preskoči na sadržaj

Natjecanje: “Become an Ambassador for a day and stand up for Gender Equality“

Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja zaprimilo je poziv za sudjelovanje na natjecanju pod nazivom “Become an Ambassador for a day and stand up for Gender Equality“ u organizaciji veleposlanstava nekoliko zemalja u Republici Hrvatskoj.

Informacije o uvjetima sudjelovanja te druge detalje možete pronaći u proslijeđenoj poruci u nastavku.

Uprava za odgoj i obrazovanje Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja

From: Grahovac, Dijana
Subject: Competition for young girls and boys 16-18

If you have or know of young girls and boys who are aged 16-18 and who would like to become an Ambassador for a day with the aim to stand up for gender equality, we would like to hear their ideas on this important topic.

A competition has been organised by several Embassies in Zagreb to find young Ambassadors.  Apart from the Australian Embassy, other Embassies participating are the Embassies of the UK, Canada, Ireland, Netherlands, Norwegian, Sweden, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France, Spain and the USA. 

This competition is being organised under the patronage of Her Excellency Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, President of the Republic of Croatia.



To enter the competition the entrant will need to make a video (maximum one minute in length) explaining in English what they would do if they were the Ambassador for a day to #pressforprogress on gender equality.  Maximum one video entry per individual.


When the video is created (only good quality videos will be considered), they need to fill out the application form found on:   and then send to:

 Deadline for submission is 8 April 2018.

Successful finalists will get to spend the day (24 April) with an Ambassador, experiencing what a typical day as a diplomat looks like and take part in a Roundtable Debate on Gender Equality.

Please feel free to forward the attached flyer to anyone who may be interested in this great opportunity.


Kind regards 

Dijana Grahovac

Consular and Public Diplomacy Officer

Tel: +385 (0)1 4891 200

Fax: +385 (0)1 4891 216

Australian Embassy in Croatia (Zagreb)

Centar Kaptol, Nova Ves 11/3

10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Izvor: Srednja škola Lovre Montija, Knin; odgojiobrazovanje
Priloženi dokumenti:
Become_an_Ambassador_for_a_day.pdf (512.99 KB)

Pošalji prijatelju Pošalji prijatelju
objavio: Berta Dragičević   datum: 24. 3. 2018.


Natjecanje: “Become an Ambassador for a day and stand up for Gender Equality“

Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja zaprimilo je poziv za sudjelovanje na natjecanju pod nazivom “Become an Ambassador for a day and stand up for Gender Equality“ u organizaciji veleposlanstava nekoliko zemalja u Republici Hrvatskoj.

Informacije o uvjetima sudjelovanja te druge detalje možete pronaći u proslijeđenoj poruci u nastavku.

Uprava za odgoj i obrazovanje Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja

From: Grahovac, Dijana
Subject: Competition for young girls and boys 16-18

If you have or know of young girls and boys who are aged 16-18 and who would like to become an Ambassador for a day with the aim to stand up for gender equality, we would like to hear their ideas on this important topic.

A competition has been organised by several Embassies in Zagreb to find young Ambassadors.  Apart from the Australian Embassy, other Embassies participating are the Embassies of the UK, Canada, Ireland, Netherlands, Norwegian, Sweden, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France, Spain and the USA. 

This competition is being organised under the patronage of Her Excellency Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, President of the Republic of Croatia.



To enter the competition the entrant will need to make a video (maximum one minute in length) explaining in English what they would do if they were the Ambassador for a day to #pressforprogress on gender equality.  Maximum one video entry per individual.


When the video is created (only good quality videos will be considered), they need to fill out the application form found on:   and then send to:

 Deadline for submission is 8 April 2018.

Successful finalists will get to spend the day (24 April) with an Ambassador, experiencing what a typical day as a diplomat looks like and take part in a Roundtable Debate on Gender Equality.

Please feel free to forward the attached flyer to anyone who may be interested in this great opportunity.


Kind regards 

Dijana Grahovac

Consular and Public Diplomacy Officer

Tel: +385 (0)1 4891 200

Fax: +385 (0)1 4891 216

Australian Embassy in Croatia (Zagreb)

Centar Kaptol, Nova Ves 11/3

10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Izvor: Srednja škola Lovre Montija, Knin; odgojiobrazovanje
Priloženi dokumenti:
Become_an_Ambassador_for_a_day.pdf (512.99 KB)

Pošalji prijatelju Pošalji prijatelju
objavio: Berta Dragičević   datum: 24. 3. 2018.

