our teachers inform each other of past experiences of other participants of similar projects in other countries, and already plan future cooperation with them and apply to online courses that will enable them further training in the field of implementation of ICTs in education. Using the benefits of the project on lifelong learning, we also support the European dimension in education. The participation of participants in individual mobility is confirmed by the Europass mobility certificates and certificates of participation in mobility in particular EU country from appropriate schools. These documents served us for further training through participation in future projects.
Except achieving main goals, i.e. reducing the risk of leaving school prematurely and increasing the basic level of knowledge, we want to raise awareness of the need for the use of ICT in education.
Project participants gain new knowledge and experiences, enhance different skills and achieve better language competence, with the goal of achieving further cooperation with other participants from other EU countries and developing new partnerships to implement future projects and disseminate the information about project results.
The use of ICT in teaching will allow easier and better adaptation of curricula to students with special needs and provide them with the possibility of greater independence in the learning process during classes and implementation of their free time. Here we see the extreme importance for students who have difficulties in graphomotor skills (they can’t use the stylus because of hand tremor), students with CP, visually impaired students and students with disorders of attention and concentration. To all of them ICT will be a great support in further education and thus increase their competitiveness in the labor market. The usage of ICT in classes motivates students to increase their level of basic knowledge. New skills and experiences will affect students to relieve frustration during the process of education and will reduce the risk of premature school leaving. It is important to note that the parents of the students supported the introduction of new ways of working through ICT and want to be active participants in the realization of the project, both now and in maintaining conductivity results of the project in the future. The expected results are that the use of ICT in education will reduce the risk of premature school leaving and that will increase the level of basic knowledge.
Our school supports its employees in their ambition to increase their knowledge, skills, experience and competence, and encourages them to contribute to the knowledge acquired by means of changes in education in the spirit of our time, with the aim of creating a stimulating working environment for students and teachers. Because of that, from 2016 to 2019 the school is included in another two Erasmus KA1 and KA2 projects.
The school collaborates with the local community through different projects on nutrition, health, first aid, local governments, kindergartens and elementary schools in the neighborhood. We all have the same goal: to create a safe environment for our children's education and adjustment of the educational process to the same process in European countries. In that way students with new skills and achieved knowledge will be additionally motivated for learning so they will not leave schooling prematurely, but become successful members of the society according to their acquired competences.
(1.9.2016. – 31.8.2019.)
Erasmus K2 programi razlikuju se od Erasmus K1 programa po tome što ne uključuju stručna usavršavanja nastavnog osoblja u smislu njihovog pohađanja tečajeva, već su okrenuti razmjeni znanja i iskustava nastavnika i učenika među državama koji su partneri u projektu.
Osim toga, oni predviđaju ne samo mobilnosti nastavnika već i učenika škole a sve u svrhu povečanja njihovih jezičnih, kulturnih i socijalnih kompetencija.
Erasmus K2 projekt u kojem sudjeluje naša škola ukupne je vrijednosti 160.000,00 eura od čega naša škola u tri godine provođenja projekta dobiva 24.290,00 eura a sredstva će biti utrošena za provedbu projekta.
U projektu sudjeluju sljedeće države partneri: Irska (koordinator projekta), Bugarska, Makedonija, Portugal, Španjolska, Litva, Hrvatska te vanjski suradnik, Austrija.
Projekt se provodi pod nazivom : Learn&Play with ICT i logičan je nastavak našeg prvog Erasmus K1 projekta: Implementacija IKT u nastavi. Stoga je večina profesora koji su bili uključeni u taj Erasmus projekt aktivna i u ovom projektu. Svoja će znanja i vještine stečene na Erasmus tečajevima primijeniti u provođenju ovog projekta.
