There is an ancient Latin proverb which says: ''Quot linguas calles, tot homines vales.'' In English it means:''You are worth as many people as the languages that you speak.''
We are sure you will agree with it. Therefore, see the opportunity of learning and studying foreign languages at school as the opportunity to become worthier and better prepared for the great adventure ahead of you, the adventure called – LIFE.
Dopunska nastava
Dodatna nastava
Useful websites
Dear pupils,
Here you can find a few links to some useful websites which can help you learn English!
If you need to check the meaning of a word, this online monolingual dictionary and thesaurus can help.
You can also play scrabble and practice your vocabulary in a fun way!
If you want to know which words go together, use this collocation dictionary and study, write and speak natural-sounding English.