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Blog uèiteljice Nusrete Murtiè

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Großer Erfolg für unseren Schüler Goran Veljović beim internationalen Deutschwettbewerb
10.06.2024. 11:15
Großer Erfolg für unseren Schüler Goran Veljović beim internationalen Deutschwettbewerb
Wir freuen uns, mitteilen zu können, dass unser Schüler Goran Veljović beim internationalen Deutschwettbewerb den ersten Platz belegt hat. Diese herausragende Leistung ist ein Beweis für Gorans Engagement und Fähigkeiten. Seine Mentorin, Nusreta Murtič, hat ihn während der Vorbereitung unterstützt und maßgeblich zu diesem Erfolg beigetragen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Goran und seine Mentorin für diese beeindruckende Leistung!

24.05.2024. 10:48
U & ME Buddies indeed!
„U & ME, Buddies Indeed!“ ist ein Bildungsprojekt, das die soziale Inklusion und die Entwicklung wesentlicher Fähigkeiten von Schülern durch kreative und integrative Aktivitäten fördern soll. Das Projekt, das von Oktober 2023 bis Mai 2024 läuft, bindet Schülern aus verschiedenen Ländern in monatliche Aktivitäten ein, die Freundschaft, Vielfalt und Zusammenarbeit fördern. Ziele: - Förderung der sozialen Integration und des Verständnisses für Vielfalt. - Entwicklung dervFähigkeiten des 21. Jahrhunderts: kritisches Denken, Problemlösung und Kreativität. - Unterstützung  des Sprachenlernens. - Selbstvertrauen und persönliche Weiterentwicklung durch internationale Zusammenarbeit fördern. - Integration der digitalen Fähigkeiten und künstliche Intelligenz in das Lernen. Besondere Aktivitäten: - Logo-Integration und -Auswahl. - Erstellung von Weihnachtskarten und Online-Meetings zum Kennenlernen von Austauschpartnern. - Gemischte Teamarbeit zur Lösung von Problemen und zur Durchführung kreativer Aktivitäten. Erwartete Ergebnisse: - Sensibilisierung für soziale Inklusion. - Verbesserung der sprachlichen und sozialen Fähigkeiten. - Entwicklung des Gefühls der europäischen Staatsbürgerschaft. - Förderung der aktiven Teilnahme und Entscheidungsfindung in der Schulgemeinschaft.

16.02.2024. 12:50
Großer Erfolg !
Bei dem regionalen Deutschwettbewerb , der am 14. Februar 2024 in der Grundschule Zamet in Rijeka stattfand, erzielten die Schüler Goran Veljović und Ema Žagar herausragende Ergebnisse. Goran belegte den ersten Platz, während Ema den dritten Platz in ihren Kategorien erreichte. Wir gratulieren ihnen zu diesem großen Erfolg!  

08.01.2024. 15:01
Frohe Weihnachten aus aller Welt zum 4. Mal-eTwinning Projekt
Der Projekt "Frohe Weihnachten aus aller Welt" ist ein eTwinning-Projekt, das von Deutschlehrern aus 20 Partnerschulen in ganz Europa gemeinsam geleitet wurde. Das Ziel des Projekts war es, den Schülern beizubringen, Weihnachtskarten auf Deutsch zu schreiben, ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern und zu erforschen, wie Weihnachten in verschiedenen Ländern gefeiert wird. Die Schüler haben Weihnachtskarten hergestellt, die sie mit Partnern aus anderen Schulen ausgetauscht haben. Das Projekt beinhaltete auch die Untersuchung der Weihnachtsbräuche in der lokalen Gemeinschaft, die Wiederbelebung dieser Bräuche in der Schule und die Zubereitung traditioneller Weihnachtsgebäcke. Die Teilnahme am Projekt ermöglichte den Schülern einen interkulturellen Austausch von Erfahrungen und ein besseres Verständnis der verschiedenen Bräuche in ganz Europa.    

