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Osnovna škola Josip Pupačić Omiš

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GLOBE program

Meteorološka postaja OŠ Josip Pupačić - Omiš


Meteorološka postaja PŠ Kučiće


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ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky
Na održanom Državnom stručnom skupu iz geografije "Primjena aktualnih projekata u nastavi geografije" 7.srpnja 2023 u Osnovnoj školi Šime Budinića u Zadru, učitelj Ivica Štrbac je kroz temu predavanja "Astronomija u nastavi geografije" diseminirao Erasumus+ projekt Past, present and future - it is all in the sky.
ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

Natjecanje iz astronomije

U ovoj školskoj godini nakon održanog školskog natjecanja 9 učenika se plasiralo na županijsko natjecanje gdje su ostvarili izvrsne rezultate. Učenik 5. razreda Gabriel Mucić osvojio je izvrsno 5. mjesto na Državnom natjecanju iz Astronomije koje se održalo u Makarskoj od 10.-12- svibnja 2023.

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

EduOm - edukacije odgojno-obrazovnih djelatnika Omiša

Pod pokroviteljstvom Grada Omiša i Centra za kulturu Omiš održao prvi EduOm. Svoja iskustva, znanje i primjere dobre prakse podijelili su i naši učitelji Marin Juraga i Ivica Štrbac koji su diseminirali Erasmus+ projekte u našoj školi.

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky


Međunarodna znanstveno-stručna konferencija ENTER- obrazovanje i povezane industrije održala se 2. i 3. 12. 2022. u Spaladium Areni u Splitu. Na Konferenciji su učitelji Tomislav Sorić i Ivica Štrbac diseminirali Erasmus+ projekt Past, present and future- it is all in the sky.

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky


Dio programa Tjedna znanosti bilo je i predavanje znanstvenika Petera Falcona iz NASA-e na temu "NASA Earth Science - Our Changing Climate, Careers, Opportunities and More".

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky


U sklopu Tjedna znanosti koji se u našoj školi održao od 17. do 21. listopada 2023. poveli smo diseminaciju Erasmus+ projekt. Matematičke igre, Čovjek i mjera, Vrijeme i klima, Kemija u bojama i kristali, Micro: maqueen roboti, astronomija i debata Hoće li roboti pospješiti kvalitetu života nazivi su radionica na kojima su učenici usvajali nova znanja i pritom se dobro zabavili. Završni dan Tjedna znanosti obilježili smo svečanim programom ispred škole i raznolikim radionicama (Žućenje smokve, Neobična svojstva vode, Tlo, Fermijev paradoks, Lego roboti, Robo-alka, Meteorološke zanimljivosti mladih GLOBE-ovaca, Računalno razmišljanje, Sudoku, Kahoot u razrednoj nastavi).

Uživali su učitelji, učenici, ali i naši gosti- sudionici Regionalnog GLOBE sastanka i stručnog Programa GLOBE koji se održavao u Omišu.

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky


Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

1st day in Croatia was very exciting. We've enjoyed in the opening ceremony in the congress room of the hotel and went on a tour around the school after which we took a boat ride to a restaurant on the river bank, ate there and had loads of workshops: starrynight, rockets modelling, intro into astrophotography, starrynight. We've also observed the coldest parts of the Sun and the starrysky.


Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

Past, present and future - It is all in the sky

The official programme of the mobility in Croatia! 😊

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

Priloženi dokumenti:
Schedule 1.pdf

MathTeachMeet 2022

Na međužupanijskom stručnom skupu za učitelje i nastavnike matematike prof. Tomislav Sorić je održao predavanje o projektima iz astronomije koji se provode u našoj školi i  njihovoj povezanosti s nastavom matematike.

Skup pod nazivom  "5. MathTeachMeet 2022" održan je hibridno, na splitskom PMF-u i online, a na njemu su sudjelovali učitelji i nastavnici matematike Splitsko-dalmatinske, Šibensko-kninske, Zadarske i Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije.

U ovom predavanju najviše je bilo govora o ERASMUS+ projektu "Past, present and future - It's all in the sky" koji se trenutno provodi u našoj školi.

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

We have visited Drama, Greece, and seen a lot of beautiful places, done many workshops, met new friends and enjoyed our participation in the third mobility of this project. To be continued. Enjoy the photos.

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

We have visited Buzau, Romania, and seen a lot of beautiful places, done many workshops, met new friends and enjoyed our participation in the second mobility of this project. To be continued in the school year 2022/2023. The hosts were perfect, and we are looking forward to seeing them again in Greece. Enjoy the photos.

