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Osnovna škola Josip Pupačić Omiš

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GLOBE program

Meteorološka postaja OŠ Josip Pupačić - Omiš


Meteorološka postaja PŠ Kučiće


Brojač posjeta
Ispis statistike od 3. 12. 2011.

Ukupno: 1278449
Ovaj mjesec: 4305
Danas: 98
Povratak na prethodnu stranicu Ispiši članak Pošalji prijatelju
Autor: Marin Juraga, 11. 5. 2017.

11th May 2017 - DAY 3

1. Workshop: FLORA & FAUNA

2. I'ts Quiz Time - ICT

3. Workshop: "Let's plant an olive tree!"

4. THEME EVENING: International dinner

5. Self-evaluation


1. Workshop: FLORA & FAUNA

This was an exciting day in which we've learned a lot about the flora and fauna of the participating countries in the presentations of the participants themselves.

For more larger photos click here.

2. I'ts Quiz Time - ICT

Again, the participants prepared questions for the digital quiz, and gave their reviews on their visit in a programme called Linoit.

For more larger photos click here.

3. Workshop: "Let's plant an olive tree!"

In this workshop, the participants visited the president of the "Olive Association" and afterwards planted an olive tree in the school garden.

For more larger photos click here.

4. THEME EVENING: International dinner

In the evening the participants made an exhibition of the photos of their traditional food and we ate some as well! We danced also! smiley

For more larger photos click here.

5. Self-evaluation

Today, as every other day, the participants made a self-evaluation of the workshops.

For more larger photos click here.

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