27.10.2023. 17:30
Europäischer Foodtruck
Im Rahmen des Projekts "Europäischer Foodtruck" werden die Schüler die folgenden Aktivitäten durchführen: Forschung und Präsentation: Die Schüler erforschen traditionelle Gerichte aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern und präsentieren ihre Ergebnisse. Virtuelle Kochworkshops: Die Schüler nehmen an Online-Kochworkshops teil, in denen sie Gerichte zubereiten und vorstellen. Rezeptaustausch: Die Schüler tauschen Rezepte mit Partnern aus anderen Ländern aus und probieren ausländische Gerichte. Digitales Portfolio: Die Schüler erstellen ein digitales Portfolio mit Fotos, Rezepten und Beschreibungen der zubereiteten Gerichte. Kulturelle Präsentationen: Die Schüler bereiten Präsentationen über kulturelle Bräuche in Bezug auf Essen in ihrem Land vor und teilen diese mit den Partnern. Vorteile der Zusammenarbeit: Interkulturelles Lernen: Schüler lernen über verschiedene Kulturen und kulinarische Traditionen. Sprachliche Verbesserung: Schüler verbessern ihre Deutschkenntnisse durch die Verwendung der Sprache in realen Kontexten. Digitale Fähigkeiten: Schüler entwickeln ihre digitalen Fähigkeiten durch die Nutzung der eTwinning-Plattform und anderer digitaler Werkzeuge. Kreativität und praktische Fähigkeiten: Schüler erweitern ihre kreativen und praktischen Fähigkeiten durch die Zubereitung und Präsentation von Gerichten. Netzwerkbildung: Schüler knüpfen Kontakte und arbeiten mit Altersgenossen aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern zusammen, was ihre sozialen Kompetenzen stärkt.     

Povratak na prethodnu stranicu Ispi¹i èlanak Po¹alji prijatelju
The Week of the USA 2015
Autor: Vedran Vi¹niæ, 11. 12. 2015.




The Week of the USA

December 7th, 2015 – December 11th,2015


On Monday, December 7th two 6th class pupils, Vanja and Roberta Vuèiniæ opened the Week of the USA  in both English and Croatian language. Why in both languages? Because the pupils from the lower classes don't understand that much of English. As well as some teachers. So they did the opening speech bilingually and everyone could understand everything.

With the last words of the opening speech the national anthem The Star - Spangled Banner started.

The guided tour was led by a 6th class pupil Valentina Alinèiæ dresses like Cinderella, a famous Disney cartoon character.

Not to get lost on the way...they just needed to follow Olaf, the most notorious snowman in the whole world who likes warm hugs and dreams of summer.

At the school entrance there was a desk decorated with the Welcome sign and Ernest Hemingways's picture next to it. There was also a red rose since this flower is the official flower of the USA as well as a bald eagle as the official animal of the country.


The next in line to represent the USA was one of the most popular cartoon characters of all times, the one and only – Queen Elsa of Arendell! And, of course, summer-loving Olaf!

At the very beginning of the tour she took them on a journey through geography of the USA and they got to know how many federal states make the USA and which are their capitals. They found out that there are 50 stars on the US flag that represent 50 federal states. Although each state has its own capital, the capital of the whole USA is Washington, DC.

Regarding the history of the USA, they got to know many interesting facts on the Native Americans and some of the most famous warriors such as Geronimo, Crazy Horse, Cochise, Tecumseh and a woman named Pocahontas who married a white man and even met the King of England. Which one, you wonder. It was James I. The Battle of the Little Bighorn was mentioned as well. Pupils were able to see the symbols used by the Native Americans to communicate, so there was a symbol of a snake which meant defiance. All the chiefs were presented with their own figure.

We travelled through the history thanks to the presidents of the USA of which we mentioned some such as George Washington as the 1st president of the USA, Benjamin Franklin as one of the Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson as one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence, then Theodore Roosevelt as the youngest US president at the time of the election, Abraham Lincoln during whose presidentship slavery was finally abolished and Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal.

John F. Kennedy got his own poster representing him and his family as well as the curse that follows them where ever they go. So pupils got to know all the tragedies that had happened to the members of the Kennedy family. They saw a world famous photograph of little John John saluting his father.

The last among the presidents was Barack Obama as the current president and the first African – American President of the USA.  

A special poster was made with famous quotes such as Lincoln's Those who deny freedom to other deserve it not for themselves, and many more.