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga


ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky
U sklopu Festivala znanosti Split na gradskoj plaži u Omišu održane su 4. svibnja 2022. radionice GLOBE programa "Usporedba svojstva tla na ušću rijeka Cetine i Jadro" i Astronomsko promatranje. 
U sklopu diseminacije  Erasmus+ projekta "Past, present, future - It is all in the sky" održana je od 19.30 radionica astronomskog promatranja objekata na noćnom nebu teleskopom te je  održano kratko predavanje o snalaženju na noćnom nebu.
On the 4th of May during the Festival of Science Split at the city beach in Omiš participants held two workshops of the GLOBE programme "The Comparison of land features at the mouth of the rivers Cetina and Jadro" and "Astronomical observation".
On the behalf of the dissemination of the Erasmus+ project "Past, present, future - It's all in the sky", there was a workshop for astronomical observation of the night sky by a telescope  and a short presentaion on the topic of finding your way in the night sky.

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky
Učenici Mate Pešić, Nikša Šimić, Kristo Ora, Frane Pešić i Luka Grabovac, koji su bili na mobilnosti u Poljskoj, diseminirali su ostalim učenicima u školi znanja i vještine koje su naučili tijekom 5-dnevnog boravka u Poljskoj.
Participants Mate Pešić, Nikša Šimić, Kristo Ora, Frane Pešić and Luka Grabovac, who went on the Polish mobility, disseminated the skills and knowledge that they've learned through their 5-day stay in Poland to other students. Their presentation is in the attachment.

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

Priloženi dokumenti:
poljska erasmus+.pdf

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

We have disseminated our Erasmus project through the GeoNight project which was held throughout the world on 1st of April. Although we planned to watch the starry night with a telescope, due to cloudy weather, we had a workshop and one lesson at school on the topic "A walk through night sky" which was held by Tomislav Sorić, a teacher at our school.

Iako smo planirali promatrati teleskopom zvjezdano nebo, zbog lošeg vremena, održana je radionica i predavanje u školi na temu "Šetnja noćnim nebom" koju je održao prof. Tomislav Sorić te radionica izrade zvjezdanog neba.

Link to Geonight:

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

U sklopu natječaja Parka znanosti "Moja svemirska letjelica", među više od 4000 pristiglih radova iz cijele Hrvatske, rad našeg učenika Rafaela Mucića pod vodstvom mentorice Aleksandre Radunić, uvršten je u uži izbor najboljih radova. 


Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

Dear all,

Finally we have made our first mobility to Poland. We have to say a big thank you to the Polish team as the perfect hosts, and give the mobility 5/5. The participants spoke a foreign language, met new friends, experienced new cultures while learning about astronomy and having fun. The participants from our school were supervised by teachers Ivica Štrbac and Tomislav Sorić. 😀


Here are some links where you can check out the details on this mobility and see some more photos and information:

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

We have put the planets of our Solar system in ratios of their real distance from the Sun.

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

Online meeting

It was held on January 19th 2022 and the topic of the meeting was: 1st mobility to Poland.

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga


ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

We've made a book creator where you can read poems written by our participants on the topic, "Moon in our town." This has been done in co-operation with two Croatian teachers at our school: Ljubica Bogdanović and Katarina Srdanović. Thank you colleagues! Moreover, participants photographed the Moon. Enjoy!


Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

Science Week workshop - Solar system

The second workshop was dedicated to the solar system, participants have made models and posters about planets, their moons, meteors, asteroids and space exploration.Enjoy!

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

Science Week workshop - Starry sky observation and constellations

The participants have made a map of the starry sky and learned how to name the constellations of the sky. They've even made some of them. Enjoy!

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky


Stories inspired by the Messier 45 star cluster. How different nations saw this star cluster. Done by the participants under the mentorship of teacher Tomislav Sorić.

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

Online meeting

We talked about the possibility of the first mobility to take place in Poland ath the start of March. Moreover, we mentioned that the project has been prolonged till August 31st 2023 due to the Covid pandemic.

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

Workshop - The Solar System

Art teacher Vedran Urličić did the workshop with 3rd and 6th graders. Enjoy!

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky


Erasmus Day

Participants and other students who are eager to explore have used the telescope to observe the starry sky. They've seen Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and the surface of the moon. Enjoy!

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

WORKSHOP: The Solar System

Teacher Aleksandra Radunić has made the solar system with her 12 year-old students as a part of the Art class. This is just a sneak peak, the rest of the photos are under the post. Well done to all! 😀

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

We had a Zoom meeting in which we've talked about implementing the project in our schools, and about the Erasmus visits to partnering countries. Moreover, we've talked about the upcoming activities in schools, and we've set a new online meeting for the end of November.

