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Gospodarska škola Varaždin

Hanau, Germany, (16th-19th June 2014)


The fifth meeting was organised in Otto-Hahn-Schule in Hanau, Germany. It is a general secondary school with about 1750 students who attend three types of schools: Hauptschule, Realschule and Gymnasium. There were 14 students, 12 teachers and 1 headmaster visiting the host school.



The host school organised the official reception at which the partners were greeted by the headmaster and the city official who both expressed the importance of such projects and international cooperation between schools. After that, the guests went on a school tour learning about the school premises. They were shown several classrooms and staff rooms, biology and chemistry laboratories, Comenius corner and the new part of the school still under construction as well as the school playground. At the certificate ceremony the guests could see the artistic performance of Otto-Hahn-Schule students who showed us what they do in many of their extra-curricular activities (poetry, drama, music and dance clubs).




Three meetings were organised at which the final products of the project were shown and  discussed: the project diary (Croatian task), the project video including the students' experiences and evaluation (Turkish task) and the final document which will include the guidelines for foreign language teaching with/, good practice activities (and so called, „Ten commandments“) as well as other project results (Spanish and German task). Furthermore, the final evaluation of the project (Norwegian task) was discussed and suggestions for changes were given. Then, the final report of the project was discussed. Finally, a lot of ideas for the future cooperation between the schools were suggested and developed.



The students partitipated in workshops introducing themselves and presenting their school life. They also attended their hosts’ lessons observing the learning – teaching process. They also showed their knowledge in a quiz on European countries.



The hosts organised a variety of extra activities so that the teachers and students could learn more about the city of Hanau, the region and Germany in general. A guided tour of Hanau was organised where the partners learned a lot about the Grimm brothers, their world famous work and the fairytale festivals organised annually as well as about the famous city goldsmiths. A trip to Frankfurt was particularly interesting as it is the financial hub of the region with an interesting skyline and numerous cultural and historic monuments and shopping malls. Another trip was organised to a beautiful historic town of Marburg.




Of course, the Comenius guests had the chance to learn and taste delicious regional specialties as for instance Apfelwein;  Handkäse;  grüne Soße mit Eiern;  Rindswurst;  

gegrilltes Rippchen mit Sauerkraut; Frankfurter Schnitzel; Bratkartoffeln.


Presentation Hanau - Vanja Perši


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