Rezultati Županijskog natjecanja iz kemije

      Županijsko natjecanje iz kemije održano je 3.3.2023. godine u OŠ Skradin.​

Na Županijsko natjecanje iz kemije u znanju pozvano je 37 učenika, 28 učenika iz OŠ i 9 učenika iz SŠ.

U prilogu se nalaze rezultati za sve razrede.

Svim učenicima i njihovim mentorima čestitke na ostvarenom rezultatu!

Hvala OŠ Skradin na gostoprimstvu!



Marijana Zaninović, prof.

Predsjednica Županijskog porvjerenstva za provedbu natjecanja iz kemije

Humanitarna akcija ambasadora EPAS programa

Dragi učenici i učenice, poštovane kolegice i kolege,

vjerujemo da ste primijetili rozi plakat po školi 😊

Plakat su izradile Andrea i Dora učenice 2.a razreda i njime najavljujemo početak humanitarne akcije prikupljanja novčanih sredstava za djecu i mlade s Downovim sindromom - korisnike Centra Juraj Bonači (podružnica Sinj).

Promičući europske vrijednosti sloboda, zajedništvo, jednakost, inkluzivnost, a pod sloganom EU „Ujedinjeni u različitosti“ pozivamo vas da donirate 1€!

Unaprijed hvala,

učenici ambasadori programa EPAS škola i njihovi voditelji!


Natjecanje: “Become an Ambassador for a day and stand up for Gender Equality“

Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja zaprimilo je poziv za sudjelovanje na natjecanju pod nazivom “Become an Ambassador for a day and stand up for Gender Equality“ u organizaciji veleposlanstava nekoliko zemalja u Republici Hrvatskoj.

Informacije o uvjetima sudjelovanja te druge detalje možete pronaći u proslijeđenoj poruci u nastavku.

Uprava za odgoj i obrazovanje Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja

From: Grahovac, Dijana
Subject: Competition for young girls and boys 16-18

If you have or know of young girls and boys who are aged 16-18 and who would like to become an Ambassador for a day with the aim to stand up for gender equality, we would like to hear their ideas on this important topic.

A competition has been organised by several Embassies in Zagreb to find young Ambassadors.  Apart from the Australian Embassy, other Embassies participating are the Embassies of the UK, Canada, Ireland, Netherlands, Norwegian, Sweden, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France, Spain and the USA. 

This competition is being organised under the patronage of Her Excellency Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, President of the Republic of Croatia.



To enter the competition the entrant will need to make a video (maximum one minute in length) explaining in English what they would do if they were the Ambassador for a day to #pressforprogress on gender equality.  Maximum one video entry per individual.


When the video is created (only good quality videos will be considered), they need to fill out the application form found on:   and then send to:

 Deadline for submission is 8 April 2018.

Successful finalists will get to spend the day (24 April) with an Ambassador, experiencing what a typical day as a diplomat looks like and take part in a Roundtable Debate on Gender Equality.

Please feel free to forward the attached flyer to anyone who may be interested in this great opportunity.


Kind regards 

Dijana Grahovac

Consular and Public Diplomacy Officer

Tel: +385 (0)1 4891 200

Fax: +385 (0)1 4891 216

Australian Embassy in Croatia (Zagreb)

Centar Kaptol, Nova Ves 11/3

10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Izvor: Srednja škola Lovre Montija, Knin; odgojiobrazovanje
Priloženi dokumenti:
Become_an_Ambassador_for_a_day.pdf (512.99 KB)

Pošalji prijatelju Pošalji prijatelju
objavio: Berta Dragičević   datum: 24. 3. 2018.






Natjecanje: “Become an Ambassador for a day and stand up for Gender Equality“

Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja zaprimilo je poziv za sudjelovanje na natjecanju pod nazivom “Become an Ambassador for a day and stand up for Gender Equality“ u organizaciji veleposlanstava nekoliko zemalja u Republici Hrvatskoj.

Informacije o uvjetima sudjelovanja te druge detalje možete pronaći u proslijeđenoj poruci u nastavku.

Uprava za odgoj i obrazovanje Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja

From: Grahovac, Dijana
Subject: Competition for young girls and boys 16-18

If you have or know of young girls and boys who are aged 16-18 and who would like to become an Ambassador for a day with the aim to stand up for gender equality, we would like to hear their ideas on this important topic.

A competition has been organised by several Embassies in Zagreb to find young Ambassadors.  Apart from the Australian Embassy, other Embassies participating are the Embassies of the UK, Canada, Ireland, Netherlands, Norwegian, Sweden, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France, Spain and the USA. 

This competition is being organised under the patronage of Her Excellency Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, President of the Republic of Croatia.



To enter the competition the entrant will need to make a video (maximum one minute in length) explaining in English what they would do if they were the Ambassador for a day to #pressforprogress on gender equality.  Maximum one video entry per individual.


When the video is created (only good quality videos will be considered), they need to fill out the application form found on:   and then send to:

 Deadline for submission is 8 April 2018.

Successful finalists will get to spend the day (24 April) with an Ambassador, experiencing what a typical day as a diplomat looks like and take part in a Roundtable Debate on Gender Equality.

Please feel free to forward the attached flyer to anyone who may be interested in this great opportunity.


Kind regards 

Dijana Grahovac

Consular and Public Diplomacy Officer

Tel: +385 (0)1 4891 200

Fax: +385 (0)1 4891 216

Australian Embassy in Croatia (Zagreb)

Centar Kaptol, Nova Ves 11/3

10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Izvor: Srednja škola Lovre Montija, Knin; odgojiobrazovanje
Priloženi dokumenti:
Become_an_Ambassador_for_a_day.pdf (512.99 KB)

Pošalji prijatelju Pošalji prijatelju
objavio: Berta Dragičević   datum: 24. 3. 2018.



Natjecanje: “Become an Ambassador for a day and stand up for Gender Equality“

Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja zaprimilo je poziv za sudjelovanje na natjecanju pod nazivom “Become an Ambassador for a day and stand up for Gender Equality“ u organizaciji veleposlanstava nekoliko zemalja u Republici Hrvatskoj.

Informacije o uvjetima sudjelovanja te druge detalje možete pronaći u proslijeđenoj poruci u nastavku.

Uprava za odgoj i obrazovanje Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja

From: Grahovac, Dijana
Subject: Competition for young girls and boys 16-18

If you have or know of young girls and boys who are aged 16-18 and who would like to become an Ambassador for a day with the aim to stand up for gender equality, we would like to hear their ideas on this important topic.

A competition has been organised by several Embassies in Zagreb to find young Ambassadors.  Apart from the Australian Embassy, other Embassies participating are the Embassies of the UK, Canada, Ireland, Netherlands, Norwegian, Sweden, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France, Spain and the USA. 

This competition is being organised under the patronage of Her Excellency Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, President of the Republic of Croatia.



To enter the competition the entrant will need to make a video (maximum one minute in length) explaining in English what they would do if they were the Ambassador for a day to #pressforprogress on gender equality.  Maximum one video entry per individual.


When the video is created (only good quality videos will be considered), they need to fill out the application form found on:   and then send to:

 Deadline for submission is 8 April 2018.

Successful finalists will get to spend the day (24 April) with an Ambassador, experiencing what a typical day as a diplomat looks like and take part in a Roundtable Debate on Gender Equality.

Please feel free to forward the attached flyer to anyone who may be interested in this great opportunity.


Kind regards 

Dijana Grahovac

Consular and Public Diplomacy Officer

Tel: +385 (0)1 4891 200

Fax: +385 (0)1 4891 216

Australian Embassy in Croatia (Zagreb)

Centar Kaptol, Nova Ves 11/3

10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Izvor: Srednja škola Lovre Montija, Knin; odgojiobrazovanje
Priloženi dokumenti:
Become_an_Ambassador_for_a_day.pdf (512.99 KB)

Pošalji prijatelju Pošalji prijatelju
objavio: Berta Dragičević   datum: 24. 3. 2018.

Projekt o darovitosti

Poticanje darovitosti - Lovre Montija

Narodna knjižnica Knin

Školski kalendar 23/24

Kad zvoni?
1. sat 8:00 - 8:45
2. sat 8:50 - 9:35
3. sat 9:40 - 10:25
odmor 10:25 - 10:40
4. sat 10:40 - 11:25
5. sat 11:30 - 12:15
6. sat 12:20 - 13:05
7. sat 13:10 - 13:55

Prijavi zlostavljanje


Brojač posjeta
Ispis statistike od 3. 3. 2010.

Ukupno: 478062
Danas: 25

preskoči na navigaciju