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky


These portraits were made by the participants from the 5th E grade and I must say, very nice work indeed. Check them out!

Ruđer Bošković                         Nikola Tesla                             Ruđer Bošković

Andrija Mohorovičić                   Nikola Tesla                             Ruđer Bošković

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

Questionnaire and astronomical dictionary

In this link test your basic astronomy knowledge:

In this link you can find out some of astronomical names in different languages:

All of this was made by the participants from all partnering countries. Enjoy!

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky


Our participants have made presentations on famous Croatian astronomers. Check it out!

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky


The winning logo is a true masterpiece. See for yourself! 😊

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky


Participants of all partnering countries had a logo contest. Here you can see some of them.

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga


ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

School poster for the project

The participants of our school have made a poster that is present in our school hallway for everyone to see. It is a job well done. Many thanks to all of you!

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

Past, present and future - It's all in the sky

Managed by: Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga

Priloženi dokumenti:
KA229-9DB87C7B-PL translation.pdf

ERASMUS+ Past, present and future - It's all in the sky


The project "PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE - IT'S ALL IN THE SKY" will be implemented in the period 2020-2022 by five partner schools from the area of the European Union - Primary School no. 5 from Koszalin (Poland), Scoala Gimnaziala no.7 from Buzau (Romania), ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO S. BAGOLINO from Alcamo (Italy), Primary School No. 12 from Drama (Greece) and Osnovna škola Josip Pupačić from Omiš (Croatia). We plan activities in which all students and teachers of our schools will be direct participants (mobility and work in project clubs) and indirect participants (dissemination activities, promoting workshops in schools, lessons, etc.). We are also planning initiatives for parents and local communities to promote activities. Thanks to dissemination, promotion (website, Facebook, eTwinning) we will also reach other people related to education in the EU.

The main topic of the project is astronomy, and all activities will be related to this issue. We plan to divide the two years of work into three stages - past, present, and future in astronomy. Getting to know the past will bring knowledge (to all participants of the partnership) about the astronomical achievements of the ancient Greeks, Sumerians and Egyptians, Copernicus, Galileo and Hevelius, as well as read legends, stories about the origin of the cosmos, the world and the stars. All these activities aim to compare Europe's common cultural heritage and identify differences and similarities between countries and their history in the field of astronomy.


The present day will focus not only on the current observation of the sky, trips to observatories and planetariums, but also workshop work and expanding the participants' knowledge about the solar system, planets, and the most interesting stars visible in the sky. Our students will improve their skills in sky photography and learn about modern technologies that allow people to travel to the moon, to space stations and build satellites. By participating in a photo competition on the Moon and building models of existing spacecraft, we would like to draw attention to modern technology, the beauty of the sky above our heads and encourage young people to acquire skills that are not usually taught in schools (photography, observation, sky maps, recognition stars in the sky, design).

The future means working on the vision of life in space presented in literature and film. We will learn about the possibilities of modern technology and man in the field of life on Mars or a space station, we will see visions of the future in science fiction films and we will create our own space station consisting of models prepared by all participants of the project. The aim of this stage is to encourage our students to take steps to develop creativity and broaden their astronomy skills in the later stages of their education. All activities will be conducted through workshop activities, joint online or real-time meetings thanks to chats and joint creation of documents and project presentations.

All activities will end with the creation of hard results, i.e., a dictionary of astronomical terms in the languages of the project, models of the solar system, spacecraft, habitats on Mars, a set of legends and stories about the origin of the cosmos, an album of photos of the Moon, presentations about partner countries, quizzes, games, and competitions for topics not only for design, but also for EU countries, presentations and films about discoveries, famous astronomers and space. All these studies and works will be used in the future in science, geography, technology, physics, literature, and English lessons and will be disseminated among all stakeholders.

Soft results include improving the knowledge of English as the working language of the project, increasing the integration of students thanks to common workshop work on the project, expanding knowledge about EU countries, its cultural heritage and human possibilities in terms of space exploration, expanding knowledge on astronomy among primary school students and encouraging them to acquire qualifications in this field at future stages of education, increasing self-esteem through independent trips and contacts with students from other countries and sensitizing all participants of the project to cultural diversity, the need for integration and a sense of belonging to the community of the European Union.

Three teachers from our school will lead this project, Tomislav Sorić, Ivica Štrbac and Marin Juraga, with Tomislav Sorić as the coordinator for our school.


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