They learnt something about the US governement and how it functions – who makes the laws, who enforces them and what is the highest court in the country. They got a chance to see three seals: the President's seal, the Vice-President's seal and the seal of the US Senate. They noticed the bald eagle on each of the three seals.

There was a poster about the Ivy League and all of the eight universities that are a part of it. They saw each university's coat of arms as well as its motto.

They revised many well-known landmarks thanks to the poster containing infomation about them. But there were also many paper models of those landmarks such as the White House, the Capitol Hill, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Golden Gate Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, Independence Hall, Lincoln Memorial, the Statue of Liberty, and so on.

They enjoyed learning about the film and music industry including names such as Marilyn Monroe, James Dean and Elizabeth Taylor, the old Hollywood glam as well as notorious Dynasty, then more recent Gilmore Girls, Seinfeld and their favourite The Big Bang Theory and Dr Sheldon Cooper's „Bazinga!“.

We also presented a Barbie doll representing Eliza Doolittle from the film My Fair Lady which is the exact Audrey Hepburn's replica.

There was a special corner dear to children as well as adults. It was the Disneyland corner with a poster and many figures representing the Disney's princesses, the first Disney's characters such as Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Daisy Duck as well as more recent ones such as Anna, Elsa, Olaf, and many more.

Music introduced them to some of the greatest artists such as Elvis Presley, the king of rock 'n' roll, Madonna, a true queen of pop as well as the king of pop and the creator of the Moonwalk, Michael Jackson.

Literature was represented by two great writers – Ernest Hemingway and Mark Twain.

The last poster in line was the black one to show the most tragic event in the recent US history. It's 9/11. Each class paid its respect with a moment of silence for the innocent victims of that tragedy. May they rest in peace!

They were introduced to Jackson Pollock's art and the way he created his paintings.

Since we all love to eat, we had to mention some traditional dishes such as Yankee pot roast, chocolate chip cookies, red velvet cake, meatloaf and so on.

Pupils had a chance to read an American legend on Rip van Winkle as well as a Native American story/legend on The Creation of the Navajo People.

On Thursday, 10th December the 4th class pupils had a music/dance workshop during which they danced the polka which is the official state dance of Wisconsin. The song to which they danced was Oh Susana. Thanks to that song they learnt the names of  two federal states – Alabama and Louisiana. They also learnt what benjo is. And the most important – they had fun!

The 1st, the 2nd and the 3rd class pupils had a cartoon workshop based on their Disney's cartoons after which they made drawings of their favourite Disney cartoon characters.

On 10th December our school was visited by the US Embassy. On the behalf of the Embassy Ms Marica Bahlen and the Embassy's intern Jacob Greenberg came. They took a walk through our exhibition guided by our own Cinderella after which Mr Greenberg gave a presentation on Atlanta, Georgia. Afterwards the pupils got the chance to ask him some question about his life, education, work at the Embassy and his favourites (writers, books, music, food, etc.). Pupils were given the US flags to always remember this visit by..

After the official part of the visit, we had a little after party. And guess what!? The „American“ cake was there, too. And it was delicious!

The US Embassy gave us a photo of the Capitol Hill which represents the US government.

We would also like to thank the Embassy of the United States of America for supporting us every step of the way.

Special thank you goes to Ms Marica Bahlen from the US Embassy in Zagreb who was so very helpful and supportive every step of the way  as well as the Embassy's intern Mr Jacob Greenberg for bringing a little bit of the USA to us.


You have...

...a beautiful homeland everyone should visit at least once in a lifetime amazing cultural heritage

...the education system you should be proud of

...the writers everyone should read



...and, of course, Walt Disney!laugh




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A school trip to the Plitvice Lakes

On 7 October we visited one of Crotian national parks which is also the oldest one. We had a lot of fun on the way well as on the way home...At first the weather was cloudy but it wasn't raining. However, our luck didn't last...During the second half of our sightseeing the rain started...and we hurried to the bus...Some of us got wet more than others.

Despite the weather we had the best time ever!


P.S. It was also our teacher's birthday and our present to her was a folk song wishing her to live until she's 105 and then all over again!laugh


6th class, Moravice

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