« Svibanj 2024 » | ||||||
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ŠKOLSKA GODINA 2024./2025.
Odluka o korištenju drugih obrazovnih materijala
Drugi obrazovni materijali - RAZREDNA NASTAVA
Drugi obrazovni materijali - PREDMETNA NASTAVA
šk. god. 2023./2024.
EduOm - edukacije odgojno-obrazovnih djelatnika Omiša
Pod pokroviteljstvom Grada Omiša i Centra za kulturu Omiš održao prvi EduOm. Svoja iskustva, znanje i primjere dobre prakse podijelili su i naši učitelji Marin Juraga i Ivica Štrbac koji su diseminirali Erasmus+ projekte u našoj školi.
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac, Srećko Kovačić and Marin Juraga
Sudionice mobilnosti u Grčkoj su diseminirale mobilnost u razrednom odjelu i pokazale najljepše trenutke provedene u Drami, Thessalonikiju i Kavali. Ispričale su što su naučile i koga sve upoznale na svom Erasmus+ putovanju.
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
We have visited Drama, Greece, and seen a lot of beautiful places, done many workshops, met new friends and enjoyed our participation in the first mobility of this project. To be continued in the school year 2022/2023. Enjoy the photos.
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
The last meeting before visiting Greece was held on Sunday, 8th of April 2022. We are looking forward to meeting new friends and getting to know a new country and culture. 😊
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
Our students have done some research on the topics of famous Croatian Nobels, athletes and actors and made three very interesting presentations which are attached and you can check them out and learn something. 😀
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
We had a meeting during which it has been decided on the first mobility which will happen in June 2022 in Drama, Greece. Looking forward to it! 😀
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
European Day of Languages
Participants from our school have done their best to celebrate the special day of European languages, the clay piece in the middle is the oldest monument of our oldest Slavic script called "Glagoljica". Today, we don't use it anymore, we use the Latin script. Other clay pieces are the alphabets from our partnering countries. Enjoy the photos!
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
Our participants in the project have had a very "tasty" task to make a presentation on the traditional dishes in our country. I think they've done a "delicious" job. See for yourself!
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
Participants, 6th graders, have made a presentation on some famous people and national heroes, a really good job!
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
The participants of higher grades wanted to give their contribution, so they've made geographical presentations of the countries. Thank you all for a fine work!
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
Historical monuments and buidiings of our town
The participants of our school have made this short exciting presentation on the topic. We might say that this is a sneak peek of everything that can be found in our area. Thank you participants!
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
Presentations on partner countires
The participants from class 6th D have made presentations on partnering countries, their location, interesting facts, currency and main cities.
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
English - Croatian dictionary
The participants from classes 6th D and 6th F have made a dictionary of common words and expressions in their everyday life.
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
Presentation on our country
Participants from our school have made a presentation on our country and town. Well done!
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
First meeting through Meet application
Participants got the opportunity to get to know each other virtually. The meeting ended with high hopes from all sides that the getting to know each other won't end like this. Looking forward to meet you in person. 😊
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
Winning logo of the project
The winning logo is the Turkish one with 201 votes. Congrats! 😊
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
Croatian Logo selection
Participants of 6th D and 6th F classes have made their logo proposals for the project. They've done their best and really surprised us all. Well done! 😊
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
School poster for the project
The participants of our school have made a poster that is present in our school hallway for everyone to see. It is a job well done. Many thanks to all of you!
Managed by: Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga
About the project
The reason for implementing the project is the need for students to learn about cultural similarities and differences between different European countries. This need arose after conducting research in our school aimed at understanding the design needs of students. This project is an opportunity for them to broaden their knowledge and get to know cultures in other parts of Europe. The project will actively involve students, teachers, parents, and institutions that deal with the dissemination of culture in each of the partnering countries. Students and teachers have a great opportunity to learn about the culture and traditions of other countries, compare them with the culture and traditions in their country and spread the culture and traditions of their own country. The project is a unique opportunity for students to get the knowledge about cultures of other countries.
Two teachers from our school will lead this project, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga, and the coordinator for our school is Marin Juraga.