Aktivnosti za učenike koje će se provoditi za vrijeme provedbe projekta:
- Wordpress Web stranica na koju se dodaju sve aktivnosti u svezi projekta svih država sudionika
- Viber komunikacija: slike i kratki komentari iz svakodnevnog školskog života učenika iz država sudionika
- Skype: mjesečna Skype komunikacija između učenika država sudionika
- Školski radio: učenici uz mentora izrađuju kratke radio emisije na zadanu temu te se radio emisija postavlja na Web projekta i ostale društvene mreže
- 5 jednostavnih matematičkih igara za tablete, višejezičnu igru iz biologije (o biljkama i hrani država sudionika), Potraga za blagom (potraga uz pomoć QR kodova na mobitelima), Dragulj u gradu (učenici pričaju o nekoj povijesno važnoj građevini i događaju), Priča iz naše literature ( učenici prevode i ilustriraju hrvatsku bajku), izrada višejezičnog digitalnog slikovnog riječnika, višejezična računalna igrica:Reci svoje prvo zdravo na stranom jeziku te još neke kompliciranije igre koje za svoje provođenje trebaju WIFI te je za njih potrebna edukacija.
U projektu su predviđene dvije razmjene učenika: između Makedonije i Bugarske te između Irske i Hrvatske.
Stoga, već 28.5.2017., desetoro naših učenika odlazi na tjedan dana u Irsku gdje će pohađati nastavu te biti smješteni u udomiteljskim obiteljima. Maleni Irci u našu će školu stići 2018. godine.
Večina novaca iz projekta biti će utrošena na mobilnosti nastavnika i učenika, no materijali i oprema koji su neophodni za provedbu projekta biti će kupljeni iz sredstava projekta.
Osim na Wordpress-u projekt je dostupan i na sljedećim društvenim stranicama: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Viber te na našoj web stranici škole.
Koordinator: Maja Vunderl Pasarić
E R A S M U S + K A 2 P R O J E K T: L E A R N & P L A Y W I T H I C T
"Alphabet game"
An interactive computer presentation of the (western) alphabet with letter recognition, phonetics and numbers for all our target groups (regular, immigrant, refugee and children with special needs).
School radio & podcasts
Via YouTube, our school radio podcasts will involve regular reports about school life, songs and a series of easy language stories from each partner in their language and English.
"A Story from our literary Treasure Chest" (e-Book):
Pupils write a fairy-tale using simple diction and basic vocabulary so that learners of their language can understand it. They illustrate it which makes it a picture-book for early readers .
"A Jewel in Town"
Partner schools select a point of interest of their town ("a jewel"). They study it, write some short texts and produce a podcast. Additionally they will take short video scenes in which pupils explain their 'jewel'.
Each school in the group is aware of its responsibility and role in the project. All schools have practised and tested the ICT applications and skills which they will bring to the new project with their classes.
January 10th 2017:
Alphabet computer game.
February 21st 2017:
"Tell your story on our School Radio" – refugee children report
March 6th 2017:
Start of "A story from our literary Treasure Chest" (e-book)
April 13th 2017:
School Radio: "A story from our partners"
Sept 18th, 2017:
Start of "A Jewel in Town"
January 15th, 2018
Start of programming "Digital children's picture dictionary"
February 14th, 2018
School Radio: "A Story from the Arabic world"
November 21st, 2018
Three computer games for children with special needs ready to play
The expected impacts on students participating in the project will lead to an increase in:
- ICT skills;
- self-confidence and teamwork which benefits social skills;
- the promotion of creativity, enthusiasm for learning, communication skills, enhanced interpersonal skills;
- understanding that you can connect with people despite differences;
- motivation and ability to communicate and learn in English and other foreign languages;
- knowledge about life and culture in partner countries (conveyed by our School Radio and TwinSpace communication);
- reflection and self-awareness about pupils' own culture and the importance of inclusion;
- realising that behind all refugees coming from middle-east war zones and arriving in the EU there is a dramatic personal fate which they will hear in our School Radio ("reports from refugee children").
Learn and Play with ICT – An Erasmus+ Project
Skopje, Kruševo, Ohrid
Drugi transnacionalni sastanak svih sudionika u Erasmus KA2 Projektu Learn & Play With ICT, održan je u Makedoniji od 8.4.2017. – 11.4.2017.
Raspored događanja je bio sljedeći:
Subota, 8.4.2017.
- svi sudionici partneri okupili su se u Skopju gdje ih je dočekao domaćin, gosp. D. Jankovski, ravnatelj triju područnih škola u Kruševu koji je ujedno i koordinatora ovog projekta za Makedoniju.
Nakon pozdravnog govora novim članovima grupe organizirana je radna večera.
Nedjelja, 9.4.2017.
- nakon kračeg razgledavanja Skopja i upoznavanja sa kulturnim znamenitostima toga glavnog grada Makedonije, sudionici su krenuli za Kruševo.
U Kruševu smo upoznali djelatnike svih triju škola te je nakon smještaja organizirana večera dobrodošlice.
Ponedjeljak, 10.4.2017.
- 8,00- posjeta školama u mjestima Svetomitrani, Presil i Bucin.
Učitelji tih škola organizirali su prezentaciju rada u svojim školama, te nam ukazali na svu različitost tradicija koje se u tim školama njeguju.
Sudionici projekta upoznali su se sa svakodnevnim aktivnostima svih navedenih škola, s načinima upotrebe novih tehnologija u nastavi, udžbenicima, i školskim sustavom Makedonije u cjelini.
Partneri iz Litve prezentirali su u školi kviz Plickers nastao u našem Projektu.
Nakon toga neki od našim partnera dali su intervju za regionalnu TV postaju „Tara“ iz Bitole u svezi provedbe projekta te važnosti uključivanja u ovakve i slične EU projekte radi oplemenjivanja nastavnih sadržaja. Emisiju u kojoj su prikazani intervjui te se govorilo o našem projektu možete pronaći na web stranicama našeg projekta.
Nakon toga sudionici projekta otišli su na primanje kod gradonačelnika Kruševa koji je iznimno zahvalan gosp. Jankovskom što je svojim trudom i zalaganjem u koordinaciji Projekta Learn& Play With ICT doveo stručnjake na području obrazovanja iz 6 zemalja EU što će doprinjeti modernizaciji i večem povezivanju grada Kruševa sa ostalim zemljama EU.
Nakon povratka u hotel, sudionici su održali Powre Point prezentaciju Projekta. Bilo je govora o tome što je u projektu već sve napravljeno ali i dogovora za što skoriju realizaciju ostalih planiranih projektnih aktivnosti.
Naročito je bila naglašena činjenica da se svi sudionici projekta trebaju što više služiti Twinn Spacom za diseminaciju našeg projekta.
Utorak, 121.4.2017.
- „Školski radio“ – Makedonski učenici snimili su radio emisiju za naš Projekt, što je jedan od naših projektnih aktivnosti.
Nakon kračeg druženja sa djelatnicima u školi, krenuli smo za Ohrid.
Razgledavanje kulturnih i povijesnih znamenitosti Ohrida. Posjet muzeju, crkvi i samostanu.
Četvrtak, 13.4.2017.
Povratak za Skopje, aerodrom
Report Meeting Macedonia
April 8th – 11th 2017
Our school invited the group of partners for the second transnational project meeting. All 6 partner schools were represeted by their coordinators plus one or two of their colleagues.
Saturday, April 8th
Partners first met in Skopje where the hosting coordinator Mr. Dragan Jankoski welcomed them.
Sunday, April 9th
The group left for Krusevo to Hotel Vila Gora, the joint accomodation. At 8 pm the hosting school organized a welcome dinner.
Monday, April 10th
8.00 h Visit of all three schools in the villages: Svetomitrani, Presil and Bucin.
Teachers of these school organized a short presentation about their villages and school traditions. The visitors used the chance to have a look at the everyday work at school, at school books and ICT equippment which is used for project and general lessons.
The Lithuanian colleagues were in charge of making a demonstration of „Plickers“ which is one of our ICT apps that is in the project programme.
For the dissemination of our activities a regional TV channel („Tera“ from Bitola) accompanied our visit to all three schools and made scenes and interviews with teachers. Their report was broadcast a day later in an area of about 250.000 people by cable TV (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8bD4qSXssM).
After school the mayor of Krusevo invited our group to his office. He appreciated our project and expressed his thanks and support (http://krusevo.gov.mk/?p=4165).
In the evening we gathered in the meeting hall of our hotel for the project conference. In an illustrated Powerpoint presentation the coordinator gave a review of the project work that had been done during the past months: recordings for the „School radio“, the setting up of the project website, our first teamviewer meetings, self constructed educational computer games, a partner place game made on „learningapp.org“, early experiences with Plickers, Jumpidoo, Kahoot and QR-code.
We discussed the tasks of the following period, especially the use of our Twin Space for class communication and technical aspects for our e-book, for which the Irish partner had already made a sample. Another theme was the joint evaluation of the first project year.
Tuesday, April 11th
In the morning the project team was at school again to take some audio recordings with Macedonian children for the „School radio“.
In the afternoon the whole group and some teachers of the hosting school visited Ohrid which is a famous historical place under the protections of the UNESCO. The Macedonian partner school choose this place for the theme of the protection of the cultural heritage as an example for all partner schools how to implement this important item of the joint work program.
In the evening the whole group met for a final meeting and farewell dinner, expressing their gratitude for this very successful meeting in Macedonia.
10 učenika OŠ Grigora Viteza, Zagreb provelo je tjedan dana na učeničkoj razmjeni, u Irskoj. Učenici su bili smješteni u obiteljima domaćinima, pohađali su nastavu a kasnije u tijeku dana odlazili na mnogobrojne aktivnosti.
Subota, 27.5.2017.
Hrvatski učenici i profesori sastaju se sa svojim domaćinima na Claremorris željezničkoj stanici i nakon dugog puta odlaze kućama sa svojim obiteljima.
Profesori i učenici sa posebnim potrebama odlaze na noćenje u hotel.
Nedjelja, 28.5.2017.
-Irski i Hrvatski učenici odlaze na bicikliranje zelenom stazom od Westporta do Newporta, u trajanju od 22 kilometara te na putu organiziraju piknik. Hrvatski učenici pri tom razgledavaju i postaju svjesni ljepote flore i faune Irske.
Razgled grada Westport. Upoznavanje sa kulturnom baštinom i ljepotama Westporta.
Ponedjeljak, 29.5.2071.
Školske aktivnosti: „upoznaj me“- vježba. Irski učenici dobivaju nova saznanja o novim hrvatskim prijateljima te ih upoznavaju sa ostalim učenicima u drugim razredima.
Hrvatski učenici upoznaju svoje nove irske prijatelje.
U tijeku dana održava se još par igara u cilju što boljeg i bržeg međusobnog upoznavanja učenika.
Dizanje Hrvatske, Irske i EU zastave u dvorištu škole uz himne.
Nakon škole svi učenici odlaze na lokalni bazen gdje moraju savladati prepreke u obliku vodenog dvorca. Nakon toga odlazimo na zajednički ručak te na jezero u blizini Claremorria. Na jezeru nam domaćini organiziraju zajedničku igru u kojoj uz pomoć QR kodova učenici moraju pronaći skrivene riječi i od njih napraviti rečenicu. Igra „Treasure hunt“ uz pomoć QR kodova je jedna od naših aktivnosti u projektu koju smo razvili uz pomoć našeg Španjolskog partnera.
Navečer, Hrvatski su se učenici upoznali sa pravilima igre Irskog Gaelic nogometa te su zajedno sa svojim novim prijateljima odigrali i prijateljsku utakmicu.
Školske aktivnosti- učimo o našem planetu, svemiru, biološkoj raznolikosti i radiomo juhu od biološki uzgojenog povrća.
Istražujemo biljnu i životinjsku raznolikost okolice, upoznajemo se sa novom računalnom matematičkom igrom koju je osmislio naš partner iz Makedonije.
Nakon škole, učenici odlaze na atletski stadion na vježbanje i trčanje a nakon toga na sat jahanja na lokalnu ergelu.
Srijeda, 31.5.2017.
Školske aktivnosti- drama na temu biološke raznolikosti i povezanosti svih bića na zemlji
Nakon toga odlazak u lokalni Muzej seoskog života. Tu su učenici naučili ponešto o starim Irskim igrama, nekolicinu su i isprobali i bilo im je jako zabavno. Nakon razgleda postave muzeja, učenici su pod koordinacijom muzejskog osoblja napravili za uspomenu svoje keramičke tanjure i oslikali ih. Nakon toga učenicima je organiziran sat bowlinga te ručak.
Navečer, učenici i profesori te roditelji sudjelovali su u svečanoj večeri i zabavi povodom našeg odlaska natrag u Hrvatsku.
Irske učenice pokazale su svoja znanja u Irskom tradicionalnom plesu a bivši učenici škole bili su zaduženi za puštanje irske i hrvatske glazbe.
Na kraju večeri, učenici i profesori iz Hrvatske dobili su poklone koje su ponjeli kao lijepe suvenire svojim kućama.
Četvrtak, 1.6.2017.
Sastanak svih učenika i roditelja na stanici u Claremorriu, oproštaj od naših prijatelja i odlazak vlakom za Dablin.
Upoznavanje sa kulturnim spomenicima, muzejima i sveučilištem Trinity. Razgledavanje grada. Kupnja suvenira.
Petak, 2.6.2017.
Povratak za Zagreb
Short-term student exchange report re visit of Croatian pupils/teachers to Ireland: May 27th – June 2nd
Saturday, May 27th, 2017
Croatian pupils and teachers are met at Claremorris train station. Pupils are introduced to their host families.
Sunday, May 28th, 2017
Irish and Croatian pupils/teachers take part in a Greenway cycling excursion from Westport to Newport. It involves sightseeing and becoming aware of the local Irish countryside - flora and fauna.
Monday, May 29th, 2017
School activities - 'getting to know you' exercises. Irish pupils find out about their Croatian visitors and introduce them to other classes in the school. Croatian pupils learn about their Irish friends in Gortskehy school. Further games and activities with the aim of getting to know each other were held during the day. Raising the Croatian, Irish and EU flags while playing the respective national anthems.
After school, the Irish and Croatian pupils were taken to the local swimming pool for 'Bounce and Splash' fun. This was followed by pizza and a visit to the host school 'Jewel in our Town' park. Here, the children took part in a QR code treasure hunt which is one of our project activities and was developed under the guidance of our Spanish partners. In the evening the Croatian pupils were introduced to Gaelic football at the local club pitch. They took part in drills and played a match with their Irish friends which was great fun.
Tuesday, May 30th, 2017
School activities - making soup, learning about our planet and the local countryside, exploring the local plants and insects near the school, playing the latest project maths game developed by our Macedonian partners. After school, the Irish/Croatian pupils took part in athletics activities and went horse riding at Claremorris Equestrian Centre.
Wednesday, May 31st, 2017
School activities - short drama followed by a trip to the local Museum of Country Life. Here the children learned to play traditional Irish games and were introduced to the history of ceramics. They created and painted their own porcelain designs and took their plates home as a souvenir. This was followed by a game of ten-pin bowling at the local bowling alley followed by a farewell party in the evening. Past-pupils of Gortskehy provided a disco with English and Croatian songs. The visiting teachers and pupils were presented with a souvenir of their stay.
Thursday, June 1st, 2017
Excursion to the capital city, Dublin, for some sightseeing.
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Return to Zagreb for our Croatian friends. The exchange was a great experience for our Croatian visitors and the whole teachers, parents and pupils of Gortskehy School.
Annefield • Hollymount • co. Mayo
Phone: 094 9364301 • email: eolas@gortskehy.com
www.gortskehy.com • facebook.com/gortskehy twitter.com/gortskehy
Erasmus+ KA2
Makedonska televizija snimila je prilog o našem projektu Learn & Play with ICT.
Pogledajte što su sve o projektu rekli naši partneri, sudionici u projektu te učenici.
Pripremila: Maja Vunderl Pasarić
Erasmus+ je najveći program za obrazovanje, osposobljavanje, mlade i sport (2014.-2020.) a usmjeren je jačanju znanja i vještina, unaprjeđivanju obrazovanja, osposobljavanja i rada u području mladih i sporta. Naša škola je uspješna u prijavi i provedbi Erasmus+ projekata! Do sada su provedena dva KA1 projekta, u tijeku je provedba KA2 projekta a u prosincu kreće treći KA1 projekt.
Prvi KA1 projekt “Implementacija informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije u nastavi” proveden je tijekom školske godine 2014./2015. Osam sudionika odabranih u projekt su pohađali različite tečajeve koji se tiču uvođenja ICT –a te su ih uveli u svoj svakodnevni rad s učenicima. Izuzetna važnost ovdje je za učenike koji imaju poteškoća u grafomotorici, ne mogu se služiti olovkom zbog tremora ruke, kod učenika sa CP, slabovidnim učenicima i učenicima sa poremećajima pažnje i koncentracije te darovitim učenicima.
Drugi KA1 projekt „CVRČAK“ proveden je školske godine 2016./2017. sa ciljem moderniziranja nastavnog procesa i uvođenja kreativnih metoda u nastavu. Ukupno je 12 sudionika ovog projekta, učitelja i djelatnika stručne službe, pohađalo 11 različitih tečajeva za jačanje učiteljskih kompetencija. Svim tečajevima je zajedničko da potiču upotrebu kreativnih i inovativnih metoda i oblika rada te na taj način daju svim učenicima jednake mogućnosti za obrazovanje, bez obzira na vrstu teškoća a nadarenim pojedincima postizanje visokih rezultata.
KA2 projekt: „LEARN & PLAY WITH ICT“ traje od 1.9.2016. do 31.8.2019. U projektu sudjeluje nekoliko država: Irska (koordinator projekta), Bugarska, Makedonija, Portugal, Španjolska, Litva, Hrvatska te vanjski suradnik, Austrija. Osim mobilnosti učitelja, u ovakvim projektima se organiziraju i mobilnosti učenika. Tako su naši učenici bili u posjeti Irskim učenicima. Cilj projekta je implementacija IKT u nastavi, kreiranje igrica za korištenje u nastavi i razmjena iskustava između zemalja sudionica.
Treći KA1 projekt „Raketa“ odobren je u pozivu za 2017. Godinu. Započinje u prosincu 2017. a cilj mu je jačanje učiteljskih kompetencija u uvođenju STEAM područja u razrednu nastavu kroz inovativne izvannastavne aktivnosti.
The Lithuanian partner school Endriejavo Pagrindine Mokykla invited for the first „Short-term joint staff training event“ between July 3rd - 7th 2017. Ms. Egle Skoleviciene and her team welcomed the representatives of all 7 partner schools to train their ICT skills under the guidance of various tutors. All partner schools had finished their school year so that they were free for this training week, but some of them had to leave their teachers’ evaluations and documentations weeks or cooperations meetings.
A well balanced mix of working sessons, social events and some excursions cared for an instructional and pleasurable week. Partners were accomodated in a Klaipeda hotel but the school bus brought them to the empty school building in Endriejavas, where the working sessions took place.
On the agenda was the finishing of the e-books. This had already been done by partners in the period since the last project meeting in Macedonia in April.
The main theme was the handling with Aurasma for the dominating theme „A juwel in town“ next autumn. Aurasma is a free app for iOS and Android devices. It uses advanced image recognition to blend a 3D image/video onto a 2D image. These blended images are called “Auras”. When someone holds the Aurasma app over a pre-marked picture, it will bring that picture to life. Partners should use this app to present a „jewel“ of their town, this may be a point of interest, a historical site or place of local importance. After demonstrating the pre-prepared Lithuanian Aurasma example, the Irish coordinator Mr. O’Beirn practised Aurasma on the smartphone for everybody, the Lithuanian school explained „Studio Aurasma“ (on the Aurasma website).
Our ICT trainer Mr. Gerald Grahammer introduced Tynker coding to create interactive html5 simulations and presentations in several lessons over the week. Tynker is an alternative to Scratch junior and we decided to replace it.
The Spanish partners demonstrated high quality audio recording with 2 pupils that came back to school from holiday for this purpose. Mr. Leonardo Loianno from Spain gave the partners an introduction to the Audiacity software to edit audio files.
For the evaluation of the first project year the Lithuanian partners suggested Surveymonkey, an ideal tool that can be tailored to our needs. Partners were invited to work out the questions that suit best for our Primary school pupils to get a comprehensiv overview on what pupils have done and which activities they liked best.
Our Portuguese partners showed us an example how to make little games for the mobile phone or online playing on learningapp.org. Partners tried themseves by copying and adapting an existing sample and replace the images and texts with their own ones.
All these trainings made partner fit for the project tasks of autumn 2017 until the next meeting in April 2018.
Ms Egle Skoliviciene offered her visitors an interesting frame programme. She took them to the amber coast near Klaipeda and to a local beekeeper. On Thursday July 6th was the Lithuanian National Day with folk dance from pupils of the school.
početak - završetak
7.10 - 7.55
8.00 - 8.45
8.55 - 9.40
9.50 - 10.35
10.40 - 11.25
11.30 - 12.15
12.30 - 13.15
13.20 - 14.05
14.10 - 14.55
15.00 - 15.45
15.50 - 16.35
« Kolovoz 2024 » | ||||||
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