1.a | 1.b | 1.c | |
2.a | 2.b | 2.c | |
3.a | 3.b | 3.c | |
4.a | 4.b | 4.c | |
5.a | 5.b | 5.c | |
6.a | 6.b | 6.c | 6.d |
7.a | 7.b | 7.c | 7.d |
8.a | 8.b | 8.c | 8.d |
« Rujan 2023 » | ||||||
Po | Ut | Sr | Če | Pe | Su | Ne |
28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 1 |
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
1. studenog (srijeda) – Svi sveti
18. studenog (subota) – Dan sjećanja na žrtve Domovinskog rata i Dan sjećanja na žrtvu Vukovara i Škabrnje
25. prosinca (ponedjeljak) – Božić
26. prosinca (utorak) – Sveti Stjepan
1. siječnja (ponedjeljak) – Nova godina
6. siječnja (subota) – Sveta tri kralja
31. ožujka (nedjelja) – Uskrs
1. travnja (ponedjeljak) – Uskrsni ponedjeljak
1. svibnja (srijeda) – Praznik rada
30. svibnja (četvrtak) – Dan državnosti
30. svibnja (četvrtak) – Tijelovo
22. lipnja (subota) – Dan antifašističke borbe
VWAP-Virtual Water Ambassadors Project
O projektu
U projektu sudjeluju škole iz Turske, Bosne i Hercegovine i učenice naše škole Eni Drakulić i Vinka Šogorić iz 7.b s mentoricom Gordanom Kalanj Kraljević.
Mislite li da će Zemlja ostati bez vode? Štedite vodu! Možete pomoći u zaštiti voda i živih bića koja o njoj ovise. Voda je tekućina koja omogućuje život na Zemlji. Svim živim bićima potrebna je voda da bi preživjela. Bez vode, život kakav znamo ne bi postojao. A život postoji svugdje gdje postoji voda. Voda je dragocjena. Kako osigurati dovoljno čiste, svježe vode za dijeljenje sa svim živim bićima? Voda je bitna za život. Globalna kriza vode nije samo kriza vode, već i ekonomska kriza, zdravstvena kriza i kriza obrazovanja koja zajednicama oduzima budućnost.
Usporediti virtualnu potrošnju
Izračunati vodeni otisak
Kritički se odnositi prema prirodnim resursima
Govoriti i pisati na engleskom jeziku
Koristi razne informatičke alate
Upoznati pripadnike druge kulture
Raditi i surađivati s pripadnicima drugih naroda i kultura
O projektu
Do you think Earth will ever run out of water?
Be a Water Saver! You can help protect freshwater and the living things that depend on it.Water is the liquid that makes life on Earth possible. All living things need water to survive.Without water, life as we know it would not exist.And life exists wherever there is water.water is precious.Every drop of water we use, or waste, continues through the water cycle. It ends up getting used by someone (or something) else. How do we make sure there is enough clean,fresh water to share with all living things? We can use water more wisely.
They will realize the damages of water consumption to the world
They will learn what is virtual water waste and savings
They will distinguish between virtual water consumption and water consumption
They will learn their water footprints
It will calculate the water footprint
They will learn the water indem
They will realize the quotations about water and understand the importance of water
He will notice the water resources of his country
Will learn the reasons for the decrease in water resources
He will learn the place of water in his culture
They will promise, and drink, to save water
At the end of the project, they will have the Virtual Water Ambassador Certificate
Teams will be created
Project kick off meeting will be held
Distribution of tasks between partners
Partners will introduce themselves
Project promotion animation will be prepared
Banners and posters will be prepared
Pre-test for virtual water and water waste awareness
Water footprint will be calculated
Water footprints will be shared
Contract will be prepared to save water
will be promised, will be signed.
Virtual water consumption report will be prepared.
Proverbs and idioms on water will be explored
Will be prepared with the poster
Painting will be done
The water footprint will be recalculated.
Final test for virtual water and water waste awareness
Differences for water use will be plotted
Virtual water certificate will be prepared
Short films will be made from the works
All partners will keep a diary